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List of International Clans

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There's no many International Clans or from Europe (excluding Russia), I guess, so to help people find international clan and let them play together with others, not lonely between thousand of russians you can write here the name of international clan you've noticed. Help us build international community, make our side stronger.


1. Clan Name - International clan or for example Polish/Czech and so on

2. Number of clan members

3. CL name


1. Pure - International

2. 124 clan members

3. "TheBoss


1. Primes - International

2. 78 clan members

3. "Fovou


1. InfinityWar - Polish

2. 51 clan members

3. "Paralizator


1. L2Kings - Lithuanian

2. 20 clan members

3. "PowerOfShilen


1. Silentium - Lithuanian

2. 60 clan members

3. ThePest

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Im in an international clan, Primes

Youre right many russians here...but what the heck

Havnt so far seen any good russian players, i had no trouble beating russians, not very good at gaming :D


Join one of the clans, pure might be hard to get into...they only need bd/sws for there cp :P

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Allo ;) My CP (Skacowany CP) moved from Russian Clan we were before (BornToBeBad).

Main reason was that,we couldnt speak RU,and they always were speaking in this Launguage.

My CP is half of Polish ppl and half of Greek ppl so we personally needed the International clan.

We went to PURE,I know them good and I can say to u guys they are loyal and trusted ppl, even more than my previous RU clans I have belong :)

Big + for PURE,but also cant forgot about my old Clan BorntoBeBad which was also great :) :D

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i belive all internacional clan are disbanded . no future for non russian pleayes , im happy that admins trying to make int server but not happening. is hard to find english speaker guy now. i dont mind russian languge but most ppl are do , for example there was event on russian languge how bad is that ?


ps sorry for my bad english

regrads - mmkaelka

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