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Instantaneous adding attribute

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Instantaneous adding attribute is now available for Averia.ws players. It's very easy to do, you should only enter .attribute command in chat, then choose necessary element and object. The chance of adding attribute is being calculated by the same formula as if you added it manually, just makes it immediately but charges a small fee in aden. Time saving and rather small withdrawal of game currency :)



The cost of adding stone/crystal - 40k aden.

Ahig - пупсик :3

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  • 2 недели спустя...

I'm trying to increase fire elemental resistance of my armor with Water Crystals.


I type .attribute and select my Vorpal Tunic (60 fire resistance) and...

Click in the icon "Water": A message "Another elemental power already been added..." appear.

Click in the icon "Fire": A message who list my armor attributes and something about this is not the correct element appear.




Maybe it's bugged?

I think Water Crystal is the correct option to increase fire resistance, but it don't work.

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