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Get 5-year Premium Account!

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Dear friends, we hasten to please you with the opportunity to get 5-year Premium Account on our server!

  • The first player who reaches 85 level in his profession gets 5-year Premium Account.
  • Premium Account will be given only on x10 server and will function only there.
  • The winners will be determined automatically, therefore all calculating errors are excluded.


Good luck!

The server starts on the 13th of March, 7:00 PM (UTC/GMT +3)

Who knows, maybe you will get lucky!;)

Ahig - пупсик :3

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there 2 things which confuses me.


There is no server (private server) who can stay alive at least 1 year. And you give 5y premium account rewards which is not realistic at all, unless this PA reward will count in future projects. I strongly believe that you should extend the reward in future projects otherwise the "5y PA" is nonsense :)

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there 2 things which confuses me.


There is no server (private server) who can stay alive at least 1 year. And you give 5y premium account rewards which is not realistic at all, unless this PA reward will count in future projects. I strongly believe that you should extend the reward in future projects otherwise the "5y PA" is nonsense :)

we're transfer Pa to other servers

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