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What kind of buffs, what hides under "inclusive"?

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I was on OBT, pressed Alt+B and got many songs/dances, COV, stacked buffs. Then I was searching for NPC buffer but I didn't find any special buffer, only standard Newbie Guide which gives 6 buffs (retail like, but here she gives it also on 85 lvl)


So I'm a little bit confused now reading this:

There will be standart set of buffers from NPC in every town - until 85 level inclusive.

For the holders of the Premium Account it will be available in Alt+B too - until 85 level inclusive.

What does it mean? Standard set of buffers from NPC until 85 level. INCLUSIVE ?

Exactly what kind of sets? Only 6 buffs from NPC as retail like or as I said all those buffs available in Alt+B?

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I was on OBT, pressed Alt+B and got many songs/dances, COV, stacked buffs.

This buffer is only available on OBT. It won't be on the start.


Then I was searching for NPC buffer but I didn't find any special buffer, only standard Newbie Guide which gives 6 buffs (retail like, but here she gives it also on 85 lvl)

There is no special buffer. Newbie Guide gives you 6 standart buffs but the special feature of the server is that any character of any lvl (1-85) can get buffs.

In Alt+B there is absolutely the same buff sets as in Newbie Guide but it's available only for PA owners.

Ahig - пупсик :3

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I was on OBT, pressed Alt+B and got many songs/dances, COV, stacked buffs. Then I was searching for NPC buffer but I didn't find any special buffer, only standard Newbie Guide which gives 6 buffs (retail like, but here she gives it also on 85 lvl)


So I'm a little bit confused now reading this:


What does it mean? Standard set of buffers from NPC until 85 level. INCLUSIVE ?

Exactly what kind of sets? Only 6 buffs from NPC as retail like or as I said all those buffs available in Alt+B?


What's so hard to understand? Including lvl 85. That's it.

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