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Gludin trade town,but in gk there is no main towns to teleport (like goddard,rune,aden,oren,giran).. cmon add some main towns to gludin gk

Thank you. Will consider your offer:-)

Банановая девица :3

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so Gludin is main town for all trade? not just beginer stuff?


How come it`s not Giran or Giran Harbour?

Yes, Gludin is main town. It's the feature of Averia.ws server.

Ahig - пупсик :3

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ah, so that explains why I couldnt find anything good in Giran market.

....and also why I couldnt sell anything when I put shop in Giran...


When I played on Averia last year or in 2013 (dont remeber sorry) Giran Harbor was main location and it was awesome because of the free TP from everywhere (Alt+B and GK).

So imagine my surprise when I went to Giran Harbour on x10 and didnt find even a single shop, although all the amenities were there (GK free TP, Item Broker, Wh Keeper, some Cat afaik etc)

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Yes, Gludin is main town. It's the feature of Averia.ws server.


Oh, and ...is there anything special about Gludin, any feature that isnt in any other town? Except for the fact that it`s "trademark Averia" why should we go all the way to GLudin for selling, especially when the teleport fees are...overpriced:p

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ah, so that explains why I couldnt find anything good in Giran market.

....and also why I couldnt sell anything when I put shop in Giran...


When I played on Averia last year or in 2013 (dont remeber sorry) Giran Harbor was main location and it was awesome because of the free TP from everywhere (Alt+B and GK).

So imagine my surprise when I went to Giran Harbour on x10 and didnt find even a single shop, although all the amenities were there (GK free TP, Item Broker, Wh Keeper, some Cat afaik etc)

Since 2013 there were a lot of changes, including trade zone :)

Ahig - пупсик :3

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  • 3 месяца спустя...
Oh, and ...is there anything special about Gludin, any feature that isnt in any other town? Except for the fact that it`s "trademark Averia" why should we go all the way to GLudin for selling, especially when the teleport fees are...overpriced:p

Gludin is just good town for trade :)

In Alt+B teleport to trade zone is free.

Ahig - пупсик :3

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