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I get error after selecting server, and getting disconnected. Did full check didn't help. Anyone else? (worked fine yesterday)


(screen) https://gyazo.com/573d6dac3db8de19596c591c2a30b3aa

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I get error after selecting server, and getting disconnected. Did full check didn't help. Anyone else? (worked fine yesterday)


(screen) https://gyazo.com/573d6dac3db8de19596c591c2a30b3aa


Put this file into SYSTEM_AVERIA_GUARD folder and use l2.exe file to log in to the game.

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Put this file into SYSTEM_AVERIA_GUARD folder and use l2.exe file to log in to the game.


Thank you for your fast reply, also another problem (searched everyone noone else has this problem). I run game 1st time and it's ok. After I close the game and try again. dsetup.dll changes it's size (to approx 23kb) and then I can't run the game, to fix that, I need to replace dsetup.dll again.. and that happens everytime I close lineage2.

Additional info:

I have no antivirus or any windows guard enabled.

I have also reinstalled windows to Windows 7 (Had windows 10 and was the same thing happening).


I hope you get what problem I have.


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