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Все публикации пользователя Reonna

  1. Reonna

    3rd buffs in donation

    So The server become to be pay to win nice and of course the gms gonna take alot of money thanks you eglobal
  2. Reonna

    l2e-global new promo By Reonna

    Thanks you but i say is my first video
  3. ps: its my first video like share please
  4. Reonna

    Interlude Mid-Rate x25 is Back! - January 7.

    best way is buffer with 3 rd buffs w/o ressist and debuff becouse you gonna lose much of players 50% of the players gonna farm alone no one wanna farm in cp becouse is hard to make items for all in cp or some people work and cant be online for thons of hours like me i work until 19:00 gmt +1 so when im gonna home i need to make my work and then im gonna play for like 3 4 hours per day and if i play solo i dont have the 3 rd buffs = no farm no play no items then = server leave so you need to play then with 2 3 sides like smite xside ... etc thanks
  5. Reonna

    Tradable augmented weapons

    so if i have am + acu+ wm acitive or passive and i play sps i can sell him for REAL MONEY no thanks bro thats will be unbalace for many players
  6. Reonna

    Discussion: NPC Buffer and everything about it

    keep old eglobal buffer w/o customs please you dont look from the randoms player eyes becouse in server is not only cps like 9/9 or more here you have and random players who dont wanna play with cps
  7. Reonna

    IsIs Team !!!

    yes but i am now DRIVER i dont like play driver so if i dont find cp with stable place i dont play this time :)
  8. Reonna

    IsIs Team !!!

    call me malaka on facebook
  9. Reonna

    #wOy gaming.

    gl mate
  10. Reonna

    IsIs Team !!!

    If you need me call me please
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