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    JohanM88 изменил репутацию fabuLous в MasterWork - November 20, 2020   
    i wasnt understand correctly ur question about box, not client ? will be 4 box max limit or smth like that.
    Will be some updates in skills like to upgrade game from 2004 to current. For example aura flash from mage will deal reduced pvp damage.
  2. Clap Clap!
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Apache Ant в MasterWork - November 20, 2020   
    The Rare craft from E-Global,
    according to the most popular NCSoft chronicles
    November 20, 2020 It's time for the Official News!
    Our team is pleased to welcome you to the new stage of the E-Global project and is ready to share information about future plans.
    To begin with, over the years of our work on the market, we have appealed our players to the most contradictory feelings, made some strange mistakes, and delivered to you no less exciting dramas.
    At the same time, in the history of Free-shard servers, we were the only project that managed to successfully launch such a number of diverse products - Interlude / Gracia / H5 / GvE, as well as setting the trend of authoring servers, which our former partners supported with confidence and enthusiasm.
    We want to believe that experience, work and pains were not in vain.
    According to the 16 years of Free-Shard market life, the Lineage 2 community can be divided according to several preferences:
    Chronicles C4
    Gracia Final
    Gracia Epilogue
    High Five
    Rates x1
    Game session "Without tension"
    2-3 hours a day "Advanced"
    4-5 hours a day "Geeks"
    from 8 hours a day Based on these preferences, we create:
    “Lineage2 MasterWork”
    от Safero What is MasterWork? The idea behind the name "MasterWork" is an analogy with a rare item from the world of Lineage2, a product that was combined from several valuable elements and with a certain chance became better and more valuable among others.
    The value - is the decision, to redesign the most popular chronicles of our youth.
    Quality - is our ability to maintain the core message of Korean publisher NCSoft in the golden era of Lineage 2 (2006 - 2011).
        We understand that this is one of the most ambitious work that we have ever done, and we want you to understand this as well. The work is comparable, in capacity, to the official publisher.
    We have to not only update each individual chronicle, but also link them together with a logical scenario, remove the root technologies that are outdated more than 10 years ago, and make changes to the visual component - the interface, the client.
    We would like to note that it is also impossible to do this without intervention in the fundamental mechanics. Skills, locations and bosses should be revised, since a fair balance is exactly what should be at the head of the table.
    To summarize, Masterwork - is NCSoft logic (2006 - 2011) and adaptation from our team (2020).
    MasterWork - is 3 key stages in the development of the storyline,
    in each of which you go through 2 phases, namely
        Pre Interlude Boosting phase of the Interlude stage, where the formal level limit is 60th, then server rates are significantly reduced;
      Recommendation: getting ready for A-grade craft.
      Full Interlude The main phase of the Interlude stage, in which you can enjoy the main features of the game in the legendary chronicles, the level limit is 72. Soon, before the stage change, the Kamaels will become available;
    Recommendation: do not forget to level-up the Kamael.
          Pre Gracia The acceleration phase of the Gracia stage, where players have access to S-Grade equipment and partially the island of Hellbound preparation.
    The level limit is 79
      Recommendation: get ready to craft Dynasty
      Full Gracia The main phase of the Gracia stage, where players will dive into the main feature of the chronicles - each player influences the political arena of the server.
    The level limit is 83.
      Recommendation: it is important to cooperate.
          Pre High Five The acceleration phase of the H5 stage, where players have access to, only the most relevant locations, for the extraction of Vesper.
    The level limit is 85.
      Recommendation: visit a bloodbath in MoS and DV
      Full High Five The main phase of the High Five stage, where the whole world of ElmorAden is revealed to you. It is proposed to invest the maximum in your character by farming the main resources for the Elegia equipment.
    Recommendation: HF - Have Fun ?
          United server At this stage, the first server will be considered as a stock server, and all players who want to enjoy the above chronicles again, will be offered a new server, which will later be merged with the stock server.
    The MasterWork product will become the main and only one for our team, of course, if it would be appreciated by You, Our players.
    When changing each stage, the server rates will rise for the previous one, thus capturing the 60th level at the Pre-Interlude stage will take place with a rate of x1, but already at the Interlude stage, the same rate is x3. Any player who is "late" to the start will be able to easily catch up and get as close as possible to the active part of the community, and a live market, the presence of an exchange will help him to get the current equipment of previous grades. Each stage and , phase on the first launch will NOT switch after a fixed time, adjusted for in-game events and player achievements, since we have to track down this process. Our goal is to offer any player the gameplay in the format he likes best, while leaving the opportunity to try something new, which has always intrigued, but never came to practice. We hope you are intrigued and the product itself is worthy of your visit!
    The next step is to post a detailed description of the concept,
    key systems and changes, as well as prepare the OBT dates for you.

    Stay tuned, with love, team E-Global & Averia.
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  3. Clap Clap!
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Apache Ant в MasterWork - November 20, 2020   
    Dear friends! Before proceeding directly to the concept of a server, we have prepared an introduction for you, which answers many of the questions that are asked on the forum regularly. In different topics and with different wording / presentation - we have already answered these questions, so we will place this block under the spoiler, and those, who are interested could read it, and the rest wouldn't be afraid of the vastness of this post?
    And now it's time to talk about the most exciting moment of our concept for many: the pace of character development and the events available in the world of ElmorAden.
    The pace of character development: Phases of the game world
    First Phase: 1-60 Second Phase: 61-72 Third Phase: 73-79 Fourth Phase: 80-83 Fifth Phase: 84-85 Sixth Phase: 85+ Interlude - Phase №1

     Character leveling
    Level EXP from mobs EXP from RB 1-29 х3 х2 30-51 х3 => х1 х2 52-59 х1 х2 60+ х0.1 х0.3  At this and all subsequent Stages - all other rates - x1
    At all Phases of the game world:
     Modern Game Client;   Olympiad with periods "week after week";  Epics grow with server development;  Club system - convenient buff, world chat, free teleports;  Our Vitality System, Up To 100% Experience not 300%;  Smart ACPs and Macroses;  Daily Quests, Achievements and Author's Events.  Phase entity
    Character development up to level 60, obtaining Professions and learning all basic Skills, creating D, C and B-gr. Equipment, getting a sub class, developing a pet, finding a Clan  Phase Challenges
    Getting 61+ Level and A-gr. Equipment, RB control, contesting for Hero, the formation of the Server Political Arena, the war for Castles and Epics.  Features
    • Locations, Quests, Mobs and RB - according to Interlude; • NPC shops, including Luxury and Mammons - according to Interlude; • Logic of chances of debuffs and fail nukes - according to Interlude; • System of "elemental" damage (Resists / ATT) - according to Interlude; • Improved NG equipment from Newbie Guide; • Free teleports and Club. Buff up to level 40; • Daily Instances (Kamas, Labs) and daily Tasks; • Pets can be evolved, Improved Pets has been reworked and optimized; • Additional bonuses for Enchanting Weapons and Sets starting from +4 and above. Bonuses from many B-gr. sets and some A-gr. sets are reworked; • Sub class with a simplified quest from level 52; • Olympiad in the presence of the 2nd profession and 56+ level.
    Parameters of hero weapons, hero skills and awards for participation in the Olympics have been changed and will be supplemented with the change of Server Stages; • 11 levels of the Clan. Increased the number of clan and academy slots; • Active Clan Skills. Reworked squad skills; • In CH, Forts and Castles - all buffs are 60-minute. CH and Forts receive bonuses from the Castle. Changed skills of the Castles; • Active and chance\triggered attack skills from LS - 61 level; • Evening Epics: Queen Ant, Orfen, Core; • Siege of 4 Castles: Gludio, Dion, Giran, Oren; TW – is not available; • The cost of crafting A-grade increased (only for the first Phase) Interlude - Phase №2

     Character leveling
    Level Exp from mobs Exp from RB 1-29 х5 * х3 30-51 х5 => х3 х3 52-59 х3 => х1 х3 60-71 х1 х2 72+ х0.1 х0.3 * developed quick start function will be introduced, when new characters will be able to get certain starting levels and equipment "with one click"  At this and all subsequent Stages - all other rates - x1
     Phase entity
    Character development up to level 72, improvement of basic Skills, creation of A-gr. Equipments, pumping sub classes and getting Noblesse, developing a Clan, preparing for 3 professions, Gracia and S-gr crafting. New Years Celebration ?   Phase Challenges
    Obtaining Level 73+ and access to high spots, controlling RB for the S-grade and pumping SA, fighting for the first Noblesses and Heroes, the war for Castles and Flags, a new Epic, preparing group rosters for the upcoming Gracia Stage  Features
    • Locations, Quests, Mobs and RB - still by Interlude; • NPC shops, including Luxury and Mammons - still by Interlude; • Logic of chances of debuffs and fail of nuke - still by Interlude; • System of "elemental" damage (Resists / ATT) - still by Interlude; • Bonuses from Newbie Guide and Free Club. Buff up to level 52; • Academy up to level 52 with valuable rewards, including C-gr; • Bonuses from irrelevant SA have been revised (replaced), SA of 10-13 levels is now available from more Bosses; • Add. Subclass skills - every 5 subclass levels, starting from the 50th; • Access to the Olympics from the 68th level; • Noble full quest, getting Sub at level 70; • New group Instance: Zaken and 2nd Pailaka; • Alliance of Varka / Ketra and Hot Springs - available from level 72; • New evening Epics: Zaken, Baium; • Siege of the new Castle: Innadril, TW - available!  • Creation of Kamaels one week before the transition to the next Stage; Gracia Final - Phase №3

     Character leveling
    Level Exp from mobs Exp from RB 1-39 х7 * х6 40-51 х7 => х5 х5 52-59 х5 => х3 х4 60-71 х3 => х1 х3 72-78 х1 х2 79+ х0.1 х0.3 * developed quick start function will be introduced, when new characters will be able to get certain starting levels and equipment "with one click"  At this and all subsequent Stages - all other rates - x1
     Phase entity
    Character development up to level 79, obtaining a Profession and obtaining + improving basic skills, creating and improving (ATT, SA) S-gr. Equipment, enchanting skills. Passage of new Instance zones and obtaining "custom" jewelry. Bright and interesting PVP of early Grace; acquaintance with the Kamaels.  Phase Challenges
    Getting 80+ Level. Fight for control of Parnas and Hellbound. Preparing to craft S80. Race for the first skills - "game changers" (COV, POF, Prahnah, RI, and so on). War for Castles and Flags, new priority Epic.  Features
    • Locations, Quests, Mobs and RB - according to Gracia; • NPC shops, including Luxury and Mammons - according to Gracia; • System of "elemental" damage (Resists / ATT) - according to Gracia; • IoP - redesigned, now it is a location for groups of up to 5 people; • Hellbound - partially open, no Chimeras and "Towers". The number of mobs and spots in the Port and Quarries has been increased; • SoD - absent, SoI - only twins are present; • Bonuses from Newbie Guide and Free Club. Buff up to level 60; • Academy up to level 60 with valuable rewards, including B-gr; • Skills from 75 sub classes, but not tied to the professions of sub; • B and A-gr weapons can now be attributed (150/300). B-gr. and A.gr armor - now can be attributed (30/60); • For enchanting skills you need: EXP, SP, Adena; • Access to the Olympics from the 75th level; • Core and Orfen are reworked, now they are Instances for groups; • New evening Epics: Frintezza and Antharas; • Siege of new Castles: Schuttgart and Goddard; • Improvement of Inspector class, added the ability to transfer it as main class. Gracia Final - Phase №4

     Character leveling
    Level Exp from mobs Exp from RB 1-51 х10 => х7 * х6 52-59 х7 => х5 х5 60-71 х5 => х3 х4 72-78 х3 => х1 х3 79-82 х1 х2 83+ х0.1 х0.3 * developed quick start function will be introduced, when new characters will be able to get certain starting levels and equipment "with one click"  At this and all subsequent Stages - all other rates - x1
     Phase entity
    Character development up to level 83, the war for the Hellbound farm, the creation and improvement of Dynasty equipment, trips to Tiat and Ekimus, obtaining Icarus and Vesper. Farm ATT, including 150+. Full-scale skill enchant. Long and difficult PVP of "late" Gracia and interesting Olympics.   Phase Challenges
    The implementation of almost limitless opportunities to improve both the character and the group. All-out war for Hellbound and SoD, at TW and at the Olympics. Everything for which our project is famous for its Gracia servers. Preparation of rosters for the upcoming High Five stage.  Features
    • Locations, Quests, Monsters and RB - still by Gracia; • NPC shops, including Luxury and Mammons - still on Gracia; • System of "elemental" damage (Resists / ATT) - still by Gracia; • Bonuses for the creation and development of characters, up to level 68; • Hellbound - completely open, except for the towers. Crafting Dynasty (S80) is available. The drop from monsters has been revised, now these are recipes and pieces of S-grade, useful resources; • Tiat - available, Vesper can now be worn from level 83; • 6 hour SoD on killing 10 Tiat in a week. After 3 SoDs, the exchange of stones for crystals opens at NPCs in Giran, Aden and Rune • Ekimus is now a weekly Instance for 2-5 groups. SoI stages - removed. Cleft removed; • Cost of Noblesse for TW - 50 Badges; • Subs can be developed up to level 85, including the study of 81-83 skills; • Sub. skills work for subs (at all stages); • For enchanting skills you need: EXP, SP, Adena; • Access to the Olympics from the 76th level with the 3rd profession; • New Evening Epics: Valakas and Beleth! Now available in the open world! • Siege of new Castles: Aden and Rune. All 9 flags are available for capture; • Improvement of Inspector class, added the ability to transfer it as main class. High Five - Phase №5

     Character leveling
    Level Exp from mobs Exp from RB 1-59 х15 => х10 * х7 60-79 х10 => х5 х6 80 х4 х5 81 х3 х4 82 х2 х3 83-85 х1 х2 * developed quick start function will be introduced, when new characters will be able to get certain starting levels and equipment "with one click"  At this and all subsequent Stages - all other rates - x1
     Phase entity
    Character development up to level 85! Open access to S, S80 and Vesper equipment, as well as the ability to improve items and skills.  Phase Challenges
    Active daily PvP in order to control the locations of LoA and DV, extraction of Vorpal equipment.  Features
    • Locations, Quests, Monsters and RB - according to High Five; • NPC shops, including Luxury and Mammons - according to High Five • Logic of chances of debuffs and fail nukes - according to High Five; • System of "elemental" damage (Resists / ATT) - according to High Five; • Bonuses for the creation and development of characters, up to level 80; • Unavailable: SoA and Steel Citadel (while there is a direct TP to Tully); • Kariks are not available in the LoA location; • ~20 changed locations with comfortable farming and generous drops, both for solo players and small groups, and for organized parties; • Chain of tasks "7 Signs" for fast character development level 79+; • Frintezza and Zaken - now are at the Instances; • A new group Instance is available - Freya (but not Blessed Freya); • Quest for 7 RB to obtain Vesper weapons; • Quest for 3 RB in VoA for obtaining various equipment; • There is no need to make repeated passes on Epic Bosses; High Five - Phase №6

     Character leveling
    Level Exp from mobs Exp from RB 1-67 х15 => х10 * х10 68-79 х10 => х7 х10 80 х6 х8 81 х5 х7 82 х4 х6 83-85 х3 х5 * developed quick start function will be introduced, when new characters will be able to get certain starting levels and equipment "with one click"  At this and all subsequent Stages - all other rates - x1
     Phase entity
    The peak of your character development: fight  with the strongest players on the everlasting server!  Phase Challenges
    Controlling the SoA location, meeting with the new Epic Boss Blessed Freya, obtaining Elegia and Over Enchant equipment and skills.  Features
    • Locations, Quests, Monsters and RB - according to High Five • NPC shops, including Luxury and Mammons - according to High Five • Logic of chances of debuffs and nukes fail - according to High Five • System of "elemental" damage (Resists / ATT) - according to High Five • Bonuses for the creation and development of characters, up to level 80 • Locations SoA, LoA, Steel Citadel are fully available; • New Epic Boss - Blessed Freya! It is now available in the open world! Access to the final gear - Elegia and Vorpal.  

     Regular RB: 12 + 0..8 (от 12 до 20 / 16 +- 4)
     Sub-class RB: 8 + 0..4 (от 8 до 12 / 10 +-2)
     Noblesse RB: 8 + 0..2 (от 8 до 10 / 9 +-1)
     Epic Bosses has fixed respawn. More details - in this thread.
    It is also necessary to mention three systems of Bonuses and Fines for playing both alone and in a party: 
    Bonuses and Fines
    Basic Rates Party Bonuses Personal Fines Fines at RB    Adena - x1 quantity, 70% drop chance  Seal Stones - x1 quantity, 70% drop chance  Drop - x1 quantity, х1 chance, including RB  Spoil - x1 quantity, х1 chance  Quests - x1 ко x1 quantity of quest items, x1 quest rewards  Manor - x1 We remind you that the Manor system directly depends on the Siege, so the first seeds can be purchased only after the owners of the castles put the seeds up for sale. We would like to pay special attention to rates and their impact on the server, players and the economy in general. As usual, we will remove this text under the spoiler ? 

    The party bonus is the experience that a player receives for being in a group. 
    Compared to basic Interlude.
    Less benefit from level up in groups of up to 5 people (the maximum lack of a bonus is in a group of 2-3 characters); It is more useful to level up in groups of 6 or more people (the maximum bonus is in a group of 8-9 characters).
    Difference in level between
    player and mob   EXP penalty
    (1-77 lvl)
    EXP penalty
    (78+ lvl)
    Drop and spoil penalty
    (all levels) +15 and more      95% 95% 95% +14      81% 87% 90% +13      77% 84% 80% +12      72% 81% 70% +11      67% 77% 60% +10      60% 72% 50% +9      52% 67% 40% +8      42% 60% 30% +7      31% 52% 20% +6      17% 42% 10% +5      0% 31% 0% +4      0% 17% 0% +3      0% 0% 0% +2      0% 0% 0% +1      0% 0% 0% 0      0% 0% 0% -1      0% 0% 0% -2      0% 0% 0% -3      0% 0% 0% -4      0% 17% 0% -5      0% 31% 0% -6      17% 42% 10% -7      31% 52% 20% -8      42% 60% 30% -9      52% 67% 40% -10      60% 72% 50% -11      67% 77% 60% -12      72% 81% 70% -13      77% 84% 80% -14      81% 87% 90% -15 and more      95% 95% 95%
    Experience gain without fine: + - 5 levels relative to the RB level; Getting a drop without fine: + - 7 levels relative to the RB level. Note! All raid bosses above level 35, in addition to the basic drop, will also drop:
    Life Stone, which now do not have a level (50-55-60 -...- 76), etc., but still have a grade (... Middle, High, Top); Mount cards; CRP scrolls, that can be exchanged for clan reputation.  
    Market Gameplay Visualization Events For your comfort
    The logic of trading is simple and familiar to almost any player, but there is still someone who did not know - in this topic I will describe the basic principles of its operation.
    Any player can put up almost * any item for sale using our web service, which is available through their personal account. The seller needs to set its cost.
    List of non-transferable items:
    For the trading, a special currency was created for the Personal Account.
    It could be:
    Transfered one to one; Withdraw to the player's personal money account, taking into account commissions. Let's take a closer look at how the trading works using an example.
    Note! Our service commission is 15%!
    The commission of a well-known site (yes, we all know about its existence) is currently ~ 20% and leads to inevitable blocking of both the seller and the buyer.
    Payment systems charge their commission for transfer transactions.
    When outputting to:
    Qivi - commission 1.5%;  Yandex Money - commission 1.5%; Mobile recharge -  commission 2%. The minimum withdrawal on Qiwi, YM, Mobile = 1000 rub.
    ?? When withdrawing to a RU bank card - 2%; ?? When withdrawing to UKR bank card -3%, but not less than 180. Minimum withdrawal to the card:
    RU - 1000 rub UKR - 1000 rub (the seller pays 150 rubles, since the system withdraws a commission of 180), and when withdrawing from 5000 rubles, the commission is divided in half with E-Global. Applications will be processed every Monday.
    The withdrawal time will take up to 48 hours (depending on the payment system).
    Farm for yourself and help to farm others ?
    Clan Update Sub-Class Bonuses Items Pets Clan Hall / Fortress / Castle Clan Entry Active and passive buffs New Academy Active Clan Skills
    Castle: Castle skills have been redone; Convenient buff dialog windows; All clan members gain the active ability   Stun Resistance without wearing the castle crown. Clan Hall: Clan members who own the Clan Hall receive all passive effects (except for flags) from the castle to whose territory they belong; Convenient buff dialog windows; Modified assortment of buffs. Fortress: Clan members who own the Fortress receive all passive effects (except for flags) from the castle to whose territory they belong; Convenient buff dialog windows; Modified assortment of buffs.
    Clan and Applicant Search System
    This is a dedicated ad system for players looking for a clan. At the same time, the Clan Leader, located in this system, can find new members and academics.
    Roughly speaking, this is a message board that helps players and clans to  find each other.

    It looks like this:

    Information for Clan Leaders.
    To register a clan, you need to:
    Open the Clan Entry window from the menu or clan window; Click Register Clan; Select the Karma of the clan (its goals): Networking - the purpose of the clan is to socialize with other players and simply search for like-minded people for a pleasant company; Clan Wars -the purpose of the clan is to participate in clan wars, castle sieges, battles for epic bosses. Hunting - the goal of the clan is to efficiently farm monsters and Raid Bosses; Misc. - the clan's goal is to trade and actively participate in the server economy. [*] Select recruiting parameters:
    Allow - the clan leader will receive an applications and approve or reject them; Public - any player can join the selected guild or clan academy independently. Below you need to indicate the guild in which players will join. [*] Add a welcome letter \ clan description that players will see.
    [*] Click OK;
    [*] You can also view the players who have registered in the "waiting list".
    To do this, click Waiting List; Browse through the list of applicants and connect with those, who fit your clan. If you have placed your clan in the system and now want to change the type or description, do not worry. There is a dedicated Change Clan Info button for this. Please note that information can be changed no more than once every 5 minutes.
    Information for Clan Seekers.
    To register in the search system (seen by clan leaders), you need to:

    Open Clan Entry window from menu or clan window Click Waiting List Press Enter Waiting List Indicate your goals: Networking - your goal is to socialize with other players and just find like-minded people for a pleasant company; Clan Wars - your goal is to participate in clan wars, castle sieges, battles for epic bosses. Hunting - your goal is to efficiently farm monsters and Raid Bosses; Misc. - your goal is to trade and actively participate in the server economy. [*] Click the Ok button.
    Note! The limit of people in the "Main" clan has been expanded at all levels from 40 members at all levels, to:   5 clan lvl = 50; 6 clan lvl = 60; 7 clan lvl = 70; 8 clan lvl = 80; 9 clan lvl = 90; 10 clan lvl = 100; 11 clan lvl = 110.
    Clan Leader has the opportunity to learn clan skills, which also include special "squad skills", which have been reworked and significantly improve the performance of clan members. These skills work according to the logic from the GF / HF chronicles. "Eggs" for clan skills no longer have a grade and drop from RB.
     Passive Clan Skills:
    New passive skills of the clan are studied for each guard / each knightly order separately.
    Learning takes place at the Grand Magister in the Clans section. To study, both  Proof of Loyalty, and  CRP are required: 1st- level of any squad: 4  Proof of Loyalty, and 4.000  CRP; 2nd- level of any squad: 6  Proof of Loyalty, and 6.000  CRP; 3rd- level of any squad: 10  Proof of Loyalty, and 10.000  CRP.  Holy Squad 1st- level: increases healing power by 20 for the unit (6th clan level); 2nd- level: increases healing power by 20 and Max. MP by 15% for the detachment (7th clan level); 3rd- level:increases healing power by 20 and Max. MP by 15%, decreasing MP consumption by 5% for a unit (8th clan level).  Dark Squad 1st- level: Increases M. Atk. by 15 for the detachment (7th clan level); 2nd- level: Increases M. Atk. by 30 for the squad (8th clan level); 3rd- level: Increases M. Atk. by 50 and the chance of conducting Magical Crete. Atk. by 1% for the squad (9th clan level).  Fire Squad 1st- level: Phys. Atk. +15 for the detachment (7th clan level); 2nd- level: Phys. Atk. +20 and chance of Crete. Atk. +15 for the squad (8th clan level); 3rd- level: Phys. Atk. +30, strength Crit. Atk. +50 and Crete chance. Atk. +15 for the unit (clan 9th level).  Water Squad 1st- level: Phys. Def. +12 for the detachment (6th clan level); 2nd- level: Phys. Def. +20 for the detachment (7th clan level); 3rd- level: Phys. Def. +30 and the chance of Shield Defense + 6% for the detachment (8th clan level).  Wind Squad 1st- level: Increases the unit's Accuracy by 2 (7th clan level); 2nd- level: Increases Accuracy by 2 and Evasion +2 for the unit (8th clan level); 3rd- level: Increases Accuracy by 2, Evasion +2 and Speed by 3 for the unit (9th clan level).  Earth Squad 1st- level: Increases M. Def. by 15 for the squad (6th clan level); 2nd- level: Increases M. Def. by 25 for the detachment (7th clan level); 3rd- level: Increases M. Def. by 40 for the detachment (8th clan level).  
    Clan Buff for Online
    In addition to the basic clan skills, bonuses and privileges of playing in a clan, we have added other benefits to the server when being in a clan. Clan Unity buff - automatically applied every 5 minutes to characters in a clan.
    Conditions for applying the buff and levels:
    With 18-26 characters online in a clan - Clan Unity 1 lvl; With 27-35 characters online in a clan - Clan Unity 2 lvl; With 36+ characters online in a clan - Clan Unity 3 lvl. Clan Unity Bonuses:
    Clan Unity 0 lvl - Does not give bonuses; Clan Unity 1 lvl - EXP/SP bonus +5%. Life/Mana Regeneration +7%. PvE Attack/Defense +3%; Clan Unity 2 lvl - EXP/SP bonus +7%. Life/Mana Regeneration +10%. PvE Attack/Defense +5%; Clan Unity 3 lvl - EXP/SP bonus +10%. Life/Mana Regeneration +15%. PvE Attack/Defense +7%. Additional Information:
    The buff is applied automatically to all clan members every 5 minutes; Clan Unity buff duration - 5 minutes; The buff is applied to all guilds and academies; The buff does not occupy a buff slot.  
     Academy Favor - it is a new system that works similarly to Clan Unity with a number of changes.
    All members of the academy receive a buff that increases their attack speed, cast and run speed.
     Academy Favor (passive effect) : Attack Speed + 15% (replaceable analogue of Dance of Fury); Cast speed + 30% (replaceable analogue of Dance of Concentration); Running Speed +20 (replaceable analogue of Song of Wing); Max. amount of HP + 30% (replaceable analogue of Song of Vitality). Note! While yo are under the effect of Academy Favor, you are immune to the effects of Dance of Concentration, Dance of Fury, Song of Vitality and Song of Wind and similar combo dances / songs.
    The buff is applied automatically every 5 minutes; Academy Favor - Passive skill; The buff does not occupy a buff slot. Note! The limit of people in the "Main" clan has been expanded at all levels from 40 members at all levels, to:
    5 clan lvl = 50; 6 clan lvl = 60; 7 clan lvl = 70; 8 clan lvl = 80; 9 clan lvl = 90; 10 clan lvl= 100; 11 clan lvl = 110.
    Academy changes
    You often cannot find yourself an academy, because the clan leader is not ready to encourage your contribution to the clan in any way? Sound familiar?
    We are well aware of this situation and present to your attention a system of rewards for both the clan and graduated academics.
    Starting from the second stage, the academician will not automatically leave the clan when taking the 2nd profession and will be able to stay in it until he reaches level 52, and at the third stage - up to level 60.
    Upon receiving a second profession as an academician, he remains in the clan and receives a special reward: Proof of Loyalty; 50 Greater Healing Potion; 100 Ivory Coin; Family Vitality Pie; 3 Sweet Fruit Cocktail; 3 Fresh Fruit Cocktail; Blessing of Rim Kamaloka (60 min limited period). Upon receiving the 2nd profession as an academician, the clan receives:
    Proof of Loyalty; Clan Reputation Points (CRP). When an academician reaches level 52/60, he automatically leaves it and receives a special reward:
    Proof of Loyalty; 100 Greater Healing Potion; 140 Ivory Coin; Family Vitality Pie; 5 Sweet Fruit Cocktail; 5 Fresh Fruit Cocktail; Blessing of Rim Kamaloka (60 min limited period); ?Infinite Respect - Any character who graduates gets +100 of coolness. Important additions:
    If an academician leaves the clan (academy) he does NOT receive a fine; If the Clan Leader expels an academician from the clan (academy), he (clan) does not receive a fine; The number of places in the academy was increased to 100. The clan from which the academician is graduated also receives 1  Proof of Loyalty in the clan store. Note! The limit of people in the "Main" clan has been expanded at all levels from 40 members at all levels, to:
    5 clan lvl = 50; 6 clan lvl = 60; 7 clan lvl = 70; 8 clan lvl = 80; 9 clan lvl = 90; 10 clan lvl = 100; 11 clan lvl = 110.
    Active clan skills have been introduced on our server!
    These skills will work with the consumption of special items that the clan will receive for the release of academicians. In the future, the system for obtaining both Proof of Loyalty and new skills will develop according to your wishes and feedback.
    In order to get Active Clan Skills, visit the NPC Head of any guild who has the "Clan" line and get a special Brooch (Clan Leader Brooch), which must be worn in a special slot. After the clan leader puts it on, the active clan skills will appear.
    Note! If you have increased the level of the clan, you must definitely visit the NPC Head of the Guild to get the Brooch of the next level.
    New clan skills:
    Clan Recall - Transfers the clan members surrounding the Clan Leader to the village. Required clan level: 5; Distance: 1500; Rollback: 20 minutes; Application cost: 3 Proof of Loyalty. Clan Rush - All characters who are close to the clan leader receive +40 moving speed for 15 seconds.
    Required clan level: 6; Distance: 1500; Rollback: 20 minutes; Application cost: 5 Proof of Loyalty.  Clan Summon - Transfers (optional) clan members to the Clan Leader: Required clan level: 6; Affects all clan members (except for academicians) who are not in the battalion commander and confirmed the teleport; Cast time: 10 seconds; Rollback: 30 minutes; Application cost: 5 Proof of Loyalty. Teleport Acceptance Cost: 3 Summoning Crystal for each clan member.  Clan Purity - Removes all negative effects from surrounding clan members.
    Required clan level: 7; Distance: 1500; Rollback: 30 minutes; Application cost: 7 Proof of Loyalty.  Clan Flag - Summons a clan flag. All characters and allies near the flag receive increased CP, HP and MP regeneration.
    Required clan level: 8; Distance: 600; Rollback: 60 minutes; Application cost: 15 Proof of Loyalty. Parameters: Action time: 10 minutes; HP: 158,000; P.Def: 753; M.Def: 271. Note! Starting from the second stage, a new Active Clan Skill is added:
     Clan Noblesse - Applies the Blessing of a Nobleman to all clan members around the clan leader Required clan level: 7; Rollback: 60 minutes; Application cost: 15 Proof of Loyalty.  
    Only the Clan Leader can use them; The action only works around the Clan Leader; Skills work only on members of a clan (not an alliance); Do not take up any buff slots. Note! The limit of people in the "Main" clan has been expanded at all levels from 40 members at all levels, to:
    5 clan lvl = 50; 6 clan lvl = 60; 7 clan lvl = 70; 8 clan lvl = 80; 9 clan lvl = 90; 10 clan lvl = 100; 11 clan lvl = 110.
    First of all, we want to note that there are no more such rudimentary things as:
    There are no restrictions on the Sub-Class Level - now your sub can worthily take a place at the core of the group; There are no restrictions on class skills from the Sub-Class - lvl up not the class that will give you a useful skill, but the one that is interesting to you or the group needs; All skills obtained from Sub-Classes work for both the Main class and all Sub-Classes. We have also expanded the Sub-Skills system: Now, in addition to the basic skills of the 75th and 80th, you can get new skills every 5 levels, namely:
    Starting from the 50th level of the subclass - for every 5 levels of each of the 3 available subclasses - the character will receive a special personal certificate:  Certificate - Emergent Ability. In total, you can get 21 Certificates, for level 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 from each of the three sub-classes. With them, you learn the skills of the Sub-class, at your own discretion. At the moment, there are 7 passive skills in total, for each of which there are 3 levels of study available:
    Skills are learned in the main character class from the NPC Avant-Garde on the 2nd floor of the Ivory Tower, but they work both for the main class and for all sub-classes of your character. More about skills and their bonuses, depending on the levels:
    Skill Bonus First level Second level Third level Physical Attack Increases P. Attack +18 +36 +63 Magic Attack Increases M. Attack +12 +24 +42 Physical Protection Increases Ph. Protection,
    Depends on the type of armor Heavy: +18
    Rob: +9 Heavy: +36
    Light: +26
    Rob: +18 Heavy: +63
    Light: +46
    Rob: +32 Magic Defense Increases M. Def +15 +30 +53 Magic Speed Increases Cast Speed +8 +16 +28 Chance of P. Crit. Attack Increases the Chance of Crit +7 +14 +25 Speed Increases Mowing Speed +1 +2 +4  
    Thus, already at the first stage of the server, 9 certificates are potentially available to each player, which can be spent on those skills that are more suitable for you personally and your style of play. This makes the sub-class at the first stage not at all obligatory (comparing with the versions of the game Graces and above), but quite a reasonable investment of time to get your "gnome-magician" and general character development, in case you reached the top level, and are not ready to take 61+ levels on the raite x0.1   OE Equipment Set Bonuses SA Update Life Stone and Keys   Weapon enchant bonuses
    Enchanting any weapon grade - gives an additional bonus to damage from charges, depending on the level of weapon enchanting:
    Equipment enhance bonuses
    A revised system of bonuses from enchanting a full set of equipment of any grade, has been added to the game:
    Armor type: Heavy Armor Set (general bonus) Heavy Armor Set (add. bonus for + N) Light Armor Set (general bonus) Light Armor Set (add. bonus for + N) Robe Armor Set (general bonusс) Robe Armor Set (add. bonus for + N) +4 P. Def +15
    Accuracy +1
    PvP Defense +1% P. Def +15
    Accuracy +1
    PvP Defense +1% M. Def +10
    Evasion +1
    PvP Defense +1% M. Def +10
    Evasion +1
    PvP Defense +1% P. Def +10, M. Def +6
    Weight Limit +10%
    PvP Defense +1% P. Def +10, M. Def +6
    Weight Limit +10%
    PvP Defense +1% +5 P. Def +40
    Accuracy +2
    Arrow Resist +2%
    PvP Defense +2% P. Def +25
    Accuracy +1
    Arrow Resist +2%
    PvP Defense +1% M. Def +26
    Evasion +2
    Elemental Resist +2%
    PvP Defense +2% M. Def +16
    Evasion +1
    Elemental Resist +2%
    PvP Defense +1% P. Def +24, M. Def +14
    Weight Limit +20%
    Spell Clarity +2%
    PvP Defense +3% P. Def +14, M. Def +8
    Weight Limit +10%
    Spell Clarity +2%
    PvP Defense +1% +6 P. Def +68
    Accuracy +4
    Arrow Resist +7%
    Vampiric Rage Effect +2%
    Mana Regeneration +2.5%
    PvP Defense +3% P. Def +28
    Accuracy +1
    Arrow Resist +2%
    Vampiric Rage Effect +2%
    Mana Regeneration +2.5%
    PvP Defense +1% M. Def +46
    Evasion +3
    Elemental Resist +3%
    Move Speed +2
    PvP Defense +3% M. Def +20
    Evasion +1
    Elemental Resist +1%
    Move Speed +2
    PvP Defense +1% P. Def +40, M. Def +24
    Weight Limit +30%
    Spell Clarity +4%
    Silence Resist +10%
    PvP Defense +3% P. Def +18, M. Def +12
    Weight Limit +10%
    Spell Clarity +2%
    Silence Resist +10%
    PvP Defense +1% +7 P. Def +100
    Accuracy +4
    Arrow Resist +7%
    Vampiric Rage Effect +3%
    Mana Regeneration +3%
    Damage Reflect +3%
    PvP Defense +4% P. Def +32
    Accuracy +1
    Arrow Resist +3%
    Vampiric Rage Effect +1%
    Mana Regeneration +0.5%
    Damage Reflect +3%
    PvP Defense +1% M. Def +70
    Evasion +4
    Elemental Resist +5%
    Move Speed +3
    Skill Reuse Time -2%
    PvP Defense +4% M. Def +24
    Evasion +1
    Elemental Resist +2%
    Move Speed +1
    Skill Reuse Time -2%
    PvP Defense +1% P. Def +58, M. Def +36
    Weight Limit +40%
    Spell Clarity +7%
    Silence Resist +20%
    Spell Reuse Time -2%
    PvP Defense +4% P. Def +18, M. Def +12
    Weight Limit +10%
    Spell Clarity +3%
    Silence Resist +10%
    Spell Reuse Time -2%
    PvP Defense +1% +8 P. Def +140
    Accuracy +5
    Arrow Resist +10%
    Vampiric Rage Effect +4%
    Mana Regeneration +3.5%
    Damage Reflect +7%
    Stun Chance +15%
    PvP Defense +5% P. Def +40
    Accuracy +1
    Arrow Resist +3%
    Vampiric Rage Effect +1%
    Mana Regeneration +0.5%
    Damage Reflect +4%
    Stun Chance +15%
    PvP Defense +1% M. Def +100
    Evasion +5
    Elemental Resist +7%
    Move Speed +4
    Skill Reuse Time -5%
    Critical Chance +30
    PvP Defense +5% M. Def +30
    Evasion +1
    Elemental Resist +2%
    Move Speed +1
    Skill Reuse Time -3%
    Critical Chance +30
    PvP Defense +1% P. Def +80, M. Def +36
    Weight Limit +50%
    Spell Clarity +10%
    Silence Resist +35%
    Spell Reuse Time -5%
    Mental Debuff Chance +15%
    PvP Defense +5% P. Def +22, M. Def +14
    Weight Limit +10%
    Spell Clarity +3%
    Silence Resist +15%
    Spell Reuse Time -3%
    Mental Debuff Chance +15%
    PvP Defense +1% Example:
    Dark Crystal Robe +8 Dark Crystal Helmet +4 Rare Dark Crystal Gloves (Robe) +5 Dark Crystal Boots (Robe) +6 We have a bonus from the full set +4. Improving the least machined part of our example: helmet - by +5 - the bonus will already be from the full set +5.
    Additional info:
    Armor: helmet, slippers, gloves, top and bottom or one-piece body, shirt, shield. Standard and rare armor give the same bonus. Sealed and unsealed armor give the same bonus. HP bonus is fixed and does not depend on buffs, passives, CON parameter and other sources of HP change. Jewelry and Weapons do not give a bonus to HP. When putting on OE Armor - the maximum number of HP increases, but does not replenish. Example: If a character has 3000/3000 Health, and he puts on Draconic Leather Body +8, then his maximum amount of Health will increase by 388, and his HP after putting on armor: 3000/3388. Increase in HP depending on the grade, type and level of armor improvement:
    Rank / type of armor +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 Rank D / one piece 9 26 52 86 130 181 242 Rank D / full body 13 39 78 129 195 271 363 Rank C / one piece 12 36 71 118 178 249 332 Rank C/ full body 18 54 106 177 267 373 498 Rank B /one piece 14 42 84 139 209 293 390 Rank B / full body 21 63 126 208 313 439 585 Rank A /one piece 16 47 94 157 235 329 439 Rank A / full body 24 70 141 235 352 493 658 Rank S /one piece 17 52 104 173 259 363 484 Rank S / full body 25 78 156 259 388 544 726 We are glad to announce that on our server the bonuses to the B and A grade sets have been revised.
    It is worth answering that not all of them received updates, since not all of them need it. For example, the Majestic Robe Set is more than sufficient, so it was decided NOT to make any changes to it.   Equipment set Additional bonus (to the current ones)   Avadon Heavy Chance to get Mental debuffs -30% | M. Def +5%
    Avadon Light Chance to get Mental debuffs -30% | M Def +8% (вместо 5.25)
      Avadon Robe  Chance to get Mental debuffs -30%
    Zubei Heavy  Chance to get Paralysis -30% | Reflect Dmg 5%
      Zubei Light  Chance to get Paralysis -30% | Attack Speed +4%
      Zubei Robe  Chance to get Paralysis -30% | M. Attack +15% (вместо 10), Casting Speed +5% 
      Blue Wolf Heavy  Chance to get Stun -30%
      Blue Wolf Light  Chance to get Stun -30%
      Blue Wolf Robe  Chance to get Stun -30%
      Doom Heavy  Chance to get Sleep -30%
      Doom Light  Chance to get Sleep -30% | Не снимает -2 CON
      Doom Robe  Chance to get Sleep -30% | Casting Speed +15%
      Tallum Heavy  Chance to get Mental debuffs -50%
      Tallum Light  Chance to get Mental debuffs -50% | Casting Speed +15%
      Tallum Robe  Chance to get Mental debuffs -50% | Moving Speed +7
      Dark Crystal Heavy  Casting Speed +15%
      Nightmare Heavy  Block Magic Skills 5%
      Nightmare Light  Evade Phys. Skills 5%
      Nightmare Robe  Casting Speed +10%
        We also want to point out that on our server in the B & A-gr. you can insert stones and crystals of the attribute, according to the following logic: Attribute Stones: 30; Attribute Crystals: 60. It should be noted that 2 types of attributes can be inserted into the body of equipment (fullbody) on the chronicles of the GF. Starting with HF, the logic of the restriction will change to the logic of the HF chronicles - 3 attributes for each piece of equipment.
    B & A-gr weapons can also absorb the power of an attribute, according to the standard rules: Attribute Stones: 150; Attribute Crystals: 300.
    SA in Best D-grade
    It is now possible to insert SA into Best D-grade Weapons!
    The insertion takes place in the forges at the NPC, by analogy with C and B-gr. weapons.
    To insert SA you need:
     Best D-gr. Weapons (those that are made by crafting and drop, but not sold in the store for adena);  Soul Crystal 4th level;  152 D Gemstones (cost in shops - 1.000 adena / pc. excluding castle tax).   New RB for SA up
    Expansion of the number of Bosses for SA up, starting from the 10th level:
    General rules for all situations described below: The chance is individual for each member of the finishing group. It is enough to have the Enhance Your Weapon quest taken and have the Soul Crystal of the required level in your inventory. In addition to Epic Bosses and Tyrannosaurs, you can also up SA on regular RB, namely:
    From 10 to 12 levels, 5% personal chance for each member of the finishing group:
    Tanatos; Kandra; Roaring Skylancer; Beast Lord Behemoth; Meanas Anor; Antharas Priest Cloe; Eilhalder von Hellmann.   From 12 to 13 level, 5% personal chance for each member of the finishing group: Gordon; Varka's Chief Horus; Ketra's Chief Brakki; Queen Shyeed; Death Lord Ipos; Death Lord Shax; Storm Winged Naga; Ocean Flame Ashakiel; Hestia, Guardian Deity of the Hot Springs; Cherub Galaxia; Anakazel (Hero Rift). Exchange of SAs of the same levels
    We also want to note that SA on our server can be exchanged in luxor for similar ones.
    Thus, any color of the 11th, 12th and 13th grade SA can be exchanged for another color of the same level.
    New CA for weapons B-gr and higher
    Some CAs for weapons of rank B and above have been reworked to update them
      Guardian Sword  Focus: Critical Chance +61   Dragon Slayer  Focus: Critical Chance +64   Dark Legion Edge  Focus: Critical Chance +64   Carnage  Focus: Critical Chance +61   Soul Bow  Focus: Critical Chance +64   Elemental Sword  Acumen: Casting Speed +15%   Imperial Staff  Acumen: Casting Speed +15%   Arthro Nail  Focus: Critical Chance +61   Bellion Cestus  Health: Max. HP +25%   Deadman's Glory  Focus: Critical Chance +61   Basalt Battlehammer  Focus: Critical Chance +84   Vesper Avenger   Focus: Critical Chance +131   Doom Crusher  Rsk. Focus: When HP <60% - Critical Chance +115   Dragon Hunter Axe  Rsk. Focus: When HP <60% - Critical Chance +130   Vesper Retributer  Rsk. Focus: When HP <60% - Critical Chance +164   Dynasty Halberd  Health: Max. HP +25%   Icarus Trident  Health: Max. HP +25%  
      Life Stone has been reworked and now: Have no level (50-55-60 -...- 76), but still have a grade (Middle, High, Top); Dropp from the Raid Bosses starting at level 35; The skills work according to the logic of the HF chronicles, but: Active skills have power limitations, depending on the stage. Thus, at stage 1-60 there will be no 110 power nuke; Passive skills will immediately have a maximum level (10th); Trigger skills are active skills and will have a limited level.
    Treasure Key changes
    Treasure Key has been reworked and now:
    Have no level and have no grades; The probability of opening a chest depends on the difference between the player's and NPC's levels.

    On our server, pets have received pleasant changes and improvements, now you can have not only a chicken, but choose between three pets and this only affects the visual appearance:    Baby Buffalo Panpipe;  Baby Cougar Chime;  Baby Kookaburra Ocarina. At level 55, the pet evolves and gets additional abilities, namely:
     MP Recharge - now it is NOT required to be in a combat stance;  HP Health - now it is NOT required to be in a combat stance;  Magic Buff;  Fighter Buff. You will find new skills in your pet's actions  Heal Control,  Recharge Control,  Fighter Buff Control,  Mystical Buff Control.
    With their help, you can control what you want to get from the Pet:
    Activated Heal and Recharge Control - disable the pet's HP and MP; Activated Physical Buff Control, Mystical Buff Control - allow pets to apply 20-minute buffs to your character for Warrior and Mage, accordingly; All pets fill in MP and HP without using a fighting stance. Note that level 55 pets get the maximum buff level.
    Note! All pets, including Great Wolf and Great Snow Wolf (but NOT Fenrir and Snow Fenrir) have 99% PvP damage reduced. The third stage of wolf development - Fenrir upon reaching the Great Wolf level 70 will be available at the 3rd stage of the server. Mounts Cloaks Costumes From all RB 35+ levels, and also Epic Bosses, Collectible Cards drop out, for which you can get various Ride Mounts from NPC Eve in Giran Castle Town (if you have Lineage 2 - Battle Pass).
    Cards, as well as Mounts, which you can get using cards, are divided into types, depending on their rarity.
    Common and Uncommon Cards are suitable for exchange for any Mount of the Common and Uncommon categories, accordingly.   Rare and Legendary Cards are personalized and are only suitable for purchasing specific Mounts. For example: for Common Cards, you can get any of 11 Mounts of the corresponding type, at your discretion, but Part of Princess Ant can only be exchanged for Princess Ant Mount.
    All types of Collectible Cards are transferable.
    All Mounts are personal (tied to a specific character), timeless.
    70 Common - Common Mount 50 Uncommon - Uncommon Mount 40 Rare - appropriate Rare Mount 20 Legendary - appropriate Legendary Mount Note! You can exchange cards of the same grade with each other. To do this, you need the cards themselves and 1 Master Coin for each card.
    You can get various cloaks from  NPC Eve at Giran Castle Town (if you have a blank cloak  Ancient Cloak and  Family coin).
    The Ancient Cloak blank cloak can be purchased from the Adventurers' Guide, in the Ivory Coin Store section.   The main features of cloaks, that everyone needs to know: Cloaks can be worn for any set and even without it; Cloaks no longer have built-in attribute indicators - each player can insert the attribute that he needs; On different characters (race, gender, etc.), the cloak may look different; Cloaks can be printed for a number of additional characteristics: PVE protection, PVP protection, Regeneration. Please note that the suit can be worn in a separate inventory slot, "over" your outfit. Thus, you can enjoy the unique look of your character, while not losing his combat characteristics.You can get various raincoats from
    You can get different costumes from NPC Eve at Giran Castle Town.
    Suit cost - 75, with availability of Lineage 2 - Battle Pass - 50
    The cost of Lineage 2 - Battle Pass - 25
    In other words, costume cost + Battle Pass = just costume cost. Thus, the second suit is bought at an impressive discount.
    Looking good - feeling good ? 
    King of the Hill Path to the Baylor Zaken Cronus Dark Invasion
    Usually, the accumulation of a fame is a boring procedure associated with afk finding a character in various besieged zones.
    Habitual, of course, but incredibly boring.
    We decided to improve the rules for obtaining a fame without interrupting it from the gameplay. For this we have created a kind of permanent event - "King of the Hill".
    The essence of the event is to capture locations with your clan and receive a fame for holding them.
    Locations are divided into 2 categories: Low and High. Please note that locations will change depending on the chronicle stage, so the list will change depending on the current stage.   The number of fame, depending on the time and location: Low- locations, 8 frames per tick from 18:00 to 02:00 and 5 frames per tick from 02:00 to 18:00. High- locations, 12 fame per tick from 18:00 to 02:00 and 8 fame per tick from 02:00 to 18:00. Only members of a clan, that are at state of war can participate in the event;; To capture, you need to have more living members of your clan at the location than any others, but at least 20. After the clan captures the location: In the shout, an announcement is made that the location has a new defender; On the game map, next to the name of the location, the icon of the clan, that currently captured it, will appear. Each living clan member who is in the location will have a special buff that will notify that he is the protector of the location and will receive fame; The duration of the buff and the check on the state of the location will occur every 5 minutes; Fame tick - every 5 minutes; The amount of fame received is rated using the PA. Get together, capture locations with clan, get bonuses! Do you like getting fame the old fashioned way? No problem. But we provide an opportunity to make it more fun.
    We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the original instance remained unchanged and does not in any way relate to its modified copy. Only the original instance will help you complete the Bird in a Cage quest, which opens the island of Hellbound.
    The instance itself is 3 corridors with mobs, at the end of each you will find a Boss. As soon as you defeat each of the bosses, you can get to the main boss Baylor.
    Let's start in order.
    In order to get to the bosses you need to:
    Gather a group of 7-9 characters; Level: 74-85; Fly to Hein.
    Please note that 74, as the minimum level, does not mean that having collected a group of 74th level, you can easily pass bosses. For example, a wark with a cove will be almost irreplaceable, while level for physical group may be 74th.
    All bosses are in the same instance zone, so you will only have one boss available at a time, with the exception of Baylor. In order to get to Baylor, you will need crystals that drop from each of the bosses. After collecting all 3 crystals, you can go to the main boss.
    The zone rolls back 3 times a week:
    Tuesday; Thursday; Saturday. Note! In order to get to Baylor you will need:
    Clear Crystal- can be obtained from RB Tears, Coral Garden; Red Crystal - can be obtained from RB Kechi, Steam Corridor; Blue Crystal - can be obtained from RB Darnel, Emeral Squaer; All members of the group must have these items (crystals); After entering Baylor, regardless of success, all 3 crystals will be dropped from your inventory; There are 2 NPCs that allow you to visit Baylor: After killing each of the RB, an NPC will appear, who will offer to leave the dungeon or go to Baylor. Please note that this way you will remain in the same instance zone and you will not have to wait for the zone to be rolled back; You can go to Baylor at the starting NPC in Heine. Please note that if you go to Baylor through the NPC in the city, and not after killing the Boss, the general instance will be rolled back. Therefore, we recommend that you go through any Boss, even if the whole group already has all the crystals ready. There are no extra crystals ? If for some reason you would like to visit only one boss, but you still want to get to Baylor, it doesn't matter.
    We have provided a special exchanger that exchanges crystals 2 to 1:
    In addition to the drop from Bosses - after killing Baylor, each group member receives a special item:
    Dark Soul Chest.
    Inside the chest you can find: Piece of Immortal Ring - 1-2 pc. Piece of Immortal Earring - 1-2 pc. Piece of Immortal Necklace - 1 pc. Description of the Jewelry:
    Let's move on to the corridors and halls of our instance.
    The sequence of visiting the bosses does not matter, I will start with the list that was indicated above.

    Starting from the second stage, 2 Zaken instances will be available, which you can visit through the Old Pirat NPC in Giran Town. To do this, you will need 7-9 characters of level 52-68 and 74-80, depending on which Zaken you plan to get to.
    After dealing with the Boss, you can get B-A grade weapons, including Top B and Best A.
    General information
    Low level Zaken:
    Characters - 7-9; Level - 52-68; Drop - Top B; NPC to enter - Old Pirat; Cooldown: 1 day (at 6:30 AM). High level Zaken:
    Characters - 7-9; Level - 74-83; Drop- Top\Best A; NPC to enter - Old Pirat; Cooldown: If Zaken is killed, the timer for entering the time zone is reset every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 06:30 am. A new Daily Quest will also be available to you, which will open up some new game mechanics.
    Daily Quest:
    Title - Fighting Zaken; Level - 52-80; Aim - kill Zaken (instance); Reward: Zaken's Secret Chest (Personal item) What can you get from the Zaken's Secret Chest:
    Damaged Zaken's Earring - Damaged Zaken's Earring, which can be improved with special enchant scrolls. Safe modification up to +3 (inclusive). (Personal item); Scroll of Vanisher - For enchanting Damaged Zaken's Earring. Safe enchant up to +3, maximum enchant up to +10. When enchanted above +3, if it fails, the item disappears. (Personal item); Blessed Scroll of Vanisher - For enchanting Damaged Zaken's Earring. Used with items up to +6 inclusive. If it fails, the item does not disappear, and the enchant value is preserved. (Personal item); Crystal Scroll of Vanisher - For enchanting Damaged Zaken's Earring. Used with items up to +8 inclusive. If it fails, the item does not disappear, and the enchant value is preserved. (Personal item); Zaken's Soul Fragment -Item needed to get Zaken's Soul Cloak which has a built-in 150 HP bonus. To get this cloak, collect 20 20 Zaken's Soul Fragments and visit the NPC Old Pirat. (Personal item). The main feature of Zaken's Damaged Earring is the ability to improve it with special enchant scrolls, which you can get from Zaken's Secret Chest and receive a new bonus at each level:
    +0 - M.Def 40, Bleeding resistance +1%. +1 - M.Def 42, Bleeding resistance +1%. +2 - M.Def 44, Bleeding resistance +1%. +3 - M.Def 48, Bleeding resistance +4%. +4 - M.Def 50, Bleeding resistance +6%. +5 - M.Def 52, Bleeding resistance +8%. +6 - M.Def 52, Bleeding resistance +10%. +7 - M.Def 54, Bleeding resistance +10%, Stun resistance +3%. +8 - M.Def 56, Bleeding resistance +10%, Stun resistance +4%,  Effectiveness of healing +1%. +9 - M.Def 56, Bleeding resistance +10%,Stun resistance +4%, Effectiveness of healing +1%. +10 - M.Def 60, Max. MP +12, Bleeding resistance +10%, Chance of bleeding +5%, Stun resistance +5%, Chance of stun +1%, Effectiveness of healing +1%, HP Recovery Bonus +5%, MP consumption for skills -2%, Vampirism +2%. Can be exchanged for a full Zaken's Earring +0 from NPC Old Pirat in Giran Town. The mighty Pirate has rebelled.
    Good luck!

    The event consists of two parts, a quest and an instance, and is designed to take place in the clan's command channel. For completing the quest, you can get experience, and as a reward for killing the Giant, a variety of drops is issued.   In Detailes:
    The rollback of the zone instance and quest takes place at 6:30 am server time (GMT +2), the number of days depends on the stage. The quest is taken from the NPC Adventurer's Guide. Players of level 70-80 can complete the quest. Participate in RB farming players of level 70-85. The entrance to the zone is available for command channels from 18 to 45 players (2-5 groups). In this case, the leader of the command channel must be the leader of the clan. You can enter the instance through NPC Lucius, which is located in the city of Gludio. Reward:
    Guaranteed reward: experience for completing a quest, experience for killing the Giant; Drop from the Boss: S grade equipment (weapons, armor, jewelry), S80 grade equipment (weapons, armor, jewelry), books Archer's Will, Magician's will and Fighter's Will, enchanting S, parts of equipment, scrolls of bres and bsoe (depends on the stage ); The group that finished off has the opportunity to pump SA from 10-> 11-> 12-> 13-> 14 levels (depending on the stage). Event description:
    On the island of Grazia, the Ancient Giant, whose name is Cronus, awakened from a centuries-old sleep. Keucereus Alliance calls on the ElmorAden clans to gather all their forces, unite in groups and go to war against an ancient evil!
    The quest is taken from the NPC Adventurers' Guide. After accepting the quest, go to the NPC Lucius, you can find him in the city of Gludio.
    About the quest:
    Players of level 70-85, who are in the command channel of 18-45 players, can enter the instance zone from NPC Lucius and fight the Giant Cronus. The quest to participate in farming is optional. The entrance is carried out by the leader of the command channel and clan, while the players must be in a small radius from the NPC.
    After entering, players enter a zone free from RB aggression, where you can reorganize groups if necessary and raise the buff, and then start farming.
    Having received significant damage, Cronus uses a force field that protects him from any kind of damage. To destroy the field, two groups of players need to go through the opened portals and destroy the Generators. You will have to try and find the real Generators among the fakes. When the force field weakens, you can continue the fight.
    After the Giant dies, the drop normally falls to the ground, and it becomes possible to leave the zone through the portal.

    The invasion of the dark forces promises a great danger, but this risk comes with a great reward. Our scouts have found that upon death, the messengers of the ancient gods can release huge reserves of energy, which for a long time endows the surrounding warriors with different abilities.
    Dark Invasion - is a regular automatic event in which players have to fight monsters and raid bosses who have come through dark portals to take over the world of ElmorAden.
    In details:
    Invasions are divided into levels and start on schedule. Only players of the listed levels can beat back the invasion. Information about the place where the portal appears and the recommended player levels are published in the announcements 10 minutes before the start of the event. Duration of the fight with mobs: 20 minutes. Time, set for killing RB: 20 minutes. Reward:
    Guaranteed reward: experience, vitality effects. Drop from mobs: Life Stones, Ivory Coins. Drop from Boss: Life Stones, B and A grade equipment, enchantment scroll. Event description:
    Information about the place where the portal appears and the recommended player levels are published in the announcements 10 minutes before the start of the event. Players of suitable levels need to gather at the event venue and prepare for battle.
    At the appointed time, a portal will open in front of the players from which monsters will begin to emerge. The monster invasion lasts 20 minutes. After this time, the main Boss appears. It takes 20 minutes to kill the leader. If the players do not manage to kill the RB in the allotted time, then the portal disappears, and no reward is given.
    Players can gain experience and valuable drops from monsters. The main reward is given after defeating the Boss.  
    Loop macro Achievements .lock Group Search L2 Store
    You probably already know how ordinary macros work. In the this topic, we will talk about cyclic macroses.
    The cyclic macro differs from the usual one in its ability to repeat continuously. If during its execution you do any action (move the character, use an item / skill, open the interface window), the macro execution will be interrupted. However, you cannot add the execution of another macro to a macro.   In order to start a continuous repetition of a macro, you need to:
    Create a macro:

    Open the macro creation interface in the menu or by using the Alt + R keyboard shortcut; Press the "Add" button; Write the title of the macro, abbreviation, select an icon. Then fill in the macro itself; Click "Save". Next, move the macro you created to the skill panel:

    Right-click on the macro:


    We have developed the current Achievements system, adding new and developing old sections, as well as improving the individual Achievements menu for your character.
    Spending time in the game, lvling your character, creating equipment and completing quests, filling PVP and PC, developing sub-classes, participating in the Olympics - for all of this the character will receive personal achievements.
    For convenience, they are divided into blocks. For example, all the achievements that are related to the daily and total time that the character is online are in the block: "Online"
    There are Achievements - One-time, for example, for getting level 20, and Daily, for example, for a 4-hour stay in the game.
    All daily achievements (as well as daily quests) are updated at 6:30 am server time.
    Closing various achievements - the character receives a different reward, which depends on the achievement and on luck ? 

    To increase the safety of your characters, a special .lock command has been developed that will prohibit the transfer of things until the character is unlocked.
    What it gives to you:
    Once locked, your character cannot: Transfer things; Deal damage to other characters (so that things cannot be transferred using a PC).
    Details: If a blocked character tries to hit a "white" character (not flagged), then no damage would be done. If a blocked character tries to beat the flagged character, then the damage goes. If a blocked character (at this moment "white") tries to beat the "character" of the character in the combat zone, then the damage goes. If a blocked character (at this moment "white") tries to beat the flagged character in the combat zone, then the damage goes. If a blocked character (flagged at this moment) tries to hit the "white" character in the combat zone, then the damage goes. If a blocked character (flagged at this moment) tries to hit the flagged character in the combat zone, then the damage goes. PC - chars cannot enable lock.
    How to turn on?
    First you need to set a password. Enter the commands ".setlockpw your password" (i.e. if you want to set the password 1234, you must enter .setlockpw 1234 in the chat). Password must be 4 to 8 symbols long; Enable blocking with the command ".lock your password" (i.e. if you specified the password 1234 in the first paragraph, you need to enter .lock 1234 in the chat); To disable the lock, you need to enter ".unlock your password" into the chat (i.e. if you specified the password 1234 in the first paragraph, you need to enter .unlock 1234 into the chat). IMPORTANT:
    Do not give your character's security password to anyone! If game values are stolen from a character due to a password sharing, then they cannot be returned. Do not lose or forget this password! Store it in a safe place! If the password is lost, its recovery will be paid (through the support service).  

    The game has a convenient system for finding and collecting a group - Party Matching. With its help, you can, for example, gather a group in the Republic of Belarus, find a group in Kamaloka or gather for leveling in Catacombs.
    Party Matching is an indispensable service for solo players and small groups. When entering the game, we recommend that you go to the search for a group and then you can always find a company of your desire. The Party Matching search system can be opened in several ways:
    By using your character's actions:
    Party Matching By using the command in the game chat:
    /partymatching By using the in-game chat interface
    After opening the Party Matching, you will see the following information:

    Selecting a search condition for group rooms: Loc - choose the location in which the leader, who is assembling the group is currently located. Lvl - the range of character levels in the party room. [*] List of groups that are looking for characters to play together, when you hover the cursor over the name of the group, a window will open with a list of players that are already in the room.
    Previous/Next - go to the previous / next page in the list of group rooms. Waiting List - open a list of characters looking for a group. Create Room - create a search room for group members, available only to the group leader or a player without a group. Auto Join - automatic selection of the group search parameter. [*] List of characters awaiting to join the group - here you can invite the desired character to the group without waiting for him to find the room of your group:
    The upper part of the list allows you to set the search conditions: Level range. List of characters awaiting to join the group. Previous/Next - go to the previous / next page in the character list. Whisper - send a private message to a character selected from the list. Rim. Invite - invite a character selected from the list to the group room, the name of the group room will be added to the invitation. List Update - updating the list of characters waiting to join the group. Close - closing the list of characters waiting to join the group. Creating a group room:

    Set the group search parameters:
    Title - group description. Max. members - the maximum number of characters in the group room. Lvl Limit - range of character levels. The party room window will open and a yellow "Loking for Party" message will appear above the character's name:

    There are a groop chat roomwindow, at the bottom, chat is available to everyone in the group room. Set Room - change the parameters of the group room. Kick - kick the character out of the group room. Invite - invite a character to the group. Warning List - open the list of characters waiting to join the group. Exit - leave the group room; if the owner leaves the group room, it will be closed.
    For your convenience, we have created the L2Store store service, which is available from any part of the ElmorAden world.
    Now it doesn't matter what you forgot to buy: Spirit Ore or XP Rune - you can buy it.
    L2Store for Adena

    Screen taken from the server Interlude Rework x1 2020
    L2Store for Master Coin

    Screen taken from the server Interlude Rework x1 2020
    With this we would like to end the topic of a concept that answers many questions, but creates others. 
    These are the questions of choosing classes for the game, a clan for cooperation and goals to achieve.
    In the near future, topics will be added, describing point game mechanics that you may have forgotten about or those that you have not yet met on other servers (Beleth / Blessed Freya as an epic boss in the open world or a partial rework of the Inspector class). Also @Safero prepares a series of videos for you, in which he will talk about various details of the concept, answers questions and share various server insights and plans.
    Thank you for choosing us!
    With ❤️, E-Global & Averia.
  4. Like
    JohanM88 получил репутацию от Coide в GG sever   
    guys, not all the blame is the administration, it is true that they have to find a way to insentivate new people and people to play or stay, on the server, because if there are people like "I", who likes to play a server that lasts time, in fact I play a server since 2016, but we also have the blame for not trying to stay on the server, and allow the server to die, obviously the admin has to insentivate a lot and change things in the server, as an example reduce farm areas, etc., servers that are online years are not more than 1k of people online, may have 200-400, but as the server is reduced to a maximum of 3-4 farm areas, always there is pvp and agitation in those areas, that is an example, but all that does not work without a faithful community to the server
  5. Like
    JohanM88 получил репутацию от Nebula в Dance&Song Buff   
    guys, you can do pvp without d / s, if you want d / s in pvp or place it in dual box, or look for one that uses it, people who ask for d / s with more time, is very ill used to not know what it is to play l2, enjoy doing pvp with your profession in a retail way,
    play pure "server fruits" that totally unbalance lineage 2 and its professions, here you will see bishops who must know how to cure not to spend their MP, you will see professions like elder, sws, bd, sumoner, that if they know how to use it they can kill just like any profession , they have to learn to do pvp with the professions that they have, (that they are not "full buff", it does not mean that they can not do PVP)
    what ami if I would like is that the rates were a little higher, but that is the subject of the admin, because as you say the thing is to enjoy and pvp, and those who want to have better items and weapons with more enchand, they can continue farming, but as I said once, everything has to have a balance, and increase the difficulty of success of enchantar, but well that's another topic!
    it is preferable to ask for better rates so that it is easier to ask for buff, as in the "fruit servers"
    enjoy the juice of LINEAGE 2 !!
    because this !!, if it is to play "l2" (it is not GE, but some are Throne II: Gracia-Freya)



  6. Like
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Nebula в Dance&Song Buff   
    In one hand we understand that increasing songs and dances duration could make the game much easier but in the other hand this might affect a lot of game aspects and might have negative effect.
  7. Like
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Nebula в Gracia Epilogue x10 - July 26   
    It's up to level 85 :) edited
  8. Огонь
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Apache Ant в Gracia Epilogue x10 - July 26   
    Autumn has come earlier!
    New Gracia by Old but Gold E-Global
    Summer PTS-insanity for everyone

    Chronicle: Gracia Epilogue (based on Grand Crusade client)
    Rates: х10
    by E-Global & AdvExt
    only PTS platform

    Dear players!
    We always pay attention to your wishes and also keep an eye on Lineage II market in general.
    In the past 4 years players interest to High Five Gracia chronicles has increased significantly. Gracia Final is one of the most balanced and interesting chronicles to play and this chronicles always provide you with long playing time. But we all agreed that summer is not for hardcore 24/7 farming, boosting and a lot of boxes.
    All in good time: Autumn for Final, Summer for Epilogue!

    If you look at the game in terms of phasing or some kind of game staging - you can see a certain patterns.
    First you being introduced to a whole new world full of opportunities, but because of hard ways to get new equipment - your current items (from prev. chronicle) remains top. Then you are trying hard to get this equipment and despite the complexity this is accessible. And the final stage allows you to farm faster and easier, makes the game balanced with all previous updatedes, and this stages provides you the most comfortable gameplay.

    Epilogue is a great chronicles with a good balance between farming, pvp and advantage depending on character boost.

    Do you need to exping? Sure, but you won't be tired of single location for months.
    What about farming? Yes, but you need way less time to access good equipment.
    Instances? This won't take all of your prime time.
    When starts PvP? Whenever you want! Because of many ways to get a boost for you character you will always find worthy opponent.

    Epilogue is a faster version of Gracia Final i'd say. There are game stages (early/mid/late game) and you still need to farm but you can start PvP way early.

    A lot of people sure that there is only Java version of Gracia Epilogue with self-made skills\mechanics\stats by sick-minded admins and it's a false opinion.
    We bet that PTS Gracia Epilogue actually exists and it's time to prove it!
    So is there a Gracia Epilogue? - Yes! And it's a good one ;)

    A lot of players used to think that PvP servers is always about full NPC buff, GM shop full of cheap equipments and gameplay is about farming enchant scrolls all day long.
    As we understand PvP definition is:

    Suitable chronicles:
    Balance between time and receiving equipment, plus character development perspective.
    Classes balance which allows any player take part in pvp at any game stage.

    [*]Rates, comfortable for achieving level cap.
    [*]Audience which chooses PvP instead of AFK farming.

    Taking into account all the above and other things that come with experience we came to conclusion that x10 Gracia Epilogue server suits mid summer perfectly. We aimed on players' expectations and overall satisfaction.

    Like any other project we have pros (strengths) and cons (weak sides).
    We won't speak about cons (we will leave it for our regular players ;)) , but we will introduce you pros. We have several unique featues which we creating, improving and transfeting from server to server in order to create unique gaming experience and make this features familiar for you.
    What we are talking about?

    New Client
    We have made a new client for all of our servers based on Grand Crusade \ Classic 2.0.
    This client is not only a more spectacular picture, but also increasing your FPS, decreasing lags, provides us (admins) with much more game designers tools to make your gamplay better and more interesting.

    [*]Clan Unity

    In addition to the common privileges of playing in a clan, we also added another very useful advantage for the characters that are members of the clan - new Clan Unity buff is being automatically applied every 5 minutes to characters who are members of a clan and will increase you PvE characteristics.

    [*]Daily Quests

    We have prepared personal daily quests, which will provide some useful bonuses for your character. It will help to receive more profit form your daily routine.


    There will be 5 types of achievements from the start: : Levels, Subclasses, PVP+PK, Online, Olympiad. Rewards for every achievement has been designed to help to build your character.

    [*]Cyclic Macros

    Cyclic macros differs from regular in that it can be toggled to persistent work (repeat constantly).

    [*]Battle Pass

    We've cretated special system for visual items that you can use to make you character look truly unique!


    There are a lot of truly unique events that we've created just for you and we also going to create some new, that will add even more joy from your game ;)

    And i want to mention E-Global community separately.
    On our international servers there are players from all over the world and this players make up different in spirit and goals audience, this means there is a place for any player. Doesn't matter who you are: solo player, you playing in small group or in clan, mid war clan which is used to fight 100x100x100 for Gludio on 4-5 month of a sever, or you are playing in a top clan or party - you will always find your place on our project and will enjoy it.
    You are always welcome to clans and communities for interesting gameplay for any player.

    Cool and light summer Epilogue PVP server, according to the highest quality standards of our project.
    Player of any level, interests or age will find place on our server. Huge amount of communities which will invite you with pleasure and will give you real game content.
    Wanna hardcore? 3 words. Autumn. Gracia Final.
    Wanna chill? Gracia Epilogue x10 PvP will await you 26.07.19

    With ❤, E-Global.

  9. Like
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Geoteral в Event - True Jedi   
  10. Like
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Papanda в Event - True Jedi   
    Dear friends!
    Not that long time ago (one week ago, May, 4th ) world was was celebrating the day of one of the famous franchise - Star Wars.
    We also decided to make a (series of) event(s) in this regard!
    Starting from 11 to 20 May you can drop from the mobs special Herbs, that will change a look of your weapon and Force will improve your character with:

    +15% PvE dmg;
    +15% HP and MP;
    Duration: 30 min;
    Will not be removed at instance zones.

    In case if you are farming the location without drop of Herbs - don't worry, you can find special NPC Master Kota at Giran Catle Town, which will offer you to purchase a time-limited item - Potion (24h lifetime), which will provide your character with the 30 mins buff. But if you are going to farm deep in the catacombs for a long time and 1 potion is not an option for you - you can purchase a Package with 5 pots, with one week lifetime.
    Good luck and May the Force be with You!
    PS: Please note! You will need to use Launcher\Updater to see all items and event in general.
  11. Like
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Geoteral в videos 7x PVP, PVE   
  12. Like
    JohanM88 получил репутацию от Nebula в Battle of Roar "Interlude" or Classic ?   
    Exactly, that is why "goodtimes" does not use bless the body

    P.D: Something that gives me grace when I hear people say, that (frenzy is nerfed from the chronicle "kamael to h5") because it does not work as interlude, hahahaha the destroyer is a "character" quite good if they know how to use it, it does not matter If your "frenzzy" does not work as in interlude, what happens is that those who say that is because they really do not know how to use the "destroyer"

    mmhhhh you are using "family bless the body"
    the family potions, are not replaced since they last 1h, and that makes them better than the normal buff "the same happens with the "improve", I think that's your problem


  13. Like
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Nebula в Battle of Roar "Interlude" or Classic ?   
    Hello, @mata999
    I have done some tests and i don't see any problem with Bless the Body and Battle Roar interactions.

    Improve Condition is multiple effect buff and it has higher priority so it's can't be replaced with Bless the Body or Battle Roar.
    Battle Roar is more like Body of Avatar (bishop skill) and this two skills always replace one another. But this two skills cannot replace Improved Condition and this is why you don't get heal: first stage is when Battle Roar buff is applied to you and if it is then you get health restored.

  14. Like
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Wiesior в Game balance - is it even close to Interlude?   
    What? Mages should be always one shotted by daggers! That is not the excuse for give them AS as well as other buffs like VC and ability to use Arcane set with bonus to cas spd. It also have very negativie effect on all other classes. Because it put mages on best classes in game without anything that could balance them. What about Desto, Tyrant, Glad and WL?
    In true IL mages was always top classes in early and mid game. Just at very end game this posiotion is takken by archers with DB + focus and AQ. But even in this case maxed SPS with Wild Magic agument and Valakas Necklace outclasse it because of nearly 100% crit rate. And only thing that balance it is very weal p def because of forced to use a grade set (Dark Crystal) and no stupid things like Arcane Shield.
    Fact you got one shotted by dagger as Tank means another thing is broken here. What exactly? Hard to say but it should not happen.
    And this penalty is excuse use to boost already OP classes?
    Nevermind, I just understood the is waste of time...
  15. Like
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию ReckJk в xSide and Irreale ;p pvp?   
  16. Like
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Papanda в Client   
    There will be another link to client, because we are preparing awesome new client, based on Grand Crusade\Classic 2.0 game client.
    Also there will be new launcher-updater, will a lot of features. We will make a special thread with announment very soon ;)
  17. Огонь
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Papanda в Interlude x7 - April 5!   
    Very soon!
    We about to make a final features with the client engine and we will share the access with everyone :)
  18. Like
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Apache Ant в Interlude x7 - April 5!   
    It's time to enjoy Golden Age chronicles on the modern engine!

    It's all about Interlude x7
    by E-Global & AdvExt
    OBT: March 22 at 19:00 CET.

    Dear friends!
    Almost a year has passed since the announcement and the launch of our own product - Interlude Final.
    We have overcome a lot this year: a successful opening, low-rates and mid-rates, more than 5 major updates, kilometers of code, millions of characters on the forum, hours of videoclips.
    But the most important thing is that we passed all this together with you!
    And before we get to the essence of this topic, we, our whole team, want to say thank you to everyone.
    For each comment, opinion (whether positive or negative), for each killed Gremlin, Ishka, Valakas ...
    We closely followed your reaction, emotions, game and tried to apply this experience to improve our product and project as a whole.
    We sincerely believe that all this has not gone unnoticed.
    New Interlude Final x7 server is based on update 1.5 base.
    Having brought it to its logical conclusion, we intend to add a few more large-scale changes which we will discuss below.
    What will be added to 1.5 patch?

    The first and most important change is the game client.
    Perhaps it was the High-Five client which was warmly welcomed as part of our upgrade.
    Yes, the decision was correct, but it requires further development because the modern client engine satisfies both the players and the manufacturers of hardware/drivers with higher quality.
    Without a doubt, this decision will entail a lot of tests and fixes, and therefore we believe it is important to explain to you the necessity of such a move.
    [spoiler=Why the old client is outdated and the new one is better]The old client was developed for relevant at a time processors (and hardware in general), which had fewer cores. As many of you know, today's processors increase the number of cores (streams), but often reduce their clock speed compared to older processors that were relevant at the time of release of most versions of the clients/games.
    So, roughly speaking, Core 2 Duo @ 3.16 GHz (2 cores) of 2006 will be better than Intel Core i5-8400 @ 2.8GHz (6 cores) of 2017 for older game clients.
    This is not the only reason for the low performance of old clients on modern computers, because a whole set of factors is responsible for this: motherboard, processor, RAM, disk (write/read speed).
    Since the Grand Crusade client (alias a Classic 2.0 client) was developed with an eye to more modern technologies using the successful and unsuccessful experience of previous clients, it’s natural that its functionality and performance is much higher. And we all congratulate us on this :)
    We have made a new client for Interlude Final servers based on Grand Crusade \ Classic 2.0.
    This client is not only a more spectacular picture, but also more technical capabilities for us (developers):

    Visual improvements - lobby, character creation, interface, menu, skills)
    In-game functionality - character statistics, interaction with the browser inside the game, notification systems, built-in manuals and guides for specifically your profession or server as a whole.
    Optimized performance:
    Tired of lags in ToI? Haven't seen Baium with с 120 60 fps animation?
    Does the CPU load by 50% or more infuriate you when starting 1 box?

    We also use modern technology for processing client-server data packets, which allows us to reduce the response time from the server. We successfully tested it on our autumn server and there was impressive result.
    Satisfied players from China can confirm it :)

    We were inspired by the self-organization of players on Gracia Final x7, and we believe that the system of instance zones helps to create new communities and groups, and also allows solo players to find interesting content for themselves, keep up with the leaders and have a good time.
    In this regard, 2 Kamaloka will be waiting for you on the new server: Labyrinth of the Abyss and Hall of the Abyss with a modified drop that is consistent with the Interlude rules, as well as the Zaken instance.

    In order to preserve the interests of clans and big / mid-war players, it would be a huge mistake to remove or change an ordinary Zaken. However, for many players, Zaken is something even more mysterious than Baium, Antharas or Valakas.
    We decided to introduce 2 alternative Zaken (levels 60 and 78), which will be available to players in the form of instance zones.
    This instance will not give you a real earring, but you can get an analogue, as well as a nice drop in accordance with the level of Zaken you are hunting.
    In the 1.5 announcement we mentioned that it would also be possible to wear cloaks together with improved S-grade sets (that are being unpacked to a certain class). In the new patch, we will improve on the cloak system and, in addition to the alternative earring, you will also have possibility to complete the quest for a special Zaken cloak.
    It does not provide additional bonuses, but "Looking good, feeling good" ;)

    The two previous Interlude Final servers showed that most players easily and with pleasure understand all the innovations and additions, but the “majority” does not mean “all”.
    We want to please all the players with a new interactive system of hints and notifications.
    Most likely, the BBS (Community board) will be taken as a basis, with the author's interface for performing the following tasks:

    General information about the server features and add-ons.
    Where to level up faster?
    What new "buttons" are available to your profession?
    Status of changed locations
    How updated sets interact with your character

    [*]When you reach a certain level or participate in an event, you will receive a notification (short text, GIF-animation, video) about what is recommended to do further for a faster / interesting development;

    We want to emphasize that for this launch we aim to achieve 2 goals:

    Create a system of notifications - the architecture of the knowledge base;
    Fill it with content that will eliminate the gap of knowledge between Interlude - Interlude Final.

    E-Global - it is always sensational events with the participation of the most famous players and communities of our favorite game.
    Almost all the players and clan leaders somehow faced each other within the game worlds, so it’s not so easy to create a really interesting war in 2019, but we rolled up our sleeves, did a good job and we are sure that the integrity of the battles on the future server will not leave anyone indifferent. ;)
    However, our server is not only a big war.
    Next to the strongest players, organized by groups of 15-20-40 players in each, both mid-clans with "evening online" and solo players perfectly coexist, who can optionally find a permanent group, find a clan that will help and support a lonely warrior on the difficult path or create their own clan with their own rules and lead it to success.

    The mission that we took as the basis for creating the Interlude Final is to continue to deal with the most beloved chronicles, and at the same time to make a product worthy of your attention in 2019.
    We work hard to make you satisfied with the result.

  19. Like
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Rercury в Suggestion of new project   
    But at least it's gonna be funny. ;D
  20. Like
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Trolya в Help me, ban me?   
    Sorry, already restored all your topics and messages.
  21. Like
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Trolya в Help me, ban me?   
    Sorry for inconvenience! The matter is that we every day block a huge ammount of spam topics/comments and in your topic was mistaken for spam. Already unbanned your forum profile and restored the topic.
  22. Like
    JohanM88 получил репутацию от Marjohnak в MY opinion.   
    the servers do not die because there has not been an update or not, they die for their community, in the official servers there is always a clan that dominates, the difference is that they all join and look for a balance in the server, either zergeando the clan that dominates or not, these things can be seen in the l2classic versions 1.0, official, for me these updates are too .. ami do not convince me and less on a pvp server, this seems like a server "GF" with skill uncluidas for certain conveniences, in the official servers there were updates and was "change of chronicle", and every time there were more people in the server, obvious you can not compare the updates (change of cronica) of NCSOFT, but ami I think who are inventing a lot here, of something that is already created...

    I already said it before and I'll say it again ... do you want an "interlude" with new skills and something a little different and more balanced? "change from chronicle" the most similar to "interlude" is "hellbound PTS" is the same jugabalidad, you just have to remove the new zones, set max lvl 80 and remove the drop of elements, the kamaeles and ready, you have an interlude with new skills, maybe you can put some skills to some classes (without their hand pass ) to shoot a little the professions and ready (I see it unnecessary), ahhhh and of course obviously "BUFF RETAIL" I would do so! and I think it's much easier than being inventing ... (eye is not that I do not value the effort that the staff does, but I see a lot of things that I do not like, it's questions of taste) I'm an old-school player, and I like the old school l2, I clearly do not have the time I had many years ago but all that can be fixed depending on the rates of the server and how they configure it so that people are not killing themselves in " LVL "
  23. Like
    JohanM88 получил репутацию от Coide в MY opinion.   
    the servers do not die because there has not been an update or not, they die for their community, in the official servers there is always a clan that dominates, the difference is that they all join and look for a balance in the server, either zergeando the clan that dominates or not, these things can be seen in the l2classic versions 1.0, official, for me these updates are too .. ami do not convince me and less on a pvp server, this seems like a server "GF" with skill uncluidas for certain conveniences, in the official servers there were updates and was "change of chronicle", and every time there were more people in the server, obvious you can not compare the updates (change of cronica) of NCSOFT, but ami I think who are inventing a lot here, of something that is already created...

    I already said it before and I'll say it again ... do you want an "interlude" with new skills and something a little different and more balanced? "change from chronicle" the most similar to "interlude" is "hellbound PTS" is the same jugabalidad, you just have to remove the new zones, set max lvl 80 and remove the drop of elements, the kamaeles and ready, you have an interlude with new skills, maybe you can put some skills to some classes (without their hand pass ) to shoot a little the professions and ready (I see it unnecessary), ahhhh and of course obviously "BUFF RETAIL" I would do so! and I think it's much easier than being inventing ... (eye is not that I do not value the effort that the staff does, but I see a lot of things that I do not like, it's questions of taste) I'm an old-school player, and I like the old school l2, I clearly do not have the time I had many years ago but all that can be fixed depending on the rates of the server and how they configure it so that people are not killing themselves in " LVL "
  24. Like
    JohanM88 получил репутацию от Dark0 в Interlude Final x25 - 03 August!   
    hello guys again, I will give my opinion as I always have, I think it is excellent to place the server mid rate, what I do not like is that they convert it into a server "PVP" like all existing "mid" servers, to which I mean? buff 2h, power enchand weapons, which completely deviates the game of the l2, my idea would be ... place the rates as you propose but with buff totally retail! this to have a not so tedious server in "LVL" and "CRAFT" and more pvp in the retail way as was done in the official servers, practically my idea is a server where you do not kill yourself by lvleando and crafteando and the pvp are retail, to avoid people with backpack trains is easy to solve, first put several filters like:
    - the 2 change of profession is more expensive as 10kk for 2 change and 1 change 1.5kk so people who want to make backpacks would be a good filter or make the quest retail
    - the other would be that you can open 3box only in the cities (zone of peace) outside the cities you can only have 2box per PC and in epic zones, sieges 1box this makes the suport important in the roll
    other thing as the rates are high, to avoid the weapons and armors (jedis), you can place all the Enchand as many as armor and weapons and their quest are 1x and also lower the chance of success in the enchand at least half , example if to enchantar to +4 my weapon the success is 66% that is 33% now is a good way to avoid weapons and weapons +++++++++ this would be that the q has a weapon + 5 or +6 is quite difficult the idea is to play a l2 to the old school but without that hatred to lvlear and craftear that you last a long time to do it
    and well there are several professions of profession that I do not like, they give advantages to several professions, but if I did not change your mind before now, I really hope to play a server that does not have to kill me in battle and craftear as in the 7x but that the pvp are like the old school, with buff of ch or some suport that you have but without walking super overbuff .
    as always I apologize for my English
    regards ......:uuuuu:
  25. Like
    JohanM88 изменил репутацию Papanda в party animation like the 7x   
    Party color can be turned off in case if your don't need it or you just want to switch it off.
    The command is .partycolor_off
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