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Все публикации пользователя Awe

  1. Awe

    куплю арбу нобл/пройденный саб

    Ваша тема была отредактирована согласно правилам. Соблюдайте их.
  2. Awe

    Farming tips

    Paladin is bad character for farm, make a spoiler :)
  3. Awe

    Forum credit (points)

    I'm just a forum guard, I've no time for flood, so you've more opportunities)
  4. Awe

    Forum credit (points)

    Hello! 1 credit = 1 aver. When you collect 300 credits, ypu can transfer them to the game.
  5. Awe

    WTB chant of movement book

    Your thread was edited according to the forum rules. Follow them, otherwise your thread will be deleted.
  6. Awe

    Давайте знакомиться, Awe

  7. Awe

    Xp penalty in party

    Hello! 14 9 and less - 100% 10-14 lvls - 30% more than 15 lvls - 0% There is no definite difference. If the difference between player and mob ~6-8 levels (it shows light blue in target), you are imposed a small fine at first, which grows further.
  8. Awe

    english patch

    Hello! You can download patch here: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/averia-game-files.73336/
  9. Awe

    wtb moirai robe circlet/shoes/sleeves/stockings

    I've just added at the end of your message "Real Money Trade is forbidden! Report about the fact of such trade to our stuff members with PM. Seller/buyer will be banned and you will get bonus [by Administration of the project]". You should add it by yourself, it's the rule of the section. What are you complaining about?
  10. Awe

    Продам много сопов

    Соблюдайте правила раздела: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/Правила-продажи-вещей.88947/
  11. Awe

    wtb moirai robe circlet/shoes/sleeves/stockings

    Your thread was edited according to the forum rules. Follow them, otherwise your thread will be deleted.
  12. Awe

    Trade section for international

    Here you are http://forum.averia.ws/forums/trade.165/ :rolleyes:
  13. Awe

    Character deletion service

    Dear players! We are pleased to announce you that since 17/03/2015 instantaneous character deletion service is available on all Averia.ws servers. Characters are not fully deleted, but are put in trash/archive and can be recovered. Cost of the character deleting system: 50 Avers Cost of the recovery: 100 Avers What is this service like? Instantaneous character deleting from Game Account Character's nickname exempting Possibility to recover deleted character Сharacter's nickname recovery (if nickname was not taken during deletion) Terms of service: Character must not have the status of hero Game account must not be banned Only characters which were deleted with deletion service can be recovered To apply for deletion/recovery of the character you should: Replenish balance of your Master Account to 50/100 Avers Create thread in Account Issues section, name it "Character deletion" Specify following information: Master Account, where 50/100 Avers are Registration Email Telephone number, which your Master Account was attached to Login of Game Account, where the character is Nickname of the character, which you want to delete Character's Pin-code Server [spoiler=Example of the application ]MAawe [email protected] 89222999222 Awemoderator Awe 332212 x10
  14. Awe

    Trade section for international

    Hello! Your request is being realized.
  15. Awe

    Class change

    Have a good game! :)
  16. Awe


    Hello! Adena'll return to your inventory in three days after academic leaves. Yes. There is no limits.
  17. Awe

    Trade town

    Since 2013 there were a lot of changes, including trade zone :)
  18. Awe

    Trade town

    Yes, Gludin is main town. It's the feature of Averia.ws server.
  19. Awe

    Need help downloading the game

    Have a good game!:)
  20. Awe

    Forum and game interfaces in English

    Have a good game! :)
  21. Awe

    bloody rain patch

    Oh, I'm sorry, we've misunderstood you. To minimize lags which appear because of big online you can enter .cfg, choose Customize Character, hide traders/buffs animation/pets and productivity of the client will increase at least several times.
  22. Awe

    Need help downloading the game

    Hello! No, that's not enough. You should make full check with this updater: http://rghost.ru/57196539 Put it in System folder: http://rghost.ru/59622638 You can translate the game into English. Here you can find how to do it: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/changing-client-language-to-english.89443/ We have big international audience :)
  23. Awe

    Averia x10 on the 13th of March!

    Have a good game! ^^ Appeal to technical support about problems like this, please.
  24. Awe

    LF file with default inventory layout

    Hello! Replace these files in client: http://rghost.ru/59674434
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