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Все публикации пользователя Awe

  1. Dear Averians, our spies have reported that, Somalian Pirates are going to attack us on 3rd of August 2015, after restart! They are preparing them selves at our borders and their number is growing fast! We cannot withstand their onslaught! Only you can save Averia! Only most brave of you can kill them and collect the pirates treasures! The rewards you may receive from Pirates: Common Pirate's Chest Rare Pirate's Chest Key to Common Pirate's Chest Key to Rare Pirate's Chest The rewards obtained from chests are quite different: Bottles Agathions Enchant Scrolls Attribute Epic Jewels (normal\ shadow) Armor from Dynasty to Elegia S84 Color Name New costumes Vitamine pets Belts Also keep in mind that some items drop more often from common chests, some - more often from rare. It's not fact that if you only open Rare chests you receive better rewards. Key's can be purchased from ALT+B > shop plus: Common Keys - 7 Avers / Rare Keys - 14 Avers Event will end on 10th of August on 05:00AM (GMT+3)! Keys & Chests can be kept after the event.
  2. Awe

    NEW PROTECTION SYSTEM [For all Averia Servers]

    Oh, fixed, thanks :)
  3. Awe

    NEW PROTECTION SYSTEM [For all Averia Servers]

    What problem do you have? Can you make a screenshot?
  4. Awe

    NEW PROTECTION SYSTEM [For all Averia Servers]

    1. UninstallMicrosoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable. 2. from System folder, delete theese files msvcp100.dll and msvcr100.dll 3. Restart PC. 4. Install:https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id=5555 5. Install:https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/download/details.aspx?id=14632 6. Restart your PC.
  5. Awe


  6. Awe


    Hello! Try to make full check with updater.
  7. Awe

    Olympiad Reseted Points so early

    Each Friday
  8. Awe

    Olympiad Reseted Points so early

    Olympiad period is 15 days. Heroes are given 1st and 15th of each month.
  9. Awe

    .auto command

    Hello! Unfortunately, this command's temporarily disabled.
  10. Awe

    .augment command

    No, we'll fix it soon and everything'll work :)
  11. Awe

    Update Error

    Hello! Try to download our client from Rutracker http://forum.averia.ws/threads/client-seeding-on-rutracker-org.99316/
  12. Awe

    Client seeding on Rutracker.org

    Boys! Our client is officially uploaded on RuTracker.org We strongly recommend to use our client, because it is checked for critical errors + on the project a lot of different updates: from accessories to horses and haircuts from Lindvior and Episodion chronicles, were added. Now it has everything necessary, except file Averia_Updater.exe, you can download it on the main page of our site to update the client fully (we work on the server almost around the clock). Current client capacity is 12Gb. Also, specially for those who have problems with updater, there is ready patch in the seeding, which you can download separately from seeding ;) So link to the torrent: http://rutracker.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4449747 And here is the file for those who do not want to register: http://rghost.ru/private/46303294/5840f33c3e20132a35299ead1cd0a5b4
  13. Awe

    Connection problems

    Hello! It's caused by massive online, we're trying to solve the problem with log in.
  14. Awe

    Lucky Pigy (neolithic crystal)

    1. There is no chance for lucky pig. 2. You can get neolithic crystal for lucky pig too.
  15. Awe

    Master acc vote.

    We have a problem with vote credits, it'll be fixed soon.
  16. Awe

    I'm waiting for the x50 opening on Averia.ws

    You can upload both pictures!
  17. Awe

    Bot reporting

    After using .bot your complaint is sent to specialist's panel. Specialist responds to the complaint and check character. Online is massive, so there're a lot of responds, specialists can't check everyone immediately. But don't worry, everyone'll be checked. If you want to get more confidence and surely get an answer whether reported character is banned, you can send your respond here: http://forum.averia.ws/forums/Жалобы-на-игроков-спамеров-ботов.67/ and tell nickname of character and server.
  18. Awe


    Have a nice game :)
  19. Awe


    Hello! No, there isn't
  20. Awe

    blood of the fallen warrior

    This item is for upgrade of the dragon, general information about dragons will be posted later.
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