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Все публикации пользователя Awe

  1. Awe

    How did 'AVERIA" come up?

    No, I don't :D AVEria is not AWE :D Btw, Ranive's wife is Anna http://forum.averia.ws/members/averia-ws.3/
  2. Awe

    How did 'AVERIA" come up?

    One moderator told me that "Averia" is a word "coquette" in some language, but I'm not sure
  3. Awe

    Avers shop (Donate)

    You will see at OBT!
  4. Awe

    How did 'AVERIA" come up?

    Good question, I asked [ADM]Ranive :thumbsup:
  5. Awe

    Custom Pets

  6. Awe

    Credits on forum

  7. Awe

    Avers shop (Donate)

    You can PM here with us :D
  8. Awe

    Avers shop (Donate)

  9. Awe

    Avers shop (Donate)

    You can get elegia and raid jewels only by playing. You cannot donate it. You can press "Subscribe" :p
  10. Awe

    Avers shop (Donate)

    But... But.. Why? :(
  11. Awe

    Avers shop (Donate)

    You will only see him in the photo :cry:
  12. Awe

    Avers shop (Donate)

    So you will have to chat with me until server starts :D
  13. Awe

    Avers shop (Donate)

    I want I want!
  14. Awe

    Avers shop (Donate)

    Hmm, do something :D You're really fearless guy :cool:
  15. Awe

    Avers shop (Donate)

    Idk what you're doing, if 4 days is a lot for you :D
  16. Awe

    Avers shop (Donate)

    Only 4 days, be an optimist!
  17. Awe

    Avers shop (Donate)

    No All exact prices you will learn at the OBT
  18. Awe

    Avers shop (Donate)

    Now I can only give you short list, you can see all assortment at the OBT :) What's planning: Runes EXP/SP, premium account, vitamin pets, cloaks, hairs, costumes, S80 equip
  19. Awe

    We invite everyone to OBT of summer server x50!

    Don't cry, it's ONLY 5 days!
  20. Awe

    Mana potion

  21. Awe

    Mana potion

    Nice to hear it :inlove:
  22. Awe


    Yes, you're right 10 minutes!
  23. Awe

    We invite everyone to OBT of summer server x50!

    You will learn about it later ;)
  24. Awe

    Int Advertisement

    You wasn't ignored, we listened to your opinion and made some changes: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/hellbound-level-on-x50.101503/
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