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Все публикации пользователя Awe

  1. Awe

    About forum

    It's not easy, but we're thinking about it :)
  2. Awe

    LF confirmation

    Oh, I'm sorry, it's a mistake. Fixed :) Dance / Song duration is 10 minutes
  3. Awe

    About forum

    We have already received such question, so:
  4. Awe

    Happy Birthday, [ADM]Ranive!

    Today we are celebrating birthday of loved by everyone and the best [ADM]Ranive! I wish him happiness and success in all things, joy and family well-being! Thank you for excellent Averia! :rolleyes: Let's show together how much we love our community creator! Leave your comments with birthday wishes :thumbsup:
  5. Awe

    CP Clicker

    Hello! It is forbidden to use any third-party software. Before start of x50 we will present new service, which will equalize all players, and autocp will be useless.
  6. Awe

    Mana potion

  7. Awe

    We invite everyone to OBT of summer server x50!

    On OBT future concept of the server will be presented and it hasn't seraphim and cat in buffer. Anyway, you can purchase in shop plus foxes, which will buff these buffs on their owner.
  8. Dear Averians! We invite all interested players to visit our opened beta-test of our summer server x50 made by Averia.ws! At OBT you can see the final concept, declared in description of the server. Everyone will have an opportunity to test all nuances of game world you are interested in, evaluate new services and make sure one more time that Averia.ws is the best project! During the OBT there will be established OBT-shop with all equipment (up to elegia, epic and top weapons), and all created characters will appear with a huge number of all available currencies. Also you will be able to level up in one click. Remember, that administration of Averia.ws always listen to our players, so do not be afraid to express you ideas about OBT! OBT will take place on July 3rd at 07:00PM (GMT+3) (you can download patch in the coming days) Short FAQ: Q: Will wipe after OBT be? A: Of course. Q: Will there be any bonuses for active testers? A: Yes. Active testers can really get pleasant bonuses at the opening. Q: When will OBT end? A: OBT will be closed on July 8th at 11:00PM (GMT+3). We need to prepare the server for the start :)
  9. Awe

    Nobles price

    Exact price will be at OBT
  10. Awe

    Mana potion

    Thank you, I do my best for our players :rolleyes:
  11. Awe

    Mana potion

    Yes, they will :)
  12. Awe

    About forum

    Yes :p
  13. Awe

    Expanding horizons — Averia.ws on Facebook!

    Not on FB :D
  14. Awe

    About forum

    Yep :D
  15. Awe

    HellBound level on x50.

    I'm watching you :cautious:
  16. Awe

    About forum

    League League League :rolleyes::rolleyes:
  17. Awe

    HellBound level on x50.

    No, you are not the only one, who asked to change our decision. Stop complaining :(
  18. Awe

    About forum

    5 days from your registration and 15 messages ;)
  19. Awe

    About forum

    Resident of forum
  20. Awe

    Everyone goes to x50 on 10 July!

    Wait a while :D
  21. Awe

    HellBound level on x50.

    Dear friends! We always listen to your opinion, and because of that we are trying to build good server for everyone. At first we decided to make Hellbound level 1, but it seemsed there was a huge debate going on, and most of our players got disappointed, so we revised this point: At the opening of x50 HB will be available, level — 11. We hope this change will be positive for everyone, and dont forget that Averia administration is always here to listen your ideas :rolleyes:
  22. Awe

    About forum

    Because you hadn't a title "Житель форума ". Now you got it and your messages won't be checked by moderators.
  23. Awe

    Automatic enchantement?

    Very bad idea We will consider your proposal.
  24. Awe

    Everyone goes to x50 on 10 July!

    It's time to register an account and find your friends there ;)
  25. Awe

    Let's get acquainted!

    These ones are not bad too :p
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