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Все публикации пользователя Awe

  1. Awe

    Averia x10 on the 13th of March!

    Hello! Make a screenshot, please
  2. Dear friends! I gladly want to inform you that our long-awaited March low rate x10 server has successfully started, despite the strong DDoS attack, which was repelled by our specialists! High starting online, habitual for everyone on all servers of the Averia.ws project, counts 5.000 live players! Our hot start will make the last remnants of snow on your streets melt! Top collectives, a lot of clans and thousands of solo-players are already conquering new world of Averia and its history has started today. Big international audience, which lets you to find representatives of different corners of the world, has gathered on the project. Every moment there is creating more than a hundred characters, battles for every monster from every spot, queues to the Kamaloka and aspiration to reach the first 85 level on your profession, getting 5-year Premium Account! What are you waiting for, my friend? There is no time for blue study! Start to play and become a part of the best Averia.ws server! Helpful information: Description of the x10 server. Files for joining the game. Download the client from the Rutracker.
  3. Awe

    Cruma tower quest for adena

    Hi! There it is http://www.linedia.ru/wiki/Lorain
  4. Awe

    bloody rain patch

    Where do you prefer to download from?
  5. Awe

    Trade Forum

    Hello! You can create your thread about WTB/WTS in this forum: http://forum.averia.ws/forums/%D0%A0%D1%8B%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BA-%D1%8510.161/
  6. Awe

    exp off/on not working

    .expoff command allows you to gain 100% exp on the current level. For example, if you enter it on 15 level, you can maximum gain 15 level and 100% exp.
  7. Awe

    Go to x10 together!

    The thread is closed. Avers were given ^^ Have a good game!
  8. Dear friends! Most players who didn't get PA after buying have been returned Avers on characters! If you haven't got the Avers, don't worry: you automatically get them in 10 minutes. I'm extremely sorry for any inconvenience. Your respectfully, Averia.ws
  9. Awe

    Averia x10 on the 13th of March!

    Have a good game! :)
  10. Awe

    Averia x10 on the 13th of March!

    Make screenshot, please
  11. Awe


    Download patch http://forum.averia.ws/threads/averia-game-files.73336/
  12. Awe

    Server is off?

  13. Awe

    DDoS attack and problem with PA.

    Dear friends! x10 server is under massive DDoS attack. Technical specialists of the project together with Data Center staff are solving this problem. Situation will be stabilized in 20 minutes. I apologize for the inconvenience. Yours respectfully, Averia.ws
  14. Awe

    buying avers before start

    400 avers
  15. Awe

    My quick huide to change language (screenshots)

    Everything is much easier! When you type .cfg command, you can switch language by one click:
  16. Awe

    English Files

    Hello! There is how you can change client language: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/changing-client-language-to-english.89443/ You should add this file to the client http://rghost.ru/8ZQKzJ5gZ
  17. Awe

    Sub Raids Time of Death

    Hello! Yes, we'll do it soon :)
  18. Awe

    before start

    You posted screenshots from test server. Test server is for administration and differs from the main. And on all main servers when you type .cfg command, you can switch language by one click
  19. Awe

    No scam in instance zones!

    Hello! Unfortunately, it's just gaming moment. I'll specify it and let you know.
  20. Awe

    Averia x10 on the 13th of March!

    Unfortunately, there'll be no events on the start of the server :( Yes
  21. Awe

    buying avers before start

    Rare A grade weapons and armors
  22. Awe

    buying avers before start

    Hello! Yes, you can donate before the start. More info here: http://forum.averia.ws/threads/donations.46462/ If there is no x10 server, push Ctrl+F5.
  23. Awe

    Stream - Averia x10

    Welcome! :rolleyes:
  24. Awe

    bloody rain patch

    Download it http://rghost.net/59722901 This patch changes heal skills' animation.
  25. Awe

    PM on forum

    Sorry, it's forum rules and precaution :(
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