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Saint A.L.

Marketing & Manager
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Все публикации пользователя Saint A.L.

  1. защиту от ДДУДОСа прикручиваем, чтобы на старте все было тип-топ каблучки макияж
  2. Saint A.L.

    Cистема бонусов плащей

    Фиксит мобов на стороне сервера один человек, клиент другой человек, апдейтер делает третий, тему составляет четвертый, публикует ее с админки - пятый. Все под контролем бро, мы работаем. ?
  3. Тоже лф парочку связных для разных делишек
  4. Да не, дядя, Я про то что забивают стрелку порамсить в скайпе У парня походу Делореан в гараже стоит
  5. Saint A.L.


    тру олд
  6. Saint A.L.

    8 Крутых акций - [25.000 рублей]

    По поводу дискорда - у нас есть, и будет линк на новом вебе, может придумаем с ним что-то интересное, если время будет По поводу инсты и скайпа - нет, не будет (в ближайшие пару стартов точно), почему сказать не могу чтобы не палить страты
  7. Saint A.L.


    Десятый заткнись ???
  8. Saint A.L.


    да хватит меня квотить, я не занимаюсь гейм дэвом :1f616::1f616::1f616:
  9. Хитренький бортмеханик
  10. Saint A.L.

    Road to OBT!

    Hello Friend! If you are interested in playing on Interlude Final (you came to this topic for a reason, do you?), then I have a cool offer for you :) You need to download our files in advance, register, and create a character on the Open Beta Test, which will take place on March 22 - April 3. By doing this you will receive the following items on the third day of the server’s life (on the evening of April 8) to the warehouse of your Master Account: Accessory for 3 days. Reduces Exp loss at death by 30%. (Active skill: Fireworks) Exp Rune +30% (5h.) Ivory Coins x50 Greater CP Potion x50 You will receive these gifts 1 time for 1 Master Account. You can transfer them to the game only on your character within your Master Account. [spoiler=Where the gift will be located?] Here is a topic in which you can find all the necessary information for entering the Open Test (Files, Updater, Instructions, Registration)
  11. Saint A.L.


    ✌ Shalom, brothers / sisters! We made a cool (probably) video that shows how we raised the standards for Interlude chronicles which are over 12 years old. For this, I have prepared several tasks for you for which we will give you tasty rewards to the server start! Task #1 | How to make Interlude more relevant? Subscribe to our YouTube channel — E-Global Media Like the video — Write in the comments to the video your proposal for improving the Interlude, how to make it more relevant in the 2019 The message should be written with the hashtag # 12YearChallengeInterlude Some details: Duration - up to April 4 inclusive We will select 5 random participants and give them gifts for participation (on April 5 at ~15:00 gmt +2) Rewards: Unique Set / Package with C-grade (195 Family Coins / 1460 rubles) Agathion with autoloot (infinity), the most fashionable (150 Family Coins / 1125 rubles) Infinity Club Card (80 Family Coins / 600 rubles) Premium Account for 30 days (50 Family Coins / 375 rubles) Potions package (200 GCP / 100 GHP / 5 cocktails of 2 types)
  12. Saint A.L.

    Limitless stream

    Hi guys! I am glad to inform you that on April 1 the "Limitless stream" action starts. Start the stream and get useful game bonuses! Rewards for participation: E-Coins to the balance of your forum account Game bonuses and Media Chest. Unique cloak for stream lasting over 60 hours [spoiler=Inside the Media Chest] Guaranteed items when unpacking: Ivory Coin 50-100 BSOE 2-3 BRES 2-3 Items with an average chance: Great CP 20-30 Great HP 20-30 Fresh Fruit Cocktail 3-5 Sweet Fruit Cocktail 3-5 Agathion Auxiliary Stone: Enchant Weapon (C-Grade) Agathion Auxiliary Stone: Enchant Armor (C-Grade) Agathion Auxiliary Stone: Enchant Armor (B-Grade) Rare items: Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 70 High-Grade Life Stone - Level 76 Box Rune Exp +30% [5 hour] Box Rune Adena +30% [5 hour] Box Rune Drop / Spoil +30% [5 hour] Submission time for your applications for participation in the comments on this topic - Unlimited. During the whole action our employees will check the streams of the participants (during the broadcasts, as well as VODs). Requirements for participants: You need to have special banner at your stream: under your channel (for Twitch) and on your stream (for YouTube) - (Link) Enable your VODs save function: If you are a risky guy and stream on Twitch (learn more). If you are streaming on YouTube, your broadcast must be present in the videos. [*]Your stream name must contain the name of our project - L2E-Global IL-Final x7. [*]In the description of the stream: I play on Interlude Final from E-Global. Quality content with x7 rates: https://clck.ru/FHsUD [*]Post in this thread an application to participate with a link to your channel. [*]In the description of the stream, as well as during it, there should be no mention of the services for the sale of game values or advertising of other projects/servers. [*]There should not be any inappropriate insults of Administrations or E-Global / Averia.ws project itself (We are open to suggestions and constructive criticism, but you have to know when to stop). [*]Do not stream being AFC (walls, fishing, etc). [*]If any following rule or requirement has not been met - you will be automaticaly disqualification from the list (as a participent). Rewards and it's issuing: Media Chest is issued 2 times a week (on Tuesday and Saturday) [*]Forum E-Coins are awarded 1 time per week (on Saturday) First issue of forum E-Coins - April 13 [*]Amount of rewards that you will earn depends on amount and duration of your stream, amount of weivers, subscribers and followers, the way you make your content, visual part, it's uniqueness and the content itself. First issue of Media Chest - April 9
  13. Saint A.L.


    @EMTelement Какую почту юзаешь?
  14. Может это новый уровень постиронии, и он вас заtrollel
  15. Saint A.L.

    Lineage II - Диагноз

    Смотри что сделали, если интересно - будем рады видеть в списке участников Важно 8 Крутых акций - [25.000 рублей] Не одобряем.
  16. Saint A.L.


    Отличная аналитика без аналитики со статистикой на руках, завидую твоим навыкам
  17. Ничем, просто чем больше онлайна засасываем на сервер, тем больше эпичных high $kill3d игроков попадает случайно на форум и что-то пишут
  18. Алсо, что за ПТС х25 с нами в один день стартует? Киньте линк в личку. Предложу им свои услуги, если жирный чек отвалят. А то пацанов вообще нигде не видно, походу через рассылку по скайпам / массфоловинг рекламятся.
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