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Apache Ant

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Все публикации пользователя Apache Ant

  1. Apache Ant

    Jailed while lvling just a sec ago

    For the future. That proof is for me, not for you. I ask each bot-hunters to provide me video, exactly for such situation, when i can't estimate who was right.
  2. Apache Ant

    Cp on Jail

    Are we robots?
  3. Apache Ant

    Cp on Jail

    1. We make premium 30%, not 50% 2. We make Runes 10%, not 25% 3. How? I suppose they was more lucky, and probably control their pack. We understood, that it almost impossible to get those without soft. But i saw a lot of miracle with Russian players.
  4. Apache Ant

    Cp on Jail

    I have exact people, who working as bot-hunters, and exact person, who managed them. About everything you wrote next: Yes, you're totaly right, full server of friends / brothers / etc. That's why we've been buned all of them for using soft.
  5. Apache Ant

    Jailed while lvling just a sec ago

    What should i see there? That you were talking while useing soft? =)
  6. Apache Ant

    Jailed while lvling just a sec ago

    How could it be possible, you didn't know that person in your party farming using soft? Never heard such explanation before :)
  7. Apache Ant

    Cp on Jail

    I do recomend you to end it. 1. You sign the rules, when you make registration. 2. We always make video, before ban someone, exactly for situatuion, when so smart person as you, write massage to g2a company about PP refund.
  8. Apache Ant

    Cp on Jail

    Why we should care about "famous" users? If "famous" users fucked up Rules of project, which is pretty simple - "Don't make a crime, if you can't do the time". Do you know what Innova did? When they catch up someone using bot - they give him permanent ban, without any permition to be unbaned. We are not official server, but we won't allow you to use illegal soft whenever you want.
  9. Apache Ant

    Cp on Jail

    If you must know, we don't have any members of team, who play inside the game.
  10. Apache Ant

    BUG of pets

    is it possible in anyway to give us screen? We try to repeat it, but with no luck.
  11. Apache Ant

    cant log in

    Could you connect from other account?
  12. Apache Ant

    Jail ?

    I will answser the same, as in nearest thread. "Find out. In your party was bots, and probably 1-2 people (can't say for sure), who look into game. According to this rules: http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/automatization-of-game-process-is-it-legal.738/ You got in jail. We understood how it works, and we know it's almost impossible to play in 2016 without soft, but we sent you in jail for reason. 10 minutes we look how you farming. Telling us - you didn't use anything, is making us fools/ What i could suggest, is write about this issue to support in Control Panel, they will tell - what to do next. Excuse us, for watching the server."
  13. Apache Ant

    Jailed while lvling just a sec ago

    Find out. In your party was bots, and probably 1-2 people (can't say for sure), who look into game. According to this rules: http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/automatization-of-game-process-is-it-legal.738/ You got in jail. We understood how it works, and we know it's almost impossible to play in 2016 without soft, but we sent you in jail for reason. 10 minutes we look how you farming. Telling us - you didn't use anything, is making us fools/ What i could suggest, is write about this issue to support in Control Panel, they will tell - what to do next. Excuse us, for watching the server.
  14. Apache Ant

    Jailed while lvling just a sec ago

    Do you think, i'm working with 5000+ online by my own? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D I need your account ID.
  15. Apache Ant

    Jailed while lvling just a sec ago

    Give me you account ID
  16. Apache Ant

    Jail ?

    Don't do a crime, if you can't do the time. And stop saying about earning money on you, please, we warned everyone about the rules. Before we catched anyone, we made video. So yes, i'm not kidding.
  17. Apache Ant

    Jail ?

    Night hunting: ON. I could beliave, that you was near the PC, but i will never believe, that you didn't use soft and get in jail =)
  18. Apache Ant

    Jailed while lvling just a sec ago

    i strongly believe, that was the reason: http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/bot-hunting.40/
  19. Show me screen shots from shout chat )
  20. Did you really enjoy to see: "iaisusadas3+Kpaso" in shout chat?
  21. o_O Why? We work as a hell to help everyone. You're the first, who tell us about adena for the 2nd prof, and we have 6000+ online. If you have any problems with creating tickets - show me which, please.
  22. Apache Ant

    Adena sellers already ?

    In ticket, don't provide spam on forum, please/ We are working on it.
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