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Все публикации пользователя TheDominator

  1. Premium & Bonus Runes [rus] full guide of works Premium & Bonus Runes Premium Rune EXP/SP+ 25% Chance of Drop, Adena, Seal Stones +30% Chance of Spoil + 25% Bonus Rune EXP/SP+ 10% Chance of Drop, Adena, Seal Stones +15% Chance of Spoil + 10% Bonus of Runes addictive, but don't multiplicative. Take bonus of Runes and add it to server's raids: Premium Rune = PR; Bonus Rune = BR EXP/SP: х7 + PR = х8.75 + PR+BR = х9.45 [*]PetExpRate: x7 - don't changes for P/B Rune. [*]PartyExpRate: x1 - don't changes for P/B Rune. [*]Adena: x5 + PR = х6.5 + PR+BR = х7.25 [*]SealStone: х5 + PR = х6.5 + PR+BR = х7.25 [*]Drop: chance х5 + PR = chance х6.5 + PR+BR = chance х7.25 [*]Spoil: chance х5 + PR = х6.25 + PR+BR = х6.75 [*]Manor - don't changes for P/B Rune. [*]RB drop - don't changes for P/B Rune. [*]Quests - don't changes for P/B Rune. Where we can buy Premium Rune & Bonus Rune: In CONTROL PANEL (Log in => Shop => Consumables) Ingame, Premium Shop E-Store: Pricepool (10 E-Coins = 1 Euro): Premium Rune 12 hour - 15 E-Coins Premium Rune 3 days - 35 E-Coins Premium Rune 7 days - 65 E-Coins Premium Rune 28 days - 120 E-Coins Premium Rune 90 days - 280 E-Coins Bonus Rune - 3 hour - 11 E-Coins Bonus Rune - 6 hour - 20 E-Coins Also Bonus Rune we can take a gift when we buy Newbie Sets.
  2. ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Ancient Book - Divine Inspiration: 21th Slot of Buff - 10 E-Coins 22th Slot of Buff - 75 E-Coins 23th Slot of Buff - 90 E-Coins 24th Slot of Buff - 200 E-Coins Expand Books: Expand Inventory (give +6 slots to yours inventory, max +48 slots/8 books) - 15 E-Coins for 1 book Expand Storage (give +6 slots to yours warehouse, max +48 slots/8 books) - 10 E-Coins for 1 book Expand Weight Limit (give x2 to yours weight limit, max be used 3 books: x2 => x3 / => x4) - 25 E-Coins for 1 book Expand Trade (give +1 slot to yours private stores, max +8 slots/8 books) - 10 E-Coins for 1 book Expand Dwarfen Craft (give +6 slots to yours crafter's recipes, max +48 slots/8 books) - 10 E-Coins for 1 book 3rd Proff Spellbooks: Books for learn 3rd Proff Skills Each Spellbook for 50 E-Coins In E-Store don't have next 4 Spellbooks: Flames of Invincibility Chant of Magnus Gate Chant Cleance ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- 1st occupation price is 10 E-Coins or 100.000 adena 2nd occupation price is 30 E-Coins or 1.000.000 adena When we buy Proffs we don't have Coupons for Shadow weapons, but we can buy Shadow Weapons (some D, low and mid C, low B) in Weapon Shop of Giran for ~80-93k adena ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Wolf Collar - 20 E-Coins Baby Cougar Chime - 15 E-Coins Baby Buffalo Panpipe - 15 E-Coins Baby Kookaburra Ocarina - 15 E-Coins Dragonflute of Wind - 25 E-Coins Star Dragon Flute - 25 E-Coins Dragonflute of Twilight - 25 E-Coins Dragon Bugle of Wind - 65 E-Coins Dragon Bugle of Star - 65 E-Coins Dragon Bugle of Twilight - 65 E-Coins
  3. ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Each D gr. Weapon on the screen for 25 E-Coins Brigandine shield for 10 E-Coins Each C gr. Weapon on the screen for 80 E-Coins Knight's shield for 30 E-Coins ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Each D gr. Full Armor Sets on the screen for 25 E-Coins Sold immediately full slots of armor (5/5). Heavy sets with Shields. Karmian, Plated Leather, Full Plate sets for 80 E-Coins Others C gr. Sets for 60 E-Coins Sold immediately full slots of armor (5/5). Heavy sets with Shields. ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Full Sets of D gr. Jewelry for 15 E-Coins Full Sets of C gr. Jewelry for 50 E-Coins Also you can take D and C gr. Weapons, Full Armor Sets, Full Sets of Jewelry for Coupons of Novice. You will take this coupons when you buy Newbie Sets on the Site. About this you can read in my enother Manual: Стартовые наборы but if you don't know monkey's language - just login to yours Control Panel and check this Newbie Sets and others items in the Shop.
  4. Подведу сухую статистику, так-как я не могу в нормальный английский, а гайды на обезьяньем языке чуть более, чем бесполезны. Впрочем, как и всё, что я делаю. Недавно осознал, что девочек 2000го года рождения уже ебать можно. Как же я стар и жалок...) Ладно, вернемся к теме. Premium Shop E-Store [10 E-coin = 1 euro] ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Soulshot Pack (3000 in 1) and Blessed Spiritshot Pack (1500 in 1) D/C/B/A/S gr. for 4/6/8/10/12 E-Coins Greater Healing Potion (100) for 10 E-Coins Elixir of HP (50) A/S for 12 E-Coins Elixir of MP (25) A/S for 12 E-Coins BSOE (4) / BSOR (4) for 10 E-Coins (can't sell to NPC for adena) Scrolls of Buffs (1 hours) for 1 E-Coin Dualsword Craft Stamp for 50 E-Coins in future administration promised to add Fresh Fruit Cocktail and Sweet Fruit Cocktail to E-Store (its items for buff like scrolls, but with more buffs, like BtB, BtS, Berserker Spirit, Vampiric Rage, ets) ---------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- Blue/Red/Green Soul Crystals - Stage 5 for 5 E-Coins Blue/Red/Green Soul Crystals - Stage 10 for 26 E-Coins Blue/Red/Green Soul Crystals - Stage 11 for 95 E-Coins --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Alliance Manifesto (quest item for 4th Lvl of Clan) for 35 E-Coins Seal of Aspiration (quest item for 5th Lvl of Clan) for 65 E-Coins Eggs for Clan Skills (5/5/5/5/5/2/2 items in pack) for 15 E-Coins Scroll which gives to your clan 1000 points of Clan's reputation - 20 E-Coins Scroll which gives to your clan 5000 points of Clan's reputation - 85 E-Coins --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- 10 Greater Dye of STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIT/MEN +1/-1 for 10 E-Coins 10 Greater Dye of STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIT/MEN +2/-2 for 8 E-Coins 10 Greater Dye of STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIT/MEN +3/-3 for 16 E-Coins 10 Greater Dye of STR/DEX/CON/INT/WIT/MEN +4/-4 for 20 E-Coins
  5. TheDominator

    Набор в кп

  6. TheDominator

    coupon novice

    http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/startovye-nabory-cp-shop.615/ Into yours CP in the site:
  7. TheDominator

    Coupon of novice

    http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/startovye-nabory-cp-shop.615/ Login into yours CP on the site @ Market @ Set equip (like D weap + armor + jewelry)
  8. Чтобы получить этот ебанный ЛС нужно либо влить 1000 евро, либо же пройти путь от 1 лвла и до 80+ нобла с саббами и прочим. По общему КПД это как когда я на 1500 грн поел в ресторане, мне жевачку в чеке принесли.
  9. У меня висит, но я против подобных ограничений.
  10. TheDominator

    Mana potion

    It was a joke, nothing important.
  11. TheDominator

    Mana potion

    Ofcouse don't have on live server, on live server we will have next NPC: E-Store, S-Face, Black Jack for donations. Newbie Guide, Miss Queen - for newbies. U can watch theres functional on OBT now ;)
  12. Две пинты эля этому господину :rolleyes:
  13. TheDominator

    All international clans?

    In my clan we have some international parties, and in my cp we have europian gamers. But our clan's main language is russian.
  14. http://forum.valhalla-age.ru/index.php?/topic/40134-podkast-s-liderami-klanov-novogo-servera-interlude-x7/#entry450558 Сабж.
  15. В первые дни со старта - почему нет? Отличная была традиция :)
  16. Поздравляю, вопрос в том, чтобы меньше жить прошлым и не вуалировать реальные проблемы тем, что #дедывоевали
  17. Кайф. До ноября 1990 года курс доллара составлял около 0,60 рубля за 1 доллар США http://zenrus.ru
  18. Доброго времени суток. После запуска клиента повышается Гамма на всем компьютере (всё БЕЛОЕ, как будто бы пропустили через эффект освящения в ФШ), аналогичная проблема на ноуте. Исчезает только с рэбутом. Кто виноват и что делать? PS:
  19. Game of Thrones Season 6 premieres April 24th at 9PM.
  20. TheDominator

    Looking for Const Party

  21. TheDominator


    U can check it in yours CP on the site, try 1 euro for paysafe
  22. TheDominator

    Партия Cossacks

    Нужны СВС и Варк. Скайпы для связи: xTefnax TheDominator_Cossacks Фул донат, онлайн 16/7, адреналин. аккшаринг. Про микрофон, ссд и тд даже писать не буду, само-собой понятно.
  23. TheDominator

    купон шмот

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