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Все публикации пользователя LEX1

  1. Здравствуйте Возможность ставить флаги на ХБ не является "ошибкой в сборке", а работает соответственно официальным хроникам Gracia Final
  2. LEX1

    Geodata and follow problems

    Hello Could you please make some screenshots with these errors? Also we need the exact coordinates of the area with geodata problems. You are free to use any file sharing resourses to upload your screenshots, f.e. http://prnt.sc . You can upload your video on YouTube and send us a link on it.
  3. LEX1

    bug on stats

    Hello Yes, you should make a full check (or install new patch from October 28) to see new items and buffs from Halloween event.
  4. LEX1

    Patch damage - Laucher (Updater)

    Try to download latest patch from https://l2e-global.com/reg or one from following links https://yadi.sk/d/5B38d6Vj3NjmbK https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Bivy/9JuzXovVf https://mega.nz/#!9eBwBaaa!Gt2aNLZP-FhOtbERmF_hUefz8GNBDYtczPt8y86wdEY (easiest way from here)
  5. LEX1

    Patch damage - Laucher (Updater)

    Hello, SOiL Have you made a fullcheck? Because all problems related to "russian map" have already been resolved. Also, we do not recommend to instal third-party modifications/mods on your client.
  6. LEX1

    Exploration of Giants cave.

    The entire drop on the server is working fine, like indicated in the server concept (for more https://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/gracia-final-x3-lineage-2-family-coming.23120/). I passed it to our specialists, but just in case. I have no idea from where you got a ban chat and how it relates to the topic.
  7. LEX1

    Бот для бафа

    Всегда рады помочь. Приятной игры :)
  8. LEX1

    Бот для бафа

    Здравствуйте Согласно правил проекта, запрещено d) использовать программное обеспечение производства третьих сторон, собственные разработки, предназначенные для перехвата, анализа либо сбора иными способами информации о работе серверов L2e-global.com, как через вне, так и внутриигровое пространство, а также программное обеспечение, имитирующее присутствие пользователя в игровом процессе. <b>К таковым относятся Боты, кликеры, игровые (макросные) клавиатуры и мыши и прочие способы автоматизации.</b> e) Находиться в одной группе (party) с персонажем, использующим сторонний софт. При обнаружении нарушителя наказанию подвергается вся группа.
  9. LEX1

    Exploration of Giants cave.

    Hello Unfortunately, this is the specificity of the korean random
  10. LEX1

    Spoil Rates

    It means that if "chance is over 70% drop quantity will be increased". But I assure you, we did not change the original rates. We made a mistake in the description in English, for which we apologize. But also - due to the active position of the players, we fixed the problem with some monsters spoil (patch for October 14th.)
  11. LEX1

    Spoil Rates

    Unfortunately, there was an error in the description of the server in English. The correct data were written in the description in Russian. We apologize for this misunderstanding. Now everything is written correctly
  12. LEX1

    Spoil rates **NOT LOCAL**

    The issue with spoil was solved with patch of October 14th. The spoil rates was changer according to server concept, as already written in the previous topic. If you got any questions about quantity/rates on specific mobs - then write a ticket to our support (https://l2e-global.com/cabinet/support) they will help with it
  13. LEX1

    Hi i got a problem

    Hello It looks like an error with virtual memory We need more detailed description of your issue for a fault diagnosis and correction. Please, provide us with all information which can help us to resolve your issue (screenshots, video, other materials). You are free to use any file sharing resourses to upload your screenshots, f.e. http://prnt.sc . You can upload your video on YouTube and send us a link on it.
  14. LEX1

    Pick Up

    Hello Thanks for the suggestion, we are always ready to listen to the active positions of the players. Nevertheless, autoloot does not work according to server concept.
  15. LEX1

    In-game Map

    Hello You need to copy the file localization from the system folder in the patch and replace it in your current folder. try to use one the following links to download the patch from October 14, it could fix issue https://yadi.sk/d/5B38d6Vj3NjmbK https://cloud.mail.ru/public/Bivy/9JuzXovVf https://mega.nz/#!9eBwBaaa!Gt2aNLZP-FhOtbERmF_hUefz8GNBDYtczPt8y86wdEY
  16. LEX1


    Здравствуйте Напишите тикет через ЛК в саппорт (https://l2e-global.com/cabinet/support)
  17. LEX1

    Drop Adena. Drop Nromal

    No changes were made regarding the chance of loss or rates/ammount since the server was opened. Nevertheless our specialist has additionally checked the locations that ( FataMorgana) indicated - everything works accordingly with the concept of the server.
  18. LEX1

    4bar and 5bar vertical

    Hello You could instal any modifications for skill bars at your own risk, but unfortunately we do not guarantee stable work of the client in this case
  19. LEX1

    Macros are laggy/buggy af

    If you have any questions about macros lags write a ticket. This topic is closed cos of flooding
  20. LEX1


    Hello I advise you to make a ticket in your control panel with the problem
  21. Здравствуйте Все подобные вопросы решаются через службу поддержки. Пишите тикет в лк (https://l2e-global.com/cabinet/support)
  22. LEX1

    log in down?

    We apologize for the inconvenience We know about the problem, it will be fixed ASAP no, this is a server issue
  23. LEX1

    why spoil is 1x ??

    Our specialist checked the monsters provided by you, indeed there were some inaccurate settings with spoil. Changes will take effect with the nearest technical restart. Closed
  24. LEX1


    Здравствуйте Даную проблему передал в технический отдел. Так же пожалуйста напишите номер тикета (мне в ПМ), по которому вам ответил саппорт.
  25. LEX1

    Macros are laggy/buggy af

    Your application has been forwarded to the technical department Anyway, I want to add that to fix the "problem" - we need a clear definition of it on the example from our server.
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