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Все публикации пользователя LEX1

  1. LEX1

    IL x25

    Hello Try to delete it and upload the torrent file again, because even I'm on seed's now
  2. LEX1

    IL x25

    Hello What kind of problem? We will definitely help you
  3. LEX1

    Pre.Start on Interlude Final x25 - 18:30

    мы не планируем никакого переноса Try to login/logout to your character and control panel
  4. LEX1

    Patch or Updater

    Hello Answered to you in private message
  5. LEX1

    Useful information: preparing to x25 Grand Opening!

    Hello[uSER=56196], HattoriHanzo[/uSER] Normal bosses: 12 + 0..8 h sub RB: 10 + 0..2 h Nobl RB: 10 +0..2 h
  6. LEX1

    Subscribe/posting problems

    The bonus code should work after server start
  7. LEX1

    Remove game accounts from Master account

    Hello Unfortunately, this function is not possible due to technical reasons
  8. LEX1

    Subscribe/posting problems

    please specify which subscription do you use? The bonus codes will work after the server opening
  9. LEX1

    Subscribe/posting problems

    Hello It's just a pre-moderation
  10. LEX1

    Talking island starter place?

    It's nice to hear that the game still makes you happy :)
  11. LEX1


    Hello The interlude final x7 should be fixed asap
  12. LEX1


    interlude-final client
  13. LEX1

    Cannot subscribe for reward

    Hello You could use your subscription code after server grand opening.
  14. LEX1

    Soultaker arcane shield

    Hello Thank you for your feedback. These skills and builds have already been tested by our players and we find them as balanced as possible.
  15. LEX1


    Hello You could download updater only and upload the whole client through it
  16. LEX1

    Talking island starter place?

    hello Starting places for all races remain standard, as it was originally in the game, do not worry about it :)
  17. LEX1

    Problem with my master account

    if you also have this problem - please write the name of the master account to me in PM
  18. LEX1

    Donate by paypal private

    Hello unfortunately, all the available ways to make donations you can see in your control panel. If you have any difficulties with the donation- please write to our support through the ticket, we will help with it.
  19. LEX1

    Problem with my master account

    Hello I see your massages in PM. Please wait for response
  20. LEX1

    Can't log in.

    Glad to hear, enjoy the game. Closed :)
  21. LEX1

    Open beta test Interlude Final X25 - 23 July!

    - No grade that you get right now - Dynamic rates means that the rates can vary depending on the level, as it was on last interlude-final - We already have mana potion from NPC - Submitted for testing - Soon
  22. LEX1

    russian announcements

    Hello, Bang The announcement is always conducted in two languages on our server, in english and russian
  23. LEX1

    Can not recover password, is it working?

    Our specialists are notified, we will solve the problem asap temporary problems UPD - fixed
  24. LEX1

    Can not recover password, is it working?

    Hello The beta server is still on-line. Do you receive a message on the e-mail?
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