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Все публикации пользователя LEX1

  1. LEX1

    bot suspicion

    Hello Thank you, we will check them. But please next time - just write a ticket to the support with nicknames
  2. LEX1


    This mechanics is not taken from the high five chronicles
  3. LEX1


    It's a game mechanic
  4. LEX1


    Hello Battle roar works according to official chronicles. It's shouldn't regenerate your HP if you have Blaced Body buff higher then your battle roar skill
  5. LEX1

    Great Wof

    Hello The original server concept does not imply the possibility of improving GW to the snow wolve
  6. LEX1

    proxys only work first 10 days and now bye bye ??

    Hello The problem has been handed over by our technical specialist. Ths USA proxy will be available soon
  7. LEX1

    War exp bugged

    Hello When you lost your exp- your level was lowered at the same time ?
  8. LEX1

    Вопросик по патчу

    Здравствуйте Пожалуйста смените язык у нпс Butler на english (в любом городе около ГК)
  9. Hello Thank you, but the quickest way is to write a ticket to the support. The topics on the forum are only distracting support team
  10. LEX1

    CriticalStorm botting their nuts off.

    Hello Thank you. Our bot-hunter will check this characters. But please, write a ticket with nicknames to the support next time.
  11. Здравствуйте все вопросы относительно банов - задавайте через саппорт https://l2e-global.com/cabinet/support
  12. LEX1

    NO one care of bots

    Hello Thank you. Our bot-hunter will check this characters. But please, write a ticket with nicknames in the support next time.
  13. LEX1

    BOT solo / party`s at dragon valley

    Hello Thank you. Our bot-hunter will check this characters. But please, write a ticket with nicknames in the support next time. 1. yes, but there is a difference between macros and 3rd software 2. We cares, as well as players want a stable and good game without bots
  14. We have sent to the technical department for further tests
  15. LEX1

    change log

    Здравствуйте Тема с дополнениями и изменениями выкладывается по мере возможности
  16. Hello As I know you already wrote ticket to our technical support Please wait for reply
  17. LEX1

    Clanhall issue

    Have you test it after the server restart?
  18. LEX1

    buffs till 52

    Have a nice game :)
  19. Hello Pailaka works correctly. We tested it many times, with different characters, different classes. Including passed it today several times. There are no mistakes in it, the final NPC always appears, if the quest is passed correctly - http://prntscr.com/ja5rvg The only explanation for the fact that you do not have a final npc that you did not talk to all of the NPCs (Temple Inspector), or missed one of the bosses and didn't make a fullcheck
  20. LEX1

    buffs till 52

    Hello You could use pathfinder workers buf until 56 level http://prntscr.com/jcas5y just ask for assistance
  21. LEX1

    Пара ботов

    Здравствуйте Спасибо, мы обязательно проверим данных игроков. Но в следующий раз, пожалуйста, пишите тикет через ЛК с никнеймами upd - игроки были отправлены в тюрьму
  22. LEX1

    boost morale

    Hello Where have you used boost morale skill?
  23. LEX1

    Clan Hall NPC's.....

    Hello Could you please send a screenshot of this issue? Upd - Clanhall teleport feature will be fixed soon
  24. LEX1

    Problem With NPC

    Пожалуйста используйте форум по назначению, уже есть множество тем с данной проблемой Просто смените язык в GM shop на английский :)
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