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i dont have anything else to say since u posted bravehearts fraps u must be desperate,u post me a side tempest that has at least 10 maybe 15 clans inside and they play every l2mid just so they can zerg the shit out of this? okay we played l2mid u guys had 3partys more than us and u won the competition for the first week then we got 3 partys from russians from excuseme and since then u didnt saw an epic for 1 week+ and then u ragequit with the excuse that fishfood friend joined his acc and scamm valakas or something and then all quit xD,i have no reason to speak with anymore tempest players i already speaked enough with these guys,u guys won the first week in that srv every1 says that and dont let me remind u the 2 corrupted epics/baium anthy we had people in baium 3 times got "ddosed" as admin says and when we tried 4time ur guys went in and then like a magic server didnt got ddos again :D,same for anthy we was first inside and camp to aoe/cc ddosed u guys went in we couldnt log half of our people was in and like a magic everybody from ur clan was in before us so u took the antharas thats the "Dominate" tempest did in first week

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something doesnt add up since i see ruskies pt with ex on valakas and baium in dec video ? so tell me how we didnt see an epic again ?corrupted epics that u almost won ? rofl excuses keep getting better and better , the corupted admin that didnt even wanted to chek logs for valakas scam rofl get real kid ....its fine its ok i wont tell anyone you can calm down now , im just messing with ya all . peace

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u mean the 3 out of clan partys? LOL that admin was enough retard to put a penalty limit we couldnt invite people clan was full we had 3 partys out of tag same for valakas fight which actually u won 2 fights but u lost also 1,about baium/anthy ofc it was corrupted the first ones we all know this admin is a fcktard and for sure not older than 20 a bulgarian trash that he even ask community to go in other server forum so we can say to gm to stop ddosing his server cuz if he dont we wont play in their xD,after that post i realize exactly what kind of admin is that,well u right he may was not corrupted but he had and he still has no idea how to being a proper admin to develop to a server,his server had ports problem and he was still crying about ddos he had a 2.5k limit players in server so people was getting dc and others couldnt in epics,thats says a lot the luck went to ur way same for anthy and baium

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world domination

too lazy to link vids so theres a better premade list from some old blackdesert topic


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thanks for reminding me i had really nice 5 days of pvp. and when it was? 2 y6ears ago? right after sublimity which u quit. kkthxbb

the guys asked me to gear them,because they had no clue how to farm in craft servers,and emoqq quit the java server x50 ketrawars after stayed behind of every party been with S grade,you guys still was exping xD

i like mephisto all rest crap of trash

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Those kids so fkn funny :D especially david :D:D

btw David what about l2brazil community ? what's going on ? I heard that u guys playing with toyfactory atm :)

u guys even getting flame from op clan leader :D idk what to say, I feel so bad for u polaks.

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flame from OP clan leader? this guy frankie tried to scam us, sending money from stolen by him paypal acc not by gift and says he wont return the money. Epidemic core comes from java server, yt it guys. frankie so desperated he took some big fatass venezuela girl to his albanian house lol.

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flame from OP clan leader? this guy frankie tried to scam us, sending money from stolen by him paypal acc not by gift and says he wont return the money. Epidemic core comes from java server, yt it guys. frankie so desperated he took some big fatass venezuela girl to his albanian house lol.

lol you're stupidly disgusting,grow up,get a pussy,stop hurting your right or left hand every night,its way better than watching porn and spamin in every server we make topic,faboi lol

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flame from OP clan leader? this guy frankie tried to scam us, sending money from stolen by him paypal acc not by gift and says he wont return the money. Epidemic core comes from java server, yt it guys. frankie so desperated he took some big fatass venezuela girl to his albanian house lol.

My friend told me that boh was flaming toyfactory so hard,because u retarded european kids restore barakiel w/o reason, while your clan farming rb :D :D

After restore hp,rb went to spawn and op clan lost it :) .. Probably he didn't invite anyone from tf for farm. Why you obsessed so mch with frankie ? because he have a girl friend at his house ? Are u virgin or what ? :D

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anichcrew stop pming mephisto to play with us sorry.


read descritption mongol

david get over of ur drama role no1 caress anymore about u even ur own people,is there anybody that likes david? ofc not even ur own clan dont like you cuz u are a 15 years old polish cry drama maker god get over it and stop being mad for things u cant do while other people does

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