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Big with Donations already...

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да хрен с этими сосками, виталки с Са бы убрали и норм, ну чесслово это же не дефо х30 :eek:


или я ошибся

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Согласен с большинством - СА + виталки нужно убрать. Но не уберут, хотят денег побольше заработать. Бизнесс есть бизнесс

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Ну я ж даже темку создал, там всё загоняют про какое-то ПА на рпг, про которое я ваще слова не говорил :D

Как-будто глухонемой со слепым разговаривает)

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I understand that server has to pay a lot of money to be alive and you have to earn some of these money by donations but...

I think that c/b grade items/shots and sa crystals have to be removed because these things affects too much the game,in low rate servers

some things have to be retail and not to sell them in donate shops because even some classes will be uselless and also donators

will have some serious advantages against non donators!

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I understand that server has to pay a lot of money to be alive and you have to earn some of these money by donations but...

I think that c/b grade items/shots and sa crystals have to be removed because these things affects too much the game,in low rate servers

some things have to be retail and not to sell them in donate shops because even some classes will be uselless and also donators

will have some serious advantages against non donators!


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guys, you think these people run l2 servers as a treat to society?


its a business, and people won't donate on fucking accessories and stupid shit like aghations and etc. they gotta make the money someway to keep bringing new servers every 4 months.


the only thing i'd consider if they removed would be okay is vitality items. i agree to remove these cause it will make a big impact. the rest is not that bad. dont forget donation coins are tradeable/sellable, so randoms who will never get an S wep SA'ed, you have chances now. so i agree to that. shots won't change much considering they aren't tradeable. and you can get B grade common gear from npc shop. and within a week everybody will be in a/s grade. so yeah.

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I have been waiting for a chance to start over for several years. It is still far away from L2 Eternal start so I browsed around and came across this server. But is that's gonna be what you dae2k is talking about, then think twice. You won't get anything like it was on L2 Paradise - all equal, very very little return for donations (in terms of not critically important items). You will ruin your chance at bringing up the server only by putting off the ones like myself. And I do believe there are a lot like me, wanting a fair chance at have a good game experience

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Another pointless topic about donation list :) u retarded europeans they won't remove them from donation shop, why u guys still crying ? you should work for donate do not cry at forums. Donation list is oka,mybe only the bad thing is SA crystals but still doesn't matter.

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Ladies and gentleman, I'm gladly presenting you Lineage 2 Slavery 2016

you should work for donate

you should work for donate

you should work for donate

you should work for donate

you should work for donate

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Zambik don't tell me. It's not always been like that with L2. I do work and earn enough to be able to waste my money for donations, but you are losing the point here. How will you bring best experience into the game where there are two separate fractions : donators and non donators. All the hard work and time spent bringing up your char make it a wast of your time when you do stand against donators in pvps. Pointless..

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vitality + runes goes for x30 rates , non donators x7... Vit items are deadly

I have a dream...Login tomorrow and see birthday cakes to sell not only vitality potions...VP only 1 char can use it..Cake all your party can use it..And people can steal cake spots,Randoms can buy coins and buy cakes life would be easier and not p2win like vp potions.

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