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Massive Patchnote - Season Five

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Dear friends,

The project continues to grow and develop, and we, as a team, grow with it. This text presents all the changes that our team has been working on all last summer. But this is only a small part of the path already traveled. In order to understand what MasterWork really is, we have prepared for you a full description of all the changes made, which you can find in the Concept: Skills and Mechanics section. The concept is a complete collection of changes from all past seasons. Current Patch Notes🙃 is a reflection of the work done between the fourth and fifth seasons.




  • Changing skills;
  • New skills.


  • image.png Long-Range Next Target: 
    • For the convenience of players on long-range classes, we have introduced a new action - long-range target selection;
    • Default Next Target:
      • /targetnext - selects a target within 0-600 radius;
      • /previoustarget - returns to the previous target of the Next Target.
    • Long Next Target:
      • /targetnext2 - selects a target within 0-900 radius;
      • /targetprev2 - returns to the previous target of the long Next Target.
  • skill10103.pngEva's Bane (Temple Knight)  
    • Now you can also use it with a Dagger (one-handed only) in your hands.
  • royal_sacrifice.pngRoyal Sacrifice (Paladin, Dark Avenger, Temple Knight, Shillien Knight) 
    • Now when joining a group the skill gets a 30 second cooldown;
    • When leaving the group, the effect of the skill is removed from the target.

  • image.png Aggression Aura (Paladin, Temple Knight, Dark Avenger, Shillien Knight) (New Skill) 
    • Provokes nearby monsters to attack. 
    • Learned at level 43, activation requires 50 MP at a time.;
    • "Toggle" is an aura available to all Tanks, including Vanguard transformations, that provokes Monsters (but not players) within a 325 radius to attack the Tank;
    • Has an extremely low aggression effect (ie it is not a full-fledged "Agro", as a result of which monsters will probably attack the group if you do not combine it with Aura of Hate and other active skills);

 Will help tanks to collect "Trains" much more efficiently and conveniently in locations with non-aggressive mobs.

  • skill1400.pngTurn Undead skill0405.pngBanish Undead skill0450.pngBanish Seraph
    • Bishop, Paladin/Temple Knight, Dark Avenger/Shillien Knight;
    • All 3 skills (at all levels and in all enchantingoptions), working on a similar principle, now in addition to fear and lethal also get a chance to slow the target by 50%;
      • Was: Fear and/or Lethal attack;
      • New: Fear and/or Slow by 50% and/or Lethal attack;
      • This change did not affect Fir and Lethal's chances.
  • skill1411.pngMystic Immunity (Prophet)
    • When joining a group, the skill gets a 30 second cooldown;
    • When leaving the group, the effect of the skill is removed from the target.
  • skill1412.pngSpell Turning (Prophet)
    • The base range of the skill has been increased by 2.66 times: from 150 to 400. The skill's casting distance has been increased proportionally.
    • Now the skill can be improved:
      • Range. Increase maximum range from 400 to 700 (by +15), by +20 per enchantinground;
      • Cooldown. Skill cooldown is reduced from 30 to 22 seconds (by +15), -1 sec. every 2 enchantingrounds.
  • skill1031.pngDisrupt Undead Monster (Prophet, Elven Elder, Shillien Elder) (Skill renamed)
    • The skill now deal damage to all Monsters, not just Undead. The target cannot be a player.
  • skill1073.pngKiss of Eva (Prophet, Elven Elder, Shillien Elder, Bishop)
    • This is now a self-buff that increase MP Regeneration.
      • 1 lvl Cleric, Elven Oracle, Shillien Oracle at level 20: MP regeneration +10%;
      • 2 lvl Prophet, Elven Elder, Shillien Elder at level 52: MP regeneration +15%.

 We are talking about the basic MP regeneration per second. It is important to understand that the result is achieved at a distance. For example, in an hour it will not be 50,000 restored MP, but 57,500. This will have practically no effect on PvP, but will give results with long-term spot farming. The active skill from the Life Stone (LSa) has not changed the effect.

  • skill1049.pngRequiem (Bishop)
    • Now works against all Monsters, not just Undead.
  • skill1034.pngRepose (Bishop)
    • Similar to Serenade of Eva, but with much less Power and faster skill recharge + lower cost;
    • Now works against all Monsters, not just Undead.
  • skill1307.pngPrayer Aura (Bishop)
    • Now the skill is learned from level 62 (instead of 66);
      • 2nd level of skill - at level 68;
      • 3rd level of skill - at level 74.
  • skill1271.pngBenediction (Bishop)
    • The skill is now learned from level 64 (instead of 66).
  • skill1201.pngDryad Root (Cardinal, Eva's Saint)
    • Now available for learning by Cardinal and Eva's Saint classes for etc_saint_pomander_bishop_i00.pngHoly Pomander - Cardinal etc_saint_pomander_elder_i00.pngHoly Pomander - Eva's Saint.
  • skill1354.pngArcane Protection (Elven Elder, Shillien Elder)
    • The skill is now learned from level 62 (instead of 66).
  • skill1428.pngMass Recharge (Elven Elder, Shillien Elder)
    • The skill is now learned from level 64 (instead of 66).
  • skill1397.pngClarity (Elven Elder, Shillien Elder)
    • Change of enchanting branches. All three enchanting branches are combined into one common one. One combined branch of improvement, reducing MP consumption of Physical skills to -10%, Magic skills and Rhythms to -5%.
      • Clarity +0 3 (max) levels: 
        • Physical skill MP consumption -30%;
        • MP consumption of Magic skills -10%;
        • Rhythm MP consumption -20%.
      • Clarity +30 per branch MP consumption
        • Physical skill MP consumption -40%;
        • MP consumption of Magic skills -15%;
        • Rhythm MP consumption -25%.
  • skill11783.pngTime Lapse (Elven Elder)
    • At all skill levels - reduces the remaining duration of all negative effects by -50%. Previously it was from -30 to -50%.
    • Fixed skill cooldown decreases as the skill level increases: 
      • 1 lvl: 30 seconds;
      • 2 lvl: 25 seconds;
      • Level 3: 20 seconds.
    • When enchanted on Recycle (the only branch):
      • Fixed cooldown time reduced from 20 (at +0) to 5 seconds (at +30).

 The EE skill, introduced in Season 3, has a unique mechanic. It reduces the remaining time of debuffs. For example, there is a 120-sec debuff on the target. We use Time Lapse - 120 divided in half and 60 seconds remain. Using it again (let's assume that there is another EE in the group, since our skill went into a fixed CD): 60 x 0.5 = 30 sec, and then in a similar manner.

  • skill1552.pngMass Vitalize (Elven Elder)
    • Now, in addition to the basic qualities, it also reduces the remaining duration of all negative effects by -10% for all party members;
    • Added the ability to upgrade to Cost, which reduces consumption from 193 MP (base/"+0") to 97 MP (+15).

 Reduces the duration of debuffs on the entire party by 10% per use, costs half as much mana, removes Poison/Bleeding of any level and is still an effective healing skill for EE in combination with Chain.

  • s_children_of_eva2.pngSerenade of Eva (Elven Elder)
    • Power doubled;
    • Base skill cooldown reduced from 900 to 30 seconds.
  • skill1508.pngThorn Root (Shillien Elder)
    • Now learned at level 77 (instead of 80), for 13,000,000 SP;
    • The skill can now be upgraded: the only branch is Chance, which increases the base chance of success to +15%.
  • skill0988.pngBattle Whisper (Swordsinger)
    • The skill is still divided into 9 levels, gives the same parameters, but the effect has been slightly weakened.
      • Was:
        • 1st level: P. Atk. +3%, Physical Power. Crete. Atk. +2%, Atk. Spd. +2%;
        • Level 9: P. Atk. +15%, Physical Power. Crete. Atk. +10%, Atk. Spd. +10%.
      • Became:
        • 1st level: P. Atk. +2%, Physical Power. Crete. Atk. +2%, Atk. Spd. +2%;
        • Level 9: P. Atk. +10%, Physical Power. Crete. Atk. +7%, Atk. Spd. +7%.
    • Now the skill can be improved to Power (the last level is learned at level 76, so we consider this a 3-professional skill). 
      • Smooth increase:
        • P. Atk. by 0.3-0.4% per round, P. Crit. Atk. Power and Atk. Spd +0.2%;
      • Thus, a skill sharpened to +15:
        • P. Atk. +15%, P. Crit. Atk. Power +10%, Atk. Spd. +10%.

 At early levels, the skill became a little weaker. As a result, it has the same parameters, but they are achieved more difficultly - by enchantingthe skill to +15 and not by studying the 9th level of the skill at 76.

  • skill0989.pngDefense Motion (Bladedancer)
    • The skill is still divided into 9 levels, gives the same parameters, but the final result is different (5% less Phys. Def, 5% more M. Def).
      • Was:
        • 1 lvl: P. Def. +2%, M. Def. +2%, Resistance to negative effects +2%, Evasion +1;
        • 9 lvl: P. Def. +25%, M. Def. +10%, Resistance to negative effects +10%, Evasion +5.
      • Became:
        • 1 lvl: P. Def. +3%, M. Def. +2%, Resistance to negative effects +2%, Evasion +1;
        • 9 lvl: P. Def. +20%, M. Def. +15%, Resistance to negative effects +10%, Evasion +5.
    • Now the skill can be improved to Power (the last level is learned at level 76, so we consider this a 3-professional skill):
      • Smooth increase: 
        • P. Def., M. Def. and Debuff Resistance by 0.3-0.4% per round, Evasion +1 once every 7 enchantingrounds;
      • Thus, a skill sharpened to +15:
        • P. Def. +25%, M. Def. +20%, Negative Effect Resistance +15%, Evasion +8.

 At early levels, the skill began to give slightly less Phys. Def, but more M. Def. As a result, it has better defensive parameters, achieved by enchantingby +15. Comparing the final result at the maximum level with the previous Season: P. Def. remained the same, but the character gets the final 5% by sharpening, M. Def. is 10% more, where +5% from learning the skill to max. level and another +5% from sharpening, + 5% resistance to negative effects and + 3 evasion.

  • image.png Bard's Decoy (Swordsinger, Bladedancer)
    • Studied at level 46:
      • The Bard creates a Decoy that attracts Monsters;
      • The bait lasts for 15 seconds, every 3 seconds it applies Aggression to the Monsters around it; 
      • Fixed recharge: 15 minutes.
  • skill1443.pngDark Weapon (Necromancer, Soul Breaker, Inspector)
    • Reduced the research level for Necromancer from 46 to 44, for Soul Breaker and Inspector there is no change.
  • skill1445.pngSurrender to Dark (Spellhowler)
    • Spellhowler learning levels have been adjusted. Now learns at 40/44/48/52/56/60/62/64/66/68/70/72/74.
  • skill1422.pngDay of Doom (Necromancer)
    • Changed binding to Trait and Attribute. Now Unholy skill (was Fire). 

  This edit doesn't make any practical sense, since the skill has a 100% chance of success, but the link to Darkness makes more sense in the context of Lore/Visuals.

  • skill1495.pngVampiric Mist (Necromancer)
    • The base (non-fixed) reload time has been reduced by 3 times: from 60 to 20 seconds;
    • The power of the Vampirism effect has been increased by 2.5 times: from 20 to 50% of damage to each target;
    • The duration of the negative effect (if it wears off, which is unlikely) has been reduced from 10 to 7 seconds;
    • The skill can be upgraded to: "Power + Darkness":
      • When enchanted, the Skill Power increases evenly by +2~3 units per round of improvement, and the Dark Attribute built into the skill increases by +2 units per round. 
      • At max upgrade (+15): Skill power increases by ~30%, and the built-in Darkness Attribute increases by 50 units.
        • Thus:
          • +0: 117 Power, 20 Dark Attribute;
          • +15: 152 Power, 50 Dark Attribute.

 This is not the first time we have changed this skill. Initially, it was learned at 83 and had a long cooldown. Now it is a mass lifesteal, learned by the Necromancer at level 79. It deals good damage to targets around the character and restores a lot of health to the Necromancer, and also has a small chance to apply a strong negative effect to the affected targets. With all the cooldown bonuses, the skill can be used approximately once every 7 seconds.

  • skill1467.pngMeteor (Sorcerer, Necromancer)
    • Attribute binding has been removed;
    • An AoE skill that deals M. Damage with a base Power of 117 and has a chance to apply a DOT effect that takes away 100 HP every 3 seconds for 10 seconds;
    • Increased the chance to apply a DOT effect on the target;
    • The base (non-fixed) reload time has been reduced by 2.5 times: from 300 to 120 seconds;
    • Added the ability to upgrade the skill into two alternative branches. Depending on the choice of the upgrade branch, the skill acquires the Fire or Darkness Attribute, respectively: 
      • Power + Fire;
      • Power + Darkness.
        • The upgrade branches differ only in the choice of Element/Attribute, and provide the same bonuses, namely:
          • Increase of Attribute (Fire or Darkness, at the player's choice) by +3~4 units per enchantinground, up to 50 units (by +15) of the corresponding Attribute;
          • Increases skill Power by 1~2 units per enchantinground, up to +23 units (by +15); 140 instead of the base 117 units;
          • Increases damage from chance DOT effect, by 10 units per enchantinground, up to +150 units (by +15); 250 instead of 100 base HP.
          • Thus:
            • Meteor +0: non-attribute attack, 117 power + chance to apply a DOT effect on targets, dealing -100 HP every 3 sec for 10 sec. Base cooldown: 120 seconds;
            • Meteor +15 "Power + Fire": 50 Fire Attribute, 140 Power, 250 HP from potential DOT effect;
            • Meteor +15 "Power + Dark": 50 Dark Attribute, 140 Power, 250 HP from potential DOT effect.
  • skill32638.pngStone Rain (Terramancer)
    • An AoE skill that deals M. Damage with a base Power of 117 and has a chance to apply a DOT effect that takes away 100 HP every 3 seconds for 10 seconds;
    • Increased the chance to apply a DOT effect on the target;
    • The base (non-fixed) reload time has been reduced by 2.5 times: from 300 to 120 seconds;
    • The logic for improving the skill has been changed.
      • Previously, the skill had 20 units of Earth Attribute, now 0 base, when sharpened - +3~4 units per round, up to 50 units of Earth Attribute (by +15);
      • Increases skill Power by 1~2 units per enchantinground, up to +23 units (by +15); 140 instead of the base 117 units;
      • Increases damage from chance DOT effect, by 10 units per enchantinground, up to +150 units (by +15); 250 instead of 100 base HP.
        • Thus:
          • Stone Rain +0: non-attribute attack, 117 power + chance to apply a DOT effect on targets, dealing -100 HP every 3 sec for 10 sec. Base cooldown: 120 seconds;
          • Stone Rain +15 "Power + Earth": 50 Earth Attribute, 140 Power, 250 HP from potential DOT effect.

  • skill1174.pngFrost Wall (Spellsinger)
    • Increased the radius of the effect by 20 units and the target search angle by 20°;
    • Under similar conditions, this targeted AoE skill will hit slightly more targets.
  • skill1468.pngStar Fall (Spellsinger, Spellhowler)
    • Attribute binding has been removed;
    • An AoE skill that deals M. Damage with a base Power of 117 and has a chance to apply a DOT effect that takes away 100 HP every 3 seconds for 10 seconds;
    • Increased the chance to apply a DOT effect on the target;
    • The base (non-fixed) reload time has been reduced by 2.5 times: from 300 to 120 seconds;
    • Added the ability to upgrade the skill into two alternative branches. Depending on the choice of the upgrade branch, the skill acquires the Water or Wind Attribute, respectively:
      • Power + Water;
      • Power + Wind.
        • The upgrade branches differ only in the choice of Element/Attribute, and provide the same bonuses, namely:
          • Increase of Attribute (Water or Wind, at the player's choice) by +3~4 units per enchantinground, up to 50 units (by +15) of the corresponding Attribute;
          • Increases skill Power by 1~2 units per enchantinground, up to +23 units (by +15); 140 instead of the base 117 units;
          • Increases damage from chance DOT effect, by 10 units per enchantinground, up to +150 units (by +15); 250 instead of 100 base HP.
          • Thus:
            • Star Fall +0: non-attribute attack, 117 power + chance to apply DOT effect on targets, dealing -100 HP every 3 sec for 10 sec. Base cooldown: 120 seconds;
            • Star Fall +15 "Power + Water": 50 Water Attribute, 140 Power, 250 HP from potential DOT effect;
            • Star Fall +15 "Power + Wind": 50 Wind Attribute, 140 Power, 250 HP from potential DOT effect.

  • image.png Pestilence (Spellhowler) (New Skill)
    • Learned at character level 48:
      • When attacking with skill1239.pngHurricane, the effectiveness of the target's healing received is reduced by -7.00% for 5 seconds. 
        The effect stacks up to 5 times, reducing the effectiveness of the target's healing received to a total of -35.00%.
  • image.png Squall (Spellhowler) (New Skill)
    • Directs streams of squall wind at enemies. Deals damage to a group of enemies;
    • Distance of use - 70;
    • To use - a target is required;
    • Levels of study: 52 - 74;
    • Power: from 48 to 76, depending on skill level;
    • 20 built-in Wind attribute;
    • Fast base reload of 4 sec;
    • The skill can be improved:
      • Power (increases Power from +2 to +31 units);
      • Power + Cost (Power from +1 to +16 units, MP consumption from -3 to -53 units);
      • Wind Attack (increases Wind attribute by +1 per round, from 20 to 50).
    • To study, you need the book etc_spell_books_element_i00.pngSpellbook: Frost Wall & Squall.
  • image.png Mage Attention (Spellhowler) (New Skill)
    • Self-buff, learned at character level 48;
    • Effect duration: 15 seconds;
    • Base reload: 2 minutes (120 seconds).
      • Increases:
        • Range of casting targeted Spells by +30%;
        • Chance of interrupting spell casting when receiving damage -50%;
        • M. Def. +10%;
      • Reduces:
        • P. Def. -15%;
        • Speed -50%
  • skill0504.pngTriple Thrust (Inspector, Soul Breaker)
    • Removed from Inspector/Judicator class, this skill is now only available to any gender of Soul Breaker.
  • skill0466.pngMagic Immunity M. Def. Anti Magic skill0147.png skill0146.png
    • Skill enchantinghas been slightly updated.
      • Increases M. Def. by +1~2 units;
      • Increases the Chance to Block Magic by +1% every 6 rounds, up to +5% in total.
        • For skill0147.pngM. Def.:
          • Chance 20% when enchanting+0, 25% when enchanting+30;
        • For skill0466.pngMagic Immunity:
          • Chance 25% when enchanting+0, 30% when enchanting+30;
        • For skill0146.pngAnti Magic:
          • Chance 25% when enchanting+0, 30% when enchanting+30.
  • skill1510.pngSoul Cleanse (Berserker, Inspector, Soul Breaker, Arbalester)
    • Now the skill can only be used on yourself or on a party member (with the appropriate Kamael profession).
  • skill0493.pngStorm Assault (Berserker)
    • Skill power increased:
      • Was: from 571 to 1687;
      • Became: from 742 to 2192.

  • skill0496.pngSlashing Blade (Berserker)
    • Skill power increased:
      • Was: from 605 to 2109;
      • Became: from 787 to 2740.
  • skill0793.pngRush Impact (Berserker)
    • Skill power increased:
      • Was: 3110;
      • Became: 4040.
  • skill0834.pngBlood Pact (Berserker, Inspector) 
    • Now the skill can be upgraded to Power:
      • Increases Max HP by +0.15~+0.20% per round of enchanting, for a total of +5%: 
        • from +10% (at +0) to +15% (at +30).
      • Increases HP Regeneration by +0.15~+0.20 units per round of enchanting, for a total of +5 units:
        • with +10 units (by +0) and up to +15 units. (at +30).
  • skill20006.pngSoul Roar (Berserker)
    • Now the skill can be upgraded to Power:
      • Instantly restores and increases Max CP and Max HP by +0.30~+0.40% per round of enchanting, for a total of +10%:
        • from +15% (at +0) to +25% (at +30).
  • Symbol of Energy Symbol of Soul Energy (Berserker) (New Skill)
    • Creates a symbol that maximizes the power of:
      • Phys. Attack +20%;
      • MP consumption by physical skills -50%;
      • Increases the number of Souls to maximum.

 The skill works similarly to the gladiator's dome, with the only difference being that it gives souls instead of "charges".

  • image.png Knock (Warlord, Gladiator, Swordsinger, Bladedancer, Bounty Hunter, Warsmith, Destroyer, Tyrant, Berserker, Soul Breaker (M), Inspector) (New skill)
    • Causes a trigger debuff: Knocked;
      • All classes that have the ability to reduce the distance to a target (a list of abilities and classes will be given below) automatically receive this ability when learning any ability from the list below.
    • Slows the target (in the case of an AoE skill - only one target that is selected as the target) by 50% for 1 second;
      • The slowdown is guaranteed, but cannot occur more often than once every 10 seconds.
    • List of skills that trigger this additional skill when used:
      • skill11823.pngAssault
      • skill0484.pngRush
      • skill0998.pngBlazing Boost
      • charge.pngCharge
      • skill0494.pngShoulder Charge
      • skill0493.pngStorm Assault
      • skill0495.pngBlade Rush
      • skill0793.pngRush Impact
      • hurricanecharge.pngHurricane Charge

  Slowing does not work on bonuses to running speed. Example - a character has 150 base speed. He has the effects Wind Walk (+33 Speed) and Counter Dash (+40 Speed). His Speed: 150 + 33 + 40 = 223. With a 50% slowdown (as with many other effects) - the calculation will look like this: 150 x 0.5 + 33 + 40 = 148 Speed (and not 223 x 0.5 = 111, as it may seem). 

 This skill is designed so that after approaching, the character can use a melee skill on a fleeing target. At the same time, classes with higher Speed and more bonuses, for example, Daggers and Archers, will feel this slowdown less than others.

  • skill0254.pngSpoil (Bounty Hunter)
    • The upgrade branch has been changed to "Earth":
      • Now reduces targets' defensive attributes by -1~2 per round of upgrade, up to -70 (by +30).
  • skill0302.pngSpoil Festival (Bounty Hunter)
    • The upgrade branch has been changed to "Earth":
      • Now reduces targets' defensive attributes by -1~2 per round of upgrade, up to -50 (by +30).
  • skill0348.pngSpoil Crush (Bounty Hunter)
    • Now the skill can also be used with Spear, Dagger, Dual Daggers.
  • skill0947.pngLucky Strike (Bounty Hunter)
    • The skill can now also be used with the Spear.
  • skill0997.png Crushing Strike (Bounty Hunter, Warsmith)
    • Now has a binding to the Earth attribute, 20 units of Attribute built into the skill;
    • Now an AoE skill that hits an area in a cone, similar to Bard's skill0986.pngDeadly Strike.
  • skill0831.pngSummon Merchant Golem (Warsmith)
    • The range of goods for Adena has been significantly expanded;
    • Life time - 3 minutes;
    • Fixed cooldown - 30 minutes;
    • You can use the functions of the Warehouse: both personal and clan.
  • skill10786.pngSticky Bomb (Warsmith)
    • Skill improved:
      • Time before explosion reduced from 10 to 5 seconds;
      • Explosion radius increased by a third: from 200 to 300.

  • skill0778.pngGolem Armor (Warsmith)
    • The learning levels remain the same, but the skill recharge speed has been increased in proportion to the summoner transformations:
      • 1st level of skill:
        • At character level 79;
        • Duration: 10 minutes;
        • Fixed cooldown: 30 minutes.
      • 2nd level of skill:
        • At character level 83;
        • Duration: 15 minutes;
        • Fixed cooldown: 25 minutes.

  • skill0025.pngSummon Mechanic Golem (Warsmith)
    • Now, when upgrading (sharpening) a skill, once every 2 rounds, PvP damage is proportionally increased:
      • +1/+2 — +2% PvP damage;
      • +3/+4 — +4% PvP damage;
      • ...
      • +27/+28 — +28% PvP damage;
      • +29/+30 — +30% PvP damage.
    • Now, when leveling up and upgrading (sharpening) the skill, the number of targets that the Golem attacks increases:
      • 1..4 skill levels - standard Mechanic Golem, attacking 1 target
      • From skill level 5 (learned at character level 55) the Golem begins to attack up to 2 targets;
      • From skill level 8 (character level 68) - up to 3 targets;
      • When enchanted a skill:
        • +1..6 up to 4 targets;
        • +7..12 up to 5 targets;
        • +13..18 up to 6 targets;
        • +19..24 up to 7 targets;
        • +25..29 up to 8 targets;
        • +30 to 9 targets.
  • skill0825.pngHardened Weapons (Warsmith)
    • The skill has received 2 additional levels for learning:
      • Level 1 of the skill is learned at character level 49:
        • For Crushing Weapons:
          • P. Atk. +5%, Chance of Stunning Attack +8%.
        • For Cutting Weapons:
          • P. Atk. +5%, P. Crit. Atk. Chance +20%.
        • For Bows and Crossbows:
          • For Bows and Crossbows:
      • Level 2 of the skill is learned at character level 64:
        • For Crushing Weapons:
          • P. Atk. +7%, Chance of Stunning Attack +11%.
        • For Cutting Weapons:
          • P. Atk. +7%, P. Crit. Atk. Chance +25%.
        • For Bows and Crossbows:
          • P. Atk. +7%, Firing Range +125.
      • Level 3 of the skill is learned at character level 70:
        • For Crushing Weapons:
          • P. Atk. +10%, Chance of Stunning Attack +15%.
        • For Cutting Weapons:
          • P. Atk. +10%, P. Crit. Atk. Chance +30%.
        • For Bows and Crossbows:
          • P. Atk. +10%, Firing Range +150.
    • Now the skill can be improved:
      • Power - increases the level of Aura once every 7-8 enchantingrounds:
        • As the level increases, all parameters grow linearly. In total, with an improvement of +30, receiving 8 levels of Aura, the Crafter and his Group will receive:
          • For Crushing Weapons:
            • P. Atk. +15%, Chance of Stunning Attack +20%.
          • For Cutting Weapons:
            • P. Atk. +15%, P. Crit. Atk. Chance +40%.
          • For Bows and Crossbows:
            • P. Atk. +15%, Firing Range +200.
  • skill0828.pngHardened Armor (Warsmith)
    • The skill has received 2 additional levels for learning:
      • Level 1 of the skill is learned at character level 46:
        • For Heavy Armor:
          • P. Def. +10.00%.
        • For Light Armor:
          • P. Def. +5.00%, Evasion +2.
        • For Magic Armor:
          • P. Def. +5.00%, MP Recovery Speed +2.
      • Level 2 of the skill is learned at character level 62:
        • For Heavy Armor:
          • P. Def. +12.50%.
        • For Light Armor:
          • P. Def. +7.50%, Evasion +3.
        • For Magic Armor:
          • P. Def. +7.50%, MP Recovery Speed +2.5.
      • Level 3 of the skill is learned at character level 68:
        • For Heavy Armor:
          • P. Def. +15.00%.
        • For Light Armor:
          • P. Def. +10.00%, Evasion +4.
        • For Magic Armor:
          • P. Def. +10.00%, MP Recovery Speed +3.
    • Now the skill can be improved:
      • Power - increases the level of Aura once every 7-8 enchantingrounds:
        • As the level increases, all parameters grow linearly. In total, with an improvement of +30, receiving 8 levels of Aura, the Crafter and his Group will receive:
          • For Heavy Armor:
            • P. Def. +20.00%.
          • For Light Armor:
            • P. Def. +15.00%, Evasion +7.
          • For Magic Armor:
            • P. Def. +15.00%, MP Recovery Speed +4.5.
  • skill0320.pngWrath (Warlord, Destroyer, Bounty Hunter, Warsmith)
    • Now the skill is learned from level 62 (instead of 66) for the corresponding professions.
  • quickspear.pngQuick Spear (Warlord)
    • Changed skill learning levels. Now learned at: 46/49/52/55/58/62/66/70/74.
  • immortality.pngImmortality (Destroyer)
    • Skill changed:
      • At each of the 3 levels, it can be used at any time, without checking the current HP;
      • When used, it deals non-lethal damage (without the possibility of dying) to the character using it, equal to 70% of Max HP;
      • For the duration of the skill, it does not allow the character's HP to be restored by more than 30% of Max HP (as under Seal of Limit); 
      • For the duration of the skill, it increases resistance to all negative effects (debuffs) by 25/35/50%, depending on the skill level.
    • As before:
      • During the effect, the character cannot die;
      • When the effect ends, as before, the character's HP is reduced to 1 unit;
      • Fixed cooldown of 10 minutes.
    • Depending on the skill level, its duration and resistance to negative effects change:
      • At level 1: duration 5 seconds, debuff resistance: +25%;
      • At level 2: duration 6 seconds, debuff resistance: +35%;
      • At level 3: duration 7 seconds, debuff resistance: +50%. 

 We continue to work on this extremely interesting class. Experience from previous seasons has shown us that destroyers, despite their obvious advantages in PVE, are extremely unpopular in PVP. With the above changes, we hope to attract attention to the class, so that old-timers can finally "show how they played in 2006."

  • skill0451.pngSonic Move (Gladiator)
    • Added the ability to improve the skill by the Cost of Charges. 
      • The default skill (2 levels +0) consumes 3 charges.
      • +1...+14: 2 charges (instead of 3);
      • +15...+29: 1 charge;
      • +30: The skill does not consume charge and works like a regular Dash.
  • skill0775.pngWeapon Blockade (Gladiator)
    • Added the ability to upgrade the skill by Charge Cost. The default skill (level 1 +0) consumes 2 charges.
      • +1...+14: 1 charge (instead of 2);
      • +15 skill does not consume charge and works like a regular Disarm.
  • skill0222.pngFury Fists (Tyrant)
    • Added the ability to improve the skill for Physical Skill Recharge:
      • Linear progression, -0.50% per Refinement Round, up to -15% at +30 refinement.
        • +1: Physical Skill Cooldown -0.50%;
        • +2: Physical Skill Cooldown -1.00%;
        • +3: Physical Skill Cooldown -1.50%;
        • ...
        • +29: Physical Skill Cooldown -14.50%;
        • +30: Physical Skill Cooldown -15.00%.
  • skill10542_1.pngetc_level_panel_lv1.pngCornered Rat (Treasure Hunter, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker)
    • At all levels, the HP threshold for activation has been increased by 10%, respectively:
      • 1 level of skill: 50% (not 40);
      • 2nd level of skill: 60% (not 50);
      • 3rd level of skill: 70% (not 60);
      • When enchanted: from 71 to 85%.
    • At all skill levels, it now also increases Speed by +7 if the conditions for activating the passive property are met.
    • Now the skill only works if in addition to % of remaining HP:
      • Character uses Dagger/Dual Daggers;
      • The character is dressed in Light Armor.
  • skill0531.pngCritical Wound (Treasure Hunter, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker)
    • When upgrading (enchantingthe skill) to Power, along with increasing damage from P. Crit. Atk. to the target, there is a chance to remove Effects from the target that increase defense from P. Crit. Atk.
      • For  skill1542.pngCounter Critical 1-3 levels and skill1461.pngChant of Protection:
        • From 20 to 50% chance when enchanting a skill from +1 to +15.
      • For skill1542.pngCounter Critical level 4 and warc_combo.pngChant of Protection Spirit:
        • From 10 to 30% chance when enchanting a skill from +1 to +15.
    • The chance of debuff passing and the chance of buff cancellation are separate effects and do not depend on each other.
  • skill0928_1.pngDual Blow (Treasure Hunter, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker)
    • The skill is divided into 2 levels:
      • Level 1:
        • 80 character level;
        • Power 7,490;
        • 12 seconds base reload.
      • Level 2:
        • 83 character level;
        • Power 11,234;
        • 8 seconds base cooldown.
  • skill0991.pngThrowing Dagger (Treasure Hunter, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker)
    • Cast range increased:
      • 1 skill level: 300;
      • 2nd skill level: 350 (+50);
      • Skill level 3: 400 (+100).
    • The skill can now be upgraded by Number of Targets:
      • When upgraded by +1, it becomes an AoE skill, dealing damage to up to 3 targets (selected target and up to 2 nearby characters/monsters in a small radius from the main target).
        • +1..+6 up to 3 targets (main and 2 additional);
        • +7..+14 up to 4 targets (main and 3 additional);
        • +15 up to 5 targets (main and 4 additional).
      • Also, as you Improve, the base Chance to deal x2 Crit. Atk. increases: from 15% to 25%.
  • image.png Hide Mate (Treasure Hunter, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker) (New Skill)
    • Makes a party member invisible. Any action other than moving removes the effect.
      • An analogue of Hide, which can be used on a party member (but not on yourself);
      • Learned at level 52;
      • Does not reduce speed, does not increase damage as when exiting Hide;
      • Effect duration: 15 seconds;
      • Fixed common cooldown with regular Hide - 3 minutes (180 seconds);
      • When joining a group, the skill gets a 30 second cooldown;
      • When leaving the group, the effect of the skill is removed from the target.
  • skill0412.pngSand Bomb (Treasure Hunter, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker)
    • This is now a non-targeted AoE skill (3 to 7 targets);
    • In addition to the current properties - it now has a low chance (15~25%, depending on the skill level) to cancel the target of surrounding enemies;
    • Base cooldown increased to 20 seconds.
  • skill0358.pngBluff (Treasure Hunter, Plains Walker, Abyss Walker)
    • Changed skill learning levels:
      • Was: 55, 66, 72, 77;
      • Became: 55, 64, 70, 77.
  • skill0768.pngExciting Adventure (Treasure Hunter)
    • Now affects the entire group;
    • The skill received additional bonuses:
      • 1st level of skill: Evasion from Magic skills +25%;
      • 2nd level of skill: Evasion from Magic skills +40%.
    • When joining a group, the skill gets a 30 second cooldown;
    • When leaving the group, the effect of the skill is removed from the targets.
  • skill0820.pngEvasion Haste (Treasure Hunter)
    • Now the skill is learned from level 60 (instead of 66).
  • skill0769.pngWind Riding (Plains Walker)
    • Now affects the entire group;
    • The skill received additional bonuses:
      • 1st level of skill: Evasion from Magic skills +12%;
      • 2nd level of skill: Evasion from Magic skills +20%.
    • When joining a group, the skill gets a 30 second cooldown;
    • When leaving the group, the effect of the skill is removed from the targets.
  • skill0819.pngEvasion Chance (Plains Walker)
    • Now the skill is learned from level 60 (instead of 66).
  • skill0321.pngBlinding Blow (Plains Walker, Abyss Walker)
    • The skill is now learned from level 64 (instead of 66).
  • skill0770.pngGhost Walking (Abyss Walker)
    • Now affects the entire group;
    • The skill received additional bonuses:
      • 1st level of skill: Evasion from Magic skills +20%;
      • 2nd level of skill: Evasion from Magic skills +30%.
    • When joining a group, the skill gets a 30 second cooldown;
    • When leaving the group, the effect of the skill is removed from the targets.
  • skill0818.pngEvasion Counter (Abyss Walker)
    • Now the skill is learned from level 60 (instead of 66).
  • skill1276.pngSummon Kai the Cat (Warlock)
    • Now, when leveling up and upgrading (sharpening) the skill, the number of targets that the Cat attacks increases:
      • 1..4 skill levels - standard Kai the Cat, attacking 1 target;
      • From skill level 5 (learned at character level 56) - The Cat begins to attack up to 2 targets;
      • From skill level 12 (character level 70) - up to 3 targets.
      • When enchanted a skill:
        • +1..6 up to 4 targets;
        • +7..12 up to 5 targets;
        • +13..18 up to 6 targets;
        • +19..24 up to 7 targets;
        • +25..29 up to 8 targets;
        • +30 to 9 targets.
  • skill1406.pngSummon Feline King (Warlock)
    • Now, when upgrading (sharpening) the skill, it increases the number of targets that the Cat attacks:
      • Default: 1 target;
      • +1..4 up to 2 targets;
      • +5..9 up to 3 targets;
      • +10..14 up to 4 targets;
      • +15 to 5 targets.
  • spirit_of_the_cat.pngSpirit of the Cat (Warlock)
    • Changed skill learning levels and recharge speed:
      • 1st level of skill:
        • At character level 79;
        • Duration: 10 minutes;
        • Fixed cooldown: 30 minutes.
      • 2nd level of skill:
        • At character level 83;
        • Duration: 15 minutes;
        • Fixed cooldown: 25 minutes.
  • skill1277.pngSummon Merrow the Unicorn (Elemental Summoner)
    • Now, when leveling up and upgrading (sharpening) the skill, the number of targets that the Unicorn attacks increases:
      • 1..4 skill levels - standard Merrow the Unicorn, attacking 1 target;
      • From skill level 5 (learned at character level 56), the Unicorn begins to attack up to 2 targets;
      • From skill level 12 (character level 70) - up to 3 targets.
      • When enchanted a skill:
        • +1..6 up to 4 targets;
        • +7..12 up to 5 targets;
        • +13..18 up to 6 targets;
        • +19..24 up to 7 targets;
        • +25..29 up to 8 targets;
        • +30 to 9 targets.
  • skill1407.pngSummon Magnus the Unicorn (Elemental Summoner)
    • Now, when upgrading (sharpening) the skill, it increases the number of targets that the Unicorn attacks:
      • Default: 1 target;
      • +1..4 up to 2 targets;
      • +5..9 up to 3 targets;
      • +10..14 up to 4 targets;
      • +15 to 5 targets.
  • spirit_of_the_unicorn.pngSpirit of the Unicorn (Elemental Summoner)
    • Changed skill learning levels and recharge speed:
      • 1st level of skill:
        • At character level 79;
        • Duration: 10 minutes;
        • Fixed cooldown: 30 minutes.
      • 2nd level of skill:
        • At character level 83;
        • Duration: 15 minutes;
        • Fixed cooldown: 25 minutes.
  • skill1278.pngSummon Soulless (Phantom Summoner)
    • Now, when leveling up and upgrading (sharpening) the skill, the number of targets that the Shadow attacks increases:
      • 1..4 skill levels - standard Soulless, attacking 1 target;
      • From skill level 5 (learned at character level 56), the Shadow begins to attack up to 2 targets;
      • From skill level 12 (character level 70) - up to 3 targets.
      • When enchanted a skill:
        • +1..6 up to 4 targets;
        • +7..12 up to 5 targets;
        • +13..18 up to 6 targets;
        • +19..24 up to 7 targets;
        • +25..29 up to 8 targets;
        • +30 to 9 targets.
  • skill1408.pngSummon Spectral Lord (Phantom Summoner)
    • Now, when upgrading (sharpening) the skill, it increases the number of targets that the Unicorn attacks:
      • Default: 1 target;
      • +1..4 up to 2 targets;
      • +5..9 up to 3 targets;
      • +10..14 up to 4 targets;
      • +15 to 5 targets.
  • spirit_of_the_demon.pngSpirit of the Demon (Phantom Summoner)
    • Changed skill learning levels and recharge speed:
      • 1st level of skill:
        • At character level 79;
        • Duration: 10 minutes;
        • Fixed cooldown: 30 minutes.
      • 2nd level of skill:
        • At character level 83;
        • Duration: 15 minutes;
        • Fixed cooldown: 25 minutes.
  • skill1424.pngAnti-Summoning Field (Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner)
    • In addition to other bonuses, it now also cancels the following from targets under the Dome:
      • all variations of Blessing of Queen;
      • all variations of Gift of Queen;
      • all variations of Blessing of Seraphim;
      • all variations of Gift of Seraphim;
      • all variations of Shadow Blessing;
      • all variations of the Shadow Gift skill.
  • skilltransform1.png Spirit (Warlock, Elemental Summoner, Phantom Summoner)
    All unique Summoner transformations have received Second levels.
    • Level 2 is learned at character level 76, upon receiving the 3rd class transfer:
      • When this skill is acquired, the transformation does not recall the summoned creature;
      • Relevant for skills:
        • skill10254.pngSpirit of Sagittarius;
        • skill11252.pngSpirit of Magician;
        • skill11258.pngSpirit of Assassin;
        • m_class_heavy.pngSpirit of Knight.
  • skill1433.pngAbyssal Blaze (Inspector)
    • Added skill levels 26-34, similar to skill1558.pngDimension Spiral and other similar skills;
    • Learned at Judicator levels 76-85. As the level increases, the skill's Power, magic level, and MP consumption increase.
    • Comparing levels 25 and 34:
      • PvP Power: 72 => 90;
      • PvE Power: 108 => 135.
  • skill0137.png Critical Chance (Hawkeye, Silver Ranger)
    • Hawkeye and Silver Ranger classes now have access to level 2 of the skill:
      • By default, these classes have level 1. skills: Critical Chance +20%;
      • 2nd level of skill: Chance of P. Crit. Atk. +30%.
  • image.png Swift Rift (Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger) (New Skill)
    • The skill has 1 level and is learned at level 49 of the corresponding class;
    • Jumps back 400 distance, removes any Hold effects;
      • Additional effect:
        • Bow skill range: +30%;
        • Bow skill cast time: -20%;
        • Speed -70%;
        • Fixed reload time: 30 seconds;
        • Duration 3 sec.
  • image.png Self-Treatment (Hawkeye, Phantom Ranger) (New Skill)
    • Skill is similar to Healing Potion and replaces its effect;
    • 3 skill levels, learned at levels 40, 55, 64;
    • Restores the character's HP over 30 seconds, the power depends on the skill level;
    • Fixed cooldown: 30 seconds;
    • Level 1: Restores 25 HP every second (total 750 HP);
    • Level 2: Restores 35 HP every second (total 1050 HP);
    • Level 3: Restores 50 HP every second (total 1500 HP).
  • skill0354.pngHamstring Shot (Hawkeye, Silver Ranger, Phantom Ranger);
    • Now the skill has 16 levels, it is learned from levels 40 to 77 of the corresponding classes;
    • Depending on the level, the Chance of passing a negative effect, Power (from 406 to 1973) and MP Consumption increase;
    • The chance of success the skill has been slightly increased;
    • Negative effect duration reduced from 60 to 30 seconds;
    • The two basic branches of improvement of this skill are combined into one: "Power + Chance".
  • skill0413.pngRapid Fire (Silver Ranger)
    • In addition to the existing bonuses:
      • At all skill levels before sharpening:
        • Physical skill cooldown -5%.
      • When improving (sharpening) a skill:
        • +1..4 = -6%;
        • +5..9 = -7%;
        • +10..14 = -8%;
        • +15..19 = -9%;
        • +20..24 = -10%;
        • +25..29 = -11%;
        • +30 = -12%.
          Physical skills recharge by another -1% every 4~5 rounds, up to +7% (total 12% when sharpened to +30)

  • skill0102.pngEntangle (Silver Ranger)
    • This skill is no longer available for learning by the Silver Ranger class.
  • skill0533.pngCounter Rapid Shot (Silver Ranger)
    • Skill improved:
      • Now each level of the effect additionally reduces the cooldown of physical and magical skills (the effect works with ANY type of weapon):
        • Level 1: Increases Attack Speed with a Bow by 10% and with a Crossbow by 7%, reduces the cooldown of Physical and Magic skills by 5%;
        • Level 2: Increases Attack Speed with a Bow by 15% and with a Crossbow by 10%, reduces the cooldown of Physical and Magic skills by 7%;
        • Level 3: Increases Attack Speed with a Bow by 20% and with a Crossbow by 15%, reduces the cooldown of Physical and Magic skills by 10%.
  • countersnipeshot.pngCounter Snipe Shot (Hawkeye)
    • Skill improved:
      • Now each level of the effect additionally increases the speed of using physical and magical skills (the effect works with ANY type of weapon), as well as the range of using skills with a bow:
        • Level 1: Increases Bow (NOT crossbow) Shot Range by 35, Accuracy by 3 and Evasion by 2, Physical/Magic skill application speed +7%, Bow skill attack range +5%;
        • Level 2: Increases Bow (NOT crossbow) Shot Range by 50, Accuracy by 5 and Evasion by 3, Physical/Magic skill application speed +10%, Bow skill attack range +7%;
        • Level 3: Increases Bow (NOT Crossbow) Shot Range by 75, Accuracy by 7 and Evasion by 4, Physical/Magic skill application speed +15%, Bow skill attack range +10%.
  • skill0313.pngSnipe (Hawkeye)
    • In addition to the existing bonuses:
      • At all skill levels before sharpening:
        • Range of ability casting using Bow +10%;
      • When improving (sharpening) a skill:
        • The range of using skills is increased by another +1% every 3 rounds, up to +10% (total 20% when sharpened to +30).
  • skill1416.pngPa'agrio's Fist (Overlord) (Skill changed)
    • This is now a Group Buff with standard checks (cancelled when leaving the group, 15 second cooldown when joining):
    • It has 6 levels:
      • Max CP +10/ 15/ 20/ 25/ 30/ 35% (depending on skill level);
      • CP regeneration +50%;
      • Increases CP recovery efficiency with skill1305.pngThe Honor of Pa'agrio, Potions and Elixirs by 10%.
      • At character level 44: Max CP +10%;
      • At character level 52: Max CP +15%;
      • At character level 60: Max CP +20%;
      • At character level 68: Max CP +25%;
      • At character level 72: Max CP +30%;
      • At character level 76: Max CP +35%.
    • The enchanting branches are removed.
  • image.png Curse of Pa'agrio (Overlord) (New Skill)
    • 22 skill levels;
    • Learned from character levels 48 to 85.
    • The Shaman releases a mass ranged curse that deals M. Damage with Power from 60 to 136 units (depending on the skill level), and causes a chance to trigger a random negative effect from the Shaman's assortment on each affected target. The list of negative effects depends on the level of the Curse of Pa'agrio skill, the levels of effects - on the levels of already learned skills. Overhit is possible.
    • The distance to the first target is 0-600, then the chain hits 5 to 12 targets. By the same logic as Judicator's skill1450.pngChain Lightning.
    • Use consumes a significant amount of MP, from 130 to 260 depending on the skill level;
    • Base cooldown is 30 seconds.
  • image.png Unity of Pa'agrio (Overlord) (New Skill)
    • New passive skill learned at level 40:
      • Depending on the number of party members in a large radius - reduces your MP consumption of Physical and Magic skills:
        • 2 characters (in a group): -10%;
        • 3 characters: -15%;
        • 4 characters: -20%;
        • 5 characters: -25%;
        • 6 characters: -30%;
        • 7 characters: -35%;
        • 8 characters: -40%;
        • 9 characters: -50%.
  • skill0949.pngOnslaught of Pa'agrio (Overlord)
    • Changed levels to study:
      • 1 level: 72 => 70 character level;
      • 2 level: 79 => 77 character level;
      • Level 3: 83, was and is
      • Magic skill levels have been changed proportionally. Skill lvl 3, which was lvl 81 magic, has become lvl 83, therefore it will work a little better on monsters and characters of levels 83-85. The cost of learning in SP has been reduced proportionally.
  • skill1509.pngSeal of Limit (Overlord)
    • The duration of the negative effect is significantly reduced;
    • The skill is divided into 3 levels, now it appears from character level 79:
      • 1 level of skill, learned at character level 79:
        • Limits CP, HP and MP recovery by 30%;
        • Duration of negative effect: 15 seconds;
        • Base cooldown: 6 seconds.
      • 2nd level of skill, learned at character level 81:
        • Limits CP, HP and MP recovery by 50%;
        • Duration of negative effect: 20 seconds;
        • Base cooldown: 4 seconds.
      • 3rd level of skill, learned at character level 83:
        • Limits CP, HP and MP recovery to 70%;
        • Duration of negative effect: 30 seconds;
        • Base cooldown: 2 seconds;
        • Magic level 3 skill increased from 81 to 83.
  • divine_enchanter005.pngSeal of Despair (Overlord)
    • Skill enhanced:
      • Now additionally reduces Casting Speed by -10 / -20%, depending on the skill level;
      • The skill is divided into 2 levels, now it appears from character level 70:
        • 1 level of skill, learned at character level 70:
          • P. Atk. -5%;
          • Atk. Spd -15%;
          • Mag Speed -10%;
          • Chance of Phys. Crit. Atk. -15%;
          • P. Crit. Damage -15%;
          • Speed -10%;
          • M. Def. -15%;
          • Accuracy -3.
        • 2nd level of skill, learned at character level 78:
          • P. Atk. -10%;
          • Atk. Spd -30%;
          • Mag Speed -20%;
          • Chance of Phys. Crit. Atk. -30%;
          • P. Crit. Damage -30%;
          • Speed -20%;
          • M. Def. -30%;
          • Accuracy -6.
      • At all levels, as before:
        • Duration of negative effect: 30 seconds;
        • Base cooldown: 30 seconds.
  • skill1099.pngSeal of Slow (Overlord)
    • Base duration reduced to 30 seconds;
    • When upgrading to any branch, the duration of the effect also increases, by +1 sec per round of upgrading, up to 60 seconds (by +30).
  • skill1246.pngSeal of Silence (Overlord)
    • Base duration reduced to 30 seconds;
    • When upgrading to any branch, the duration of the effect also increases, by +1 sec per round of upgrading, up to 60 seconds (by +30).
  • skill1247.pngSeal of Scourge (Overlord)
    • Base duration reduced to 30 seconds;
    • When upgrading to any branch, the duration of the effect also increases, by +1 sec per round of upgrading, up to 60 seconds (by +30).
  • skill1248.pngSeal of Suspension (Overlord)
    • Base duration reduced to 30 seconds;
    • When upgrading to any branch, the duration also increases by +1 sec per round of upgrading, up to 60 seconds (by +30).
  • skill1367.pngSeal of Disease (Overlord)
    • Base duration reduced to 30 seconds;
    • When upgrading to any branch, the duration of the effect also increases, by +2 sec per round of upgrading, up to 60 seconds (by +15).
  • skill1306.pngRitual of Life (Overlord)
    • Base cast time increased from 5 to 3 seconds;
    • Now the skill can only be used on yourself or a group member.
  • skill0285.pngHigher Mana Gain (Prophet, Warcryer, Overlord)
    • Changed the learning levels for Prophet, Warcryer, and Overlord. Now learned at 40/44/48/52/56/60/62/64/66/68/70/72/74.
  • lifeimpact.pngLife Impact (Warcryer, Overlord)
    • Reduced the research level for Warcryer and Overlord from 49 to 48.
  • skill1429.pngGate Chant (Warcryer)
    • 1 level of skill:
      • Studied at level 64 (was at 66);
      • Fixed reload time - reduced by 2 times: (became better) from 1800 to 900 seconds (15 minutes);
      • The base time of using the skill has been increased by 2 times: from 15 to 30 seconds;
      • etc_recall_crystal_i00.pngRequires 3 Summoning Crystal to use (was 4).
    • 2 (standard) skill level - no changes.
  • skill1543.pngetc_level_panel_lv1.pngGreat Fury (Warcryer)
    • Now it can be activated not only by a normal attack (with a 5% chance) and the Burning Chop skill (with a 30% chance), but also by a number of other skills, namely:
      • skill0260.pngHammer Crush (30% chance);
      • skill1244.pngFreezing Flame (30% chance);
      • skill1102.pngAura Sink (30% chance).
  • skill1362.pngChant of Spirit (Warcryer)
    • The skill is now learned from level 62 (instead of 66).
  • skill1102.pngAura Sink (Warcryer)
    • This is now an AoE ability that hits 2 to 4 additional targets within a 0-200 radius of the primary target.
    • Base skill cooldown increased from 3 to 5 seconds.
  • skill1244.pngFreezing Flame (Warcryer)
    • This is now an AoE ability that hits 5 to 12 additional targets within a 0-200 radius of the primary target.
  • image.png Ritual of Clearance (Warcryer) (New Skill)
    • Removes one negative effect from the target party member;
    • Has 1 level, is learned at character level 56;
    • Can only be cast on a party member (not on yourself);
    • 15 sec cooldown when joining a group;
    • Base skill cooldown: 30 seconds;
    • Shared cooldown with Ritual of Self-Sacrifice.
  • image.png Ritual of Self-Sacrifice (Warcryer) (New Skill)
    • Transfers all negative effects from a selected party member to yourself;
    • Has 1 level, is learned at character level 56;
    • Can only be cast on a party member (not on yourself);
    • 15 sec cooldown when joining a group;
    • Base skill cooldown: 20 seconds;
    • Shared cooldown with Ritual of Clearance.
  • image.png Ritual of Preserve (Warcryer) (New Skill)
    • Sacrifices some of your HP to create a damage-absorbing barrier around the target party member;
    • Fixed reload time: 30 seconds;
    • Barrier Duration: 15 seconds (or until destroyed);
    • Can only be cast on the selected party member, not on yourself;
    • 15 sec cooldown when joining a group, when leaving the group the barrier is destroyed;
    • The skill has 10 levels:
      • Learned at level 44, sacrifices 760 HP, creates a barrier with 1200 HP durability:
      • Learned at level 52, sacrifices 1090 HP, creates a barrier with 1800 HP durability:
      • Learned at level 58, sacrifices 1440 HP, creates a barrier with 2500 HP durability:
      • Learned at level 62, sacrifices 1790 HP, creates a barrier with 3300 HP durability:
      • Learned at level 66, sacrifices 2150 HP, creates a barrier with 4200 HP durability:
      • Learned at level 70, sacrifices 2490 HP, creates a barrier with 5200 HP durability:
      • Learned at level 74, sacrifices 2850 HP, creates a barrier with 6350 HP durability:
      • Learned at level 76, sacrifices 3250 HP, creates a barrier with 7800 HP durability:
      • Learned at level 80, sacrifices 3670 HP, creates a barrier with 9550 HP durability:
      • Learned at level 82, sacrifices 4400 HP, creates a barrier with 12500 HP durability.

  • Experience and SP rates.
  •  OBT and Season Start October 18, 20:00 - October 28, 18:00.
  •  Experience Rates:
    Level Experience from mobs Experience with RB
    1-20 x3 > x2 x1.25
    20-30 x2 > x1 x1.25
    31-51 x1 x1.50
    52 x0.85 x1.40
    53 x0.70 x1.30
    54 x0.60 x1.20
    55 x0.50 x1.00
    56 x0.10 x0.20
    57 x0.08 x0.16
    58 x0.06 x0.12
    59 x0.04 x0.08
    60 x0.02 x0.04
    61+ x0.01 x0.02
  •  SP rates:
    • Monsters, SP Rate:
      • Equal to Experience Rates, but cannot be lower than x1.
    • RB, Rate SP:
      • x2 of Experience Rates, but cannot be lower than x2.
  • Explanation for the experience table:
    • Hidden text
      • The > symbol in the table denotes a gradient decrease in rates FROM and TO, specifically for the table above:
        • lvl_20 = 2.00
        • lvl_21 = 1.9
        • lvl_22 = 1.8
        • lvl_23 = 1.7
        • lvl_24 = 1.6
        • lvl_25 = 1.5
        • lvl_26 = 1.4
        • lvl_27 = 1.3
        • lvl_28 = 1.2
        • lvl_29 = 1.1
        • lvl_30 = 1.0
  • New locations.
  • Location changes.
  • New and updated locations in the area of Schuttgart Castle.
    ATTENTION! The locations described below are in the testing stage and may be changed in the future based on the results of the OBT (Changes may affect the number of monsters at the spots and their respawn speed): 
    • Crypts of Disgrace (Updated Location)
      • A bit of lore:
        • Hidden text

          When the orcs were defeated in the war for the continent against the alliance of elves and humans, they were forced to sign a humiliating peace treaty and retreat to their lands on the Plateau of Immortality. However, not all orcs supported the decision of the chieftains to conclude a peace treaty with the elves: some wanted to fight to the very end.
          They called themselves "superbia" or "proud orcs" to distinguish themselves from the noble orcs who were ready to make peace. The proud orcs declared war on the rest and were expelled from the plateau as traitors.
          Among them were Ragna, the strongest of the 7 tribes of noble orcs, and the smaller tribes - Batur, Morek, Turka, Tamlin, Timora and Umbar.
          Ignoring the orders of the other chieftains, the tribes of proud orcs remained in their city to fight against the huge elven army. Having defeated the orcs, the elves razed the city to the ground and tried to kill every single one of its inhabitants.
          The dwarves of the Silver Scales Guild helped some of the orcs escape and took them into their service. The surviving orcs of Ragna returned to the ruins of the city and settled there. 
          However, the tribes that disobeyed orders and were banished from the orc kingdom could not be buried on the Plateau of Immortality, so they built a huge tomb to be buried there. But deprived of the honor of resting in the land of their ancestors, the dead of the exiled orcs often rose as undead. This happened also due to the fault of tomb robbers. The noble orcs called this tomb the Crypts of Disgrace.
          Thanks to the evil spirit of Kasha, the orc shaman Varangka endowed the ghosts awakened in the tombs with great power in preparation for the invasion of the Plateau of Immortality.

      • The location is populated by strong monsters of level 33-35, and is intended for group leveling;
      • The location carries out a corresponding new Mission with rewards;
    • Grave Robber Hideout (New Location):
      • And a little more lore:
        • Hidden text


          The Hatar tribe of ratmen earned their living for many years by stealing from the gloomy cemeteries of the city of Aden. A young ratman named Akata had learned the trade since childhood, but the old graves, long since plundered, no longer held any interest for him. The cemetery was teeming with ghosts and monsters that guarded the remains of long-lost treasures.

          One day, while trading his loot with a traveling merchant, Akata heard a story that ignited a spark of greed in him. The dwarf told him of the ancient tombs of orc chieftains that had remained untouched for a thousand years. According to rumors, untold riches lay within their depths, but the threat of a deadly curse frightened off adventurers eager for profit. Since then, the thought of orc treasures haunted Akata.

          He decided to gather his own band, but few of his fellow tribesmen were willing to abandon their usual life for the sake of a dangerous adventure. Akata had no choice but to seek help from the gnolls who had settled in the forests north of Oren. These creatures were engaged in robbery and, having heard Akata's story about untold riches, gladly agreed to help. Akata decided to keep silent about the fact that the ancient graves were cursed.

          After passing through endless forests and hidden paths between the mountains, they reached their goal. Not far from the crypts, Akata found the perfect place for a lair - a cave surrounded by dense forests and high hills. Here the robbers decided to hide in order to make plans to plunder the graves.

          But as Akata's gang began their dark deeds, the ratman quickly realized that the curse was real. The ghosts of the orcs, who were not given peace in their graves, began to appear at night, bringing with them horror and madness. Fear captured the hearts of the robbers, many of them went mad or disappeared without a trace.

          Akata, unwilling to retreat, immersed himself in the study of ancient magics. He learned scrolls and artifacts found in orc tombs and discovered references to rituals that could help fight the curse. He began to perform these rituals, calling on the dark forces for help. At the same time, he ordered his comrades to fortify the entrance to the cave and set traps to repel attacks from competitors and the undead.

          With each passing day, the treasures in the tombs grew more valuable. However, with each new plundering, the curse grew stronger. The orcish ghosts no longer limited themselves to dreams - they attacked for real, breaking through the defenses and destroying those who dared to disturb their peace. Fear and chaos reigned in the caves, and even the dark rituals of Akata could no longer stop them.

          As a result, the Tomb Raiders' Refuge became more than just a place for ratmen and gnolls to hide from their enemies. It became a living trap, where every move could be their last. The ghosts of the past and the greedy souls of the present fought an unequal battle. And only a few could survive the night in this cursed place, where the curses of the ancient orcs lay in wait for anyone who dared to set foot on these lands.

        • The location is populated by strong monsters of level 42-45, and is intended for group leveling;
        • Suitable for physical groups, but magicians will also be able to try their powers;
        • The location carries out a corresponding new Mission with rewards;
        • Location mechanics:
          • During the game night, enhanced ghost mobs appear in the tunnels connecting different parts of the location;
          • Also, ghosts can appear with some chance when killing regular mobs at game night.
        • The refuge is guarded by a raid boss, the greedy ratman Akat, who will not want to share his loot with outsiders.
    • Den of Evil (Updated Location)
      • Of course you won't be left without lore:
        • Hidden text


          After their defeat in the great war for the continent, when the orcs were forced to make a humiliating peace with the Alliance of Elves and Humans, they retreated to their homeland on the Plateau of Immortality. However, not all orcs accepted this defeat. A group that did not accept the decision of the leaders and wanted to fight to the end called themselves superbia - Proud Orcs. They did not accept peace with the Elves and declared war on their fellow tribesmen, considering them cowards. These proud warriors were expelled from their lands and declared traitors.

          Among the exiles was the Ragna tribe, the strongest of the seven noble noble orc tribes. Along with them, several other tribes left, determined not to bow to the outsiders. Ignoring the orders of the other orcs, they remained in their city to fight the elven army. 

          Having defeated the remnants of the orc army, the elves razed the city to the ground and slaughtered the surviving orcs. Only a small handful of survivors, with the help of the dwarves from the Silver Scales Guild, managed to escape. The surviving orcs of Ragna returned to the ruins of the city and settled there. 

          Centuries passed, and the ruins of the city became the home of a few survivors. It was there that a shaman named Varangka was banished. He was obsessed with the idea of conquering all orcs, and to do this, he turned to the spirit of Kasha - an ancient and sinister spirit of death and decay. Banished from the Plateau of Immortality for his actions, Varangka renounced Pa'agrio, the traditional god of the orcs, and created a new place of worship for Kasha in the ruins of the temple.

          With the help of Ragna's exiled orcs, Varangka began his dark work. He used Kasha's power to summon monsters and the souls of damned orcs and began to prepare an attack on the Plateau of Immortality. Since then, the ruins where Varangka took refuge became known as the Lair of Evil.

          To control the monsters, Varangka used an ancient artifact - the Amulet of Kasha. Those who do not know its true power risk bringing disaster upon themselves. Under the influence of the aura of this cursed amulet, the demons of Vanul fall into a rage, becoming stronger and more dangerous. After their death, ghosts appear to attack the hapless adventurer. In rare cases, their place is taken by the Faithful Servant of Kasha - a creature of incredible power, whose appearance foretells a fierce battle. But those who can defeat this monster will be granted a great reward - the restoration of life force, which is enough to continue the fight.

          To protect their hideout, Ragna and the shaman Varangka have placed a curse on the fires scattered throughout the Lair. Those who dare to light them will awaken dark forces that affect all creatures around them. Under the influence of these fires, monsters begin to appear more often and become stronger, and warriors feel a surge of power, preparing for even more fierce battles.

          With each passing year, the Lair of Evil becomes more deadly, and the power of Kasha continues to penetrate these lands, preparing them for a new great war.

        • The location is populated by strong monsters of level 47-58, and is intended for group leveling;
        • The location carries out a corresponding new Mission with rewards;
        • The location consists of 2 parts:
          • Monsters level 48-53;
          • Monsters 53-57.
        • The location is inhabited by 2 types of monsters:
          • Ragna Orcs, who live in camps;
          • Varangka's Vanuls wandering around.
        • Location mechanics:
          • For the items received for the corresponding mission, you can buy Amulet of Kasha (temporary amulet) from the NPC Lighthouse Keeper, or loot the Amulet (permanent amulet) from monsters:
            • The amulet can be used on high-level demons (Cruel ):
              • The amulet completely heals the monster;
              • Increases his combat and defensive stats, and increases the experience and SP gained from the mob by 15%:
                • After the death of an enhanced monster, 3 to 6 additional ghost monsters will appear in its place;
                • There is a small chance that after the death of the ghosts, Kharun, Devoted Hand of Kasha, a unique servant of the Demon Lord, may appear.
          • Ragna's Bonfires. In each camp you can find a bonfire that you can light. To do this, you will need a Fire Stone, which can be dropped from nearby monsters or bought from the NPC Lighthouse Keeper.
            • When a fire is lit, the area around it is filled with the Heat of Flame, which:
              • Increases PvE defense, HP and MP regeneration and the amount of experience gained.
            • The bonfire can be made stronger by using Ancestral Ashes, which can be obtained from Ragna Orcs with a small chance. The power of the flame grants you one of 3 possible effects:
              • Trial of Might: A buff for players that increases PvE defense and damage, HP and MP regeneration, as well as the amount of Experience and SP and loot from monsters;
              • Trial of Wealth: Buff for mobs increasing their defensive and offensive characteristics, as well as loot;
              • Trial of Valor: Additional monsters appear in the camp.
                • All 3 effects can be activated simultaneously;
                • Effects appear randomly after using Dust.
        • The Evil Lair is home to the raid boss Dark Shaman Varangka, the lord of demons and the bane of these places.
    • Carons Dungeon (New Location)
      • You definitely missed the lore:
        • Hidden text


          In ancient times, when the civilization of giants towered over all others, they possessed the knowledge of how to obtain powerful energy from star stones, create golems of various designs, invulnerable flying fortresses, and even lift entire cities into the air. 

          After the death of the giant civilization, the gnomes began to search for various ancient artifacts and restore the ancient technologies of the giants. One of the largest was the "Sky Carriage" project, which was never implemented by the giants. 

          The King of the Dwarves gave the order to resume this project, and the Dwarves set about implementing it as if it were their own! The Dwarves dreamed of completing the construction of the railway going to the sky and visiting the palace of the gods and the ocean of distant stars.

          To transport raw materials and supplies for the construction of the railway, a railway station was built, to which rails from various quarries and mines extended.

          The dwarves did not limit themselves to this project, they mined valuable minerals all over the continent. All the wealth was delivered to the capital - the huge underground labyrinthine city of Mlan.

          To ensure better logistics, the dwarves dug many tunnels into the mountains, connecting Mlan with other territories, mining sites, and large-scale construction projects.

          One of these tunnels was to be a passage through Iron Mountain. The deadlines were very limited, and the Dwarves worked in great haste, driven not only by orders, but also by dreams of future scientific achievements. However, their haste turned into tragedy: many miners died during blasting operations, and the shadows of their souls remained in the dark corridors under the mountain. As a sign of respect for the dead, the Dwarves erected a monument at the site of the work, and the tunnel dug into the mountain was named Karon Passage in honor of the deceased master Karon, who was in charge of the work.

          Over time, the dwarves began to notice strange things: ghosts began to appear in the Caron Pass. In the silence of the tunnel, one could hear the rustling of footsteps, the grinding of picks, and sometimes even faint voices. Some said that these were the souls of miners who could not find peace, while others believed that the energy of the star diamonds themselves, intertwined with the forces of nature, revived the dead. It was said that those who tried to delve deeper into the tunnel at night either went mad or disappeared forever. However, for many, these remained only tales that were told around campfires to fuel the imagination.

          Soon the large-scale projects of the dwarves were stopped - the warlike tribes of orcs from the Immortal Plateau descended on the kingdom of Mlan. They were furious and merciless, and the dwarves were forced to retreat to the cold lands of the northern ridges. Many quarries remained unfinished, the railways were abandoned, and the mines themselves became deserted places where no one dared to return.

          It is said that the ghosts of the dwarves still roam beneath Iron Mountain, guarding their forgotten quarries and waiting for those who dare to disturb their eternal peace.

        • The location is populated by strong monsters of level 59-60, and is intended for group leveling;
        • The location carries out a corresponding new Mission with rewards;
        • The location is difficult, but those who dare to step under these dark vaults and survive the encounter with the local inhabitants will be generously rewarded.
    • image.png Archaic Laboratory (Location changed)
      • Latest lore (for today):
        • Hidden text


          History of Pavel's Laboratory

          The civilization of giants was known for its scientific discoveries and deep understanding of the world around them. They learned to process star diamonds and use them to obtain energy.

          In the crater where the meteorite fell in the lands of today's Schuttgart, the giants established the extraction of nebulite ores. Many golems worked in the mine, exploring the ore veins and drilling the rock.

          To the south, a huge meteorological laboratory was built, where, under the direction of the giant Paul, experiments were conducted to change the surrounding climate. 

          To control the worker golems in the laboratory and in the mines, Pavel created the administrator golem Atlanta. Under her control, the golems guarded the laboratory, helped with experiments, and mined star stones in neighboring mines. The stones were used in the supercomputer - the Weather Master, which allowed changing the climate around. In its work, various combinations of unique materials were used: Paagrio Fire, Shilen Water, a piece of life, and the Crystal of Light. To work with these materials, Pavel created the administrator golem Wendy.

          Pavel conducted complex climate change experiments with code names:

          P_40. Summer Rainy Season
          P_42. Arctic Geyser
          P_44. Rainbow after the Rain
          P_48. Autumn Leaves
          One of the main experiments of the giant Pavel was the project "N_45. Spring Sun", which was supposed to change the entire climate around to spring and maintain it in the desired state.

          To do this, the supercomputer Weather Master temporarily raised the sun-like Pa'agrio fire, initiating the process of releasing the energy produced by its heat. In order to prevent the desertification of the area due to excessive heat, a magical force field created by the Water of Shilen was used to forcibly stabilize it. The heat and energy produced by the Pa'agrio fire were maintained at the required level through Weather Master, which, despite the forces of nature, allowed spring weather to be established. 

          A field of flowers grew around the laboratory, where Pavel walked with the golems he had created, Atlanta and Wendy. He treated them not as machines, but as his friends.

          The temporary establishment of spring weather was a breakthrough in the experiment, but something went wrong and an error in the safety device caused an explosion in the north wing of the laboratory. 

          The Guardian Golems, without the energy of Pa'agrio's Fire, lost their force fields and were scattered everywhere, and the excavator golems, having lost their signal, stopped working. Atlanta and Wendy, without a powerful energy source, fell asleep for thousands of years.

          Dr. Chaos and the Lab

          The story begins with Master Tarzif taking on a talented but timid dwarf named Caeldor as his apprentice. From childhood, he demonstrated outstanding abilities in creating golems and helped Tarzif create the first siege golem.

          Caeldor began to change when he joined the Cruma Tower Expedition. The weak and timid dwarf retired to recuperate upon his return.

          At this time, Master Toma, who was then the elder of the Black Anvil Guild, invented a teleportation device, which was a real breakthrough. No one could understand how the device worked, everyone only knew that it consumed a lot of star diamonds. Master Toma gained great fame, which caused great envy in the recently modest and timid Kaeldor.

          Toma needed a converter that would extract the energy of star diamonds for his device. Then Kaeldor appeared and offered Toma his help in creating a golem that would extract the energy of star stones. Toma was skeptical at first, but then he trusted his fellow dwarf.

          They began working together to improve the Siege Golem of Tarzif. If the Big Project had been completed, it would have been another great breakthrough after the invention of the Siege Golem.

          But as soon as the Great Golem's blueprints were completed, Caeldor stole them and disappeared. Master Toma took responsibility for what happened and resigned from his position as an elder, losing his glory, which was obviously Caeldor's goal. 

          However, he himself was expelled from the guild. Caeldor called himself Doctor Chaos and swore revenge. His goal was to conquer the entire world.

          After escaping with the stolen plans, Doctor Chaos headed to the ancient laboratory of the giants. At this time, the Gray Pillar Guild, together with the dark elves, had already restored the old giant mine for the extraction of star stones. The discovered excavator golems of the giants were created in ancient times with the help of the dwarves, so the masters of the Black Anvil were able to make new digger golems based on them. The Bronze Key Guild was just beginning to explore the territory in search of ancient artifacts and had not yet entered the laboratory where Doctor Chaos had settled.

          When Chaos arrived at the lab, he found it in a deplorable state. Many of the old golems created to service the complex were deactivated or destroyed. However, this did not stop Chaos: he began to gradually restore the lab.

          Among them, he found a giant golem, very similar to the portal guardian golem created by Touma. With Touma's blueprints, Chaos was able to reconstruct the golem using parts from other golems as the missing parts. It was Wendy, the lab administrator who held access to important control systems. With her help, Chaos was able to start up some of the lab's equipment. He discovered a complex energy management system that allowed him to control its distribution between different projects.

          When the dwarven expedition, consisting of Bronze Key hunters and Gray Column miners, began to tap the walls in search of an entrance, Chaos realized that he would soon be discovered, so he began to prepare for the dwarves' arrival. He assembled the golem he had promised Master Toma, converted it into a combat one, and named it Spartacus. The golem required a lot of energy to operate, and to obtain it, Chaos launched the laboratory's systems, accidentally activating the Weather Master, who spontaneously began to carry out the giant Pavel's last experiment - "N_45. Spring Sun".

          The gnomes who discovered the entrance to the laboratory were met by Spartacus, control over which even Doctor Chaos himself had lost. At that time, the system overloaded, causing an explosion. The frightened gnomes retreated, and when they returned, they were met by the guardian golems launched by Chaos along with the laboratory systems. The excavator golems, repaired by the gnomes, stopped obeying them and came under the control of Doctor Chaos.

          To effectively control the combat golems, Chaos created a Transmuter, a special computer that controls the golems' settings and behavior. Transmuters are located in the main hall of each laboratory tower, and are automatically activated when outsiders invade.

          Dwarven researchers from the Bronze Key Guild searched for a way to disable the protection, and discovered that with the help of ancient artifacts found on the territory of the laboratory, it is possible to activate various protocols of the Transmuter, affecting the golems and effects inside the tower.

          Despite the partial success in defending the laboratory, Chaos continued his research. He learned the records of the giants found in the laboratory and used parts of old golems to create new ones. 

          Activated by Chaos, the Weather Master used the flames of Pa'agrio to release energy. This fire was dangerous to most creatures except Orcs, and being near it made Doctor Chaos increasingly insane.

          In ancient times, the giant Pavel conducted an experimental project "N_45. Spring Sun" in the northern tower, but it caused an overload of the system and an explosion of the generator, which destroyed the wall and damaged the adjacent territory. After the partial restoration of the laboratory and the stabilization of energy flows, an anomalous energy zone arose at the site of the explosion near the northern building - in the crater zone, the golems became more powerful and acquired new abilities. Doctor Chaos fenced off the anomalous zone for research and protects it from uninvited guests with the help of the combat golem Spartacus.

        • The location is populated by monsters of level 60-65, and is intended for group and solo leveling;
        • The location carries out a corresponding new Mission with rewards;
        • The location is divided into parts:
          • Outer courtyard:
            • It is populated by not very strong monsters and is perfect for solo players.
          • Laboratory:
            • 2 Small "discos" and small rooms:
              • Small zones for medium and large groups, populated by strong monsters. Suitable for enchanting in "solo-target";
            • 3 Big "discos":
              • Location mechanics:
                • In the center of the hall you can find the Transmutter:
                  • When killing mobs, the Transmutter is filled with energy, which is displayed in the indicator above his name;
                  • After killing enough monsters, the Transmutter will be fully charged and can be switched into one of two modes:
                    • Mode: Activation of Reserves:
                      • Changes basic monsters to stronger ones, and also increases the number of monsters in the room.
                    • Mode: Heavy Modules Activation:
                      • Changes the basic monsters in the room to extremely strong ones with a lot of health and defense.
                  • The duration of each mode is 1 hour;
                  • Killed monsters start dropping special items - Pavel's Capacitor and Cracked Rotor:
                    • These items allow you to activate effects that can help you in leveling up;
                    • Available for activation:
                      • System Resonance is a buff that strengthens players in the hall;
                      • Protocol: Decay - Reduces the defensive stats of monsters in the room;
                      • Protocol: Extinction - Reduces the attack characteristics of monsters in the hall.
                    • The duration of the effects is 10 minutes;
                    • Only System Resonance and ONE Protocol can be active at the same time.
                  • There is a certain probability that the halls adjacent to the "discos" may be visited by the elite Guardian of Doctor Chaos;
                    • A maximum of 3 Elite Guardians can exist at a time.
                  • The most desperate may encounter the mad scientist, Doctor Chaos. Who knows what devices the madman developed in this place...
  • etc_wind_rune_i00.png In all Necropolises and Catacombs, the appearance of monsters after death has been accelerated:
    • Necropolis of Sacrifice (20-30)
      • Was: from 50 to 110 seconds, average: 1 minute and 10 seconds;
      • Now: from 40 to 60 seconds, on average: 50 seconds.
    • Pilgrims Necropolis (32-40), Heretics Catacomb (30-40)
      • Was: from 60 to 120 seconds, average: 1 minute and 25 seconds;
      • Now: from 45 to 75 seconds, on average: 1 minute.
    • Catacomb of the Branded (40-51), Worshipers Necropolis (42-51)
      • Was: from 75 to 140 seconds, average: 1 minute and 40 seconds;
      • Now: from 50 to 90 seconds, on average: 1 minute and 10 seconds.
    • Catacomb of the Apostate (50-60), Patriots Necropolis (52-60)
      • Was: from 80 to 180 seconds, average: 1 minute and 55 seconds;
      • Now: from 60 to 100 seconds, on average: 1 minute and 20 seconds.
    • Ascetics Necropolis (60-67), Catacombs of the Witch (60-72), Necropolis of Martyrdom (65-72)
      • Was: from 95 to 190 seconds, average: 2 minutes and 20 seconds;
      • Now: from 70 to 110 seconds, on average: 1 minute and 30 seconds.
    • Saints Necropolis (70-78), Disciples Necropolis (70-80)
      • Was: from 95 to 190 seconds, average: 2 minutes and 20 seconds;
      • Now: from 70 to 110 seconds, on average: 1 minute and 30 seconds.
  • Changes to the characteristics of epic jewelry.
  • Changes to A-grade set bonuses.
  • Changed CP potion cooldown.
  • Expanding the range of NPC shop products.
  • Flags.
  • Talismans.
  • On the Seasonal server, when killing the Queen Ant, instead of the Queen Ant Ring, two different Rings will drop:
    • image.png Ring of Queen Ant [Physical]
      • Max MP +21;
      • Accuracy +2;
      • P. Crit. Damage +15.00%;
      • Hold Resistance +20.00%;
      • Poison Resistance +30%;
      • Hold Chance +20.00%;
      • Poison Chance +30%.
    • image.png Ring of Queen Ant [Magical]
      • Max MP +21;
      • M. Atk. +4.00%;
      • Strength M. Crete. Atk. +15.00%;
      • Hold Resistance +20.00%;
      • Poison Resistance +30.00%;
      • Hold Chance +20.00%;
      • Poison Chance +30.00%.
    • Please note! Both rings will drop at once;
    • By putting on two different (Phys. and Magic) Rings - both will work;
    • When putting on a regular and Blessed ring, only the bonus from the Blessed ring will work;
    • As before with the regular AK ring, they can be upgraded at Pona's in Luxor:
      • image.png Blessed Phys. Ring of the Ant Queen:
        • Additional bonuses:
          • P. Atk. +3%:
          • P. Crit. Damage +20%.
      • image.png Blessed Mage Ring of the Ant Queen:
        • Additional bonuses:
          • M. Atk. +6%;
          • Strength M. Crete. Atk. +20%.
      • Both rings have a common active skill that removes negative effects from the wearer.
  • On Eternal, when winning the corresponding Instance, you can get both Physical and Magical AK (and their Blessed variations). The overall chance of "getting a ring from an instance" has been increased. 
  • For MBE only, NOT for Season:
    • Exchange Physical AK for Mag. AK and vice versa - for 25,000,000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena;
    • Exchange of Good Physical AK for Good Mag AK and vice versa - for 50,000,000 etc_adena_i00.pngAdena.
  • The grade of equipment for improved Epic Jewelry has been changed:
    • accessory_earring_of_zaken_i03.pngEnchanted Zaken's Earring - now S80;
    • accessory_ring_of_queen_ant_i03.pngEnchanted Ring of Queen Ant - now S80;
    • accessory_ring_of_baium_i03.pngEnchanted Ring of Baium - now S84.
  • r1_necklace_i00.png Magical Protection Immortal Jewelry:
    • r1_necklace_i00.png Base M. Def. Necklaces 106 > 105 units;
    • r1_ring_i00.png Base M. Def. Rings 60 > 54 units;
    • r1_earring_i00.png Earrings - no changes, base M. Def. - 79 units.
  • accessory_nectklace_of_domi_protection_i [ S80] Territory Wars Jewelry:
    • accessary_inferno_necklace_i00.png Base M. Def. Necklaces 106 > 105 units;
    • accessary_inferno_ring_i00.png Base M. Def. Rings 60 > 54 units;
    • As the season progresses, the jewelry Mage. Defense TV is growing, we are talking about the starting rules for the season.
  • Changes to Grade A Set Bonuses:
    • Tallum Leather Armor Tallum Leather Armor – Set:
      • Regarding the current (previously reworked) bonuses:
        • WIT +1;
        • Physical/Magic skill application time -8.00%.
      • Total:
        • MEN +2, WIT -1;
        • Mag Speed +15.00%;
        • Physical/Magic skills application time -8.00%;
        • Max MP +222;
        • MP Recovery Speed +8.00%;
        • Mental Attack Resistance +50.00%;
        • Poison/Bleeding Resistance +80.00%.
    • Majestic Plate Armor Majestic Plate Armor – Set:
      • Regarding the current (previously reworked) bonuses:
        • P. Atk. +2%;
        • Accuracy +1.9.
      • Total: 
        • STR +2, CON -2;
        • P. Atk. +6.00%;
        • Accuracy +5;
        • Stun Resistance +50.00%.
    • Armor of Nightmare Armor of Nightmare – Set:
      • Regarding the current (previously reworked) bonuses: 
        • P. Def. +6.00%.
      • Total: 
        • CON +2, DEX -2;
        • P. Atk. +4.00%;
        • P. Def. +6.00%;
        • Magic Damage Resistance +5 units;
        • Sleep/Hold Resistance +70.00%.
    • Leather Armor of Nightmare Leather Armor of Nightmare – Set:
      • Regarding the current (previously reworked) bonuses: 
        • M. Def. +3.00%.
      • Total: 
        • DEX +1, CON -1;
        • M. Def. +7.00%;
        • Physical Skill Evasion +5.00%;
        • Vampire Rage Effect +3.00%;
        • Sleep/Hold Resistance +70.00%.
    • Robe of Nightmare Robe of Nightmare – Set;
      • Regarding the current (previously reworked) bonuses: 
        • M. Atk. +5.00%;
        • Strength M. Crete. Atk. +12.00%;
        • MP Recovery Speed +4.00%.
      • Total:
        • INT +2, WIT -2;
        • Mag Speed +10.00%;
        • M. Atk. +13.00%;
        • Strength M. Crete. Atk. +12.00%;
        • MP Recovery Speed +8.00%;
        • Sleep/Hold Resistance +70.00%.
  • etc_cp_potion_i01.png CP Potions of all kinds
    • Increased base reload time from 3 to 5 seconds:
      • The cooldown decreases as the season progresses.
  • image.png NPC shop in all cities
    • From the start of the Season, all D-grade items are available for purchase in NPC shops for Adena. Example: weapon_life_stick_i00.png Staff of Life, into which you can insert Acumen, armor_leather_helmet_i00.png Brigandine Helmet for a set, accessary_elven_earing_i00.png Elven Jewelry, and so on;
    • From the start of the Season, the following items are available in NPC stores:
      • Kamael Soul Banks;
      • Arrows and Bolts, up to and including grade A;
      • Scrolls of Penalty Removal for all Grades;
      • CP Elixirs of all Grades;
      • HP elixirs of grades D, C and B;
      • MP elixirs of grades D and C;
      • Other amenities, such as SOE in KH, Fort, Castle.

  We remind you that on our server HP and MP Elixirs can not only be used automatically, but also have separate cooldowns, so you need to eat them all without choosing a priority.

  • bookmark_scroll_i00.png Flags with teleport scrolls
    • Now the teleport to the flag has a 10 minute cooldown. The cooldown starts after the flight (at the moment when the scroll disappears from your inventory);
  • 32_lifeforce.png Talismans
    • The following talismans will now be fully functional from the start of the Season:
      • 32_maxclarity.pngpanel_2.pngRed Talisman of Maximum Clarity - Reduces MP consumption for skills by 100% for 90 seconds. Cost: 15 Talisman mana. Cooldown: 15 minutes;
      • 32_lifeforce.pngpanel_2.pngRed Talisman - Life Force - Restores 100% HP and 100% MP. Cost: 30 Talisman mana. Cooldown: 30 minutes;
      • 32_divineprotection.pngpanel_2.pngBlue Talisman - Divine Protection - Increases P. Def. by 1200 and M. Defense by 900 for 10 seconds. Cost: 15 Talisman mana. Cooldown: 15 minutes:
        • The stats of the Talisman of Protection will improve as the season progresses.

  • Change of entry conditions.
  • Changes in rewards and experience.
  • ticket_i00.png Labyrinth of the Abyss:
    • Limit for Entry to any Labs: from 5 to 9 characters ± 5 levels relative to the Lab (was from 2 to 9, now from 5 to 9; minimum 5);
    • There will be fewer queues to enter the 59th and 69th, the capacity of simultaneous Labs of the corresponding levels has been increased approximately TWICE, compared to the previous season and 20 times compared to the official servers;
    • Upon completion of the Lab, each character in the group receives a personal chest, which contains:
      • Personal guaranteed reward (Ivory coin, GHP and similar);
      • Chance reward, which can contain pieces and whole items according to the drop in the Lab (transferable regular items);
    • Each character gets personal experience, which DOES NOT DEPEND on the number of people in the group in any way. Runes of experience, Daily runes of experience, etc. still work for personal experience;
    • The ability to kill a boss at level 59 and 99% and get an "extra 20%" of experience at the "breakthrough stage cap" level will still work;
    • Kartia (analog of Laba) now gives 30-35% more experience than the default Laba (rewards are similar to Laba, previously Kartia gave 15-20% more experience);
    • All Labs and Kamas are available from the start of the server, without restrictions.
  • ticket_i00.png Hall of Abyss:
    • The limit for entering any Kamaloka is the same: from 3 to 7 characters ± 5 levels relative to Kamaloka (previously from 2 to 6, now from 3 to 7);
    • The drop also becomes personal;
    • Experience does not become personal. Experience continues to be calculated according to the old method, based on the number of people in the group.

 Теперь в Лабу гораздо выгоднее ходить полной группой. Вы получите гарантированный дроп и фиксированное количество опыта, однако группа из 9 человек справится с боссами гораздо быстрее. Ситуация, когда весь дроп получает один человек больше не возникнет. Больше не нужно придумывать как разбить свою конст-пати на тройки для максимальной выгоды.

  • ticket_i00.png Rim Pailaka (Solo Kamaloka):
    • Monster respawn speed has been slightly increased
    • More monsters spawn inside (default: 4 mobs):
      • 20-30 lvl: 5 monsters;
      • 25-35 lvl: 5 monsters;
      • 30-40 lvl: 5 monsters;
      • 35-45 lvl: 5 monsters;
      • 40-50 lvl: 6 monsters;
      • 45-55 lvl: 6 monsters;
      • 50-60 lvl: 6 monsters;
      • 55-65 lvl: 7 monsters;
      • 60-70 lvl: 7 monsters;
      • 65-75 lvl: 7 monsters.
  • Epic RB schedule.
  • Epic jewelry drop.
  • Chances of enchanting SA.
  • Lifetime of Sub-RB Chests.
  • New mechanic "Boss Chain".
  • Epic RB schedule:
    • The following bosses will be available at the first stage of the server:
      • image.png Core, image.png Orfen and image.png Queen Ant;
    • Frequency of occurrence:
      • image.png Core and image.png Orfen appear in the game world once every 4 days, image.png Queen Ant appears once every 2 days, on the same day as image.png Core / image.png Orfen;
      • As the number of available epic bosses increases, the frequency of existing ones will decrease:
        • For example, when image.png Zaken appears - image.png AQ and Zaken once every 3 days on one day, and image.png Core / image.png Orfen once every 5 days.
    • Spawn window:
      • This season, the boss spawn window will be 15 minutes (previously it was 60);
        • 5 minutes after respawn Bosses stand "in stone" (they can neither be hit nor diverted);
        • A visual timer (5 minutes) will be displayed throughout the Boss location;
    • Respawn time:
      • image.png Core / image.png Orfen: 20:45 ~ 21:00;
      • image.png Queen Ant: 21:15 ~ 21:30.
  • Epic Bosses Stage 1:
    • First image.png Core:
      • Wednesday, October 23, 20:45 ~ 21:00 Then every 4 days, on the same day as image.png Queen Ant;
      • Loot: C and B grade items, 1 to 2 Wills of each type, 2 to 3 Rings.
    • First image.png Orfen:
      • Friday, October 25, 20:45 ~ 21:00. Then every 4 days, on the same day as image.png Queen Ant;
      • Loot: C and B grade items, 1 to 2 Wills of each type, 2 to 3 Earrings.
    • First image.png Queen Ant:
      • Wednesday, October 23, 21:15 ~ 21:30. Then every 2 days, on the same day as image.png Core / image.png Orfen;
      • Loot: C and B grade items, 1 to 2 Wills of each type, 1 ring of Phys and Mag.
  • For accessory_earring_of_orfen_i00.png Orfen and Ring of Core Core at the start of the Season:
    • Increased the amount of epic jewelry obtained from the corresponding bosses from 1-2 to 2-3.
  • etc_soul_stone_i00.png Chances of enchanting SA:
    • Epic Bosses available in Stage 1, chances are listed for all members of the finishing party:
      • Boss 10 > 11 11 > 12
        Queen Ant 100% 100%
        Core 100% 100%
        Orphan 100% 100%
    • "Boss Chains" at 15:00 and 21:00:
      • 5% personal chance for all members of the finishing party to improve SA from level 10 to 11:
    • Standard Bosses for leveling up CA from 10 to 12:
      • 5% personal chance for all members of the finishing party to improve SA from 10 to 11 and from 11 to 12 levels:
        • Vanor Chief Kandra;
        • Roaring Skylancer;
        • Eilhalder von Hellmann;
        • Meanas Anor;
        • Krokian Padisha Sobek;
        • Doom Blade Thanatos;
        • Beast Lord Behemoth;
        • Antharas Priest Cloe.
    • Standard Bosses for leveling up CA from 12 to 13:
      • 5% personal chance for all members of the finishing party to improve SA from 12 to 13:
        • Ember;
        • Cherub Galaxia;
        • Gordon;
        • Death Lord Ipos;
        • Ketra's Chief Brakki;
        • Ocean Flame Ashakie;
        • Anakazel;
        • Death Lord Shax;
        • Storm Winged Naga;
        • Varka's Chief Horus.
    • image.png Lilith/ image.png Anakim:
      • 100% chance for all members of the finishing party to improve SA from 10 to 11 or from 11 to 12;
    • Ankou, the chance depends on the Boss level:
      • Level 10 > 11 11 > 12
        55 1.50% 1.00%
        58 1.50% 1.00%
        62 2.00% 1.50%
        65 2.00% 1.50%
        68 2.00% 1.50%
        72 2.50% 2.00%


  • The lifespan of Chests that appear after killing the corresponding Sub-RB has been increased to 5 minutes (instead of the standard 2) to obtain:
    • etc_imperial_scepter_i02.png Bariona's Infernium Scepter;
    • etc_imperial_scepter_i01.png Karte's Infernium Scepter;
    • etc_imperial_scepter_i00.png Verfa's Infernium Scepter.

 По мере развития Сезона - время жизни сундуков будет расти, как и ранее, вплоть до 30 минут, как это на MW: Eternal.

  • 6 bosses for Stage One (level 56, October 18-28), which will appear "one by one", from 15:00 and from 21:00, every day:
    • Ghost of the Well Lidia, Giant Marpanak, Ancient Drake, Fairy Queen Timiniel, Ice Fairy Sirra, Timak Seer Ragoth
      • Added the ability to improve SA from 10 to 11, with an individual 5% chance for each member of the finishing group;
  • All current Bosses of the stage (within the start, these are any non-instance Bosses with a drop from the top-B grade, Sub RBs, any RBs on which SA is pumped, Epic bosses, evening "world" bosses):
    • "Flag" when hit;
    • Will be in a state of invulnerability for 5 minutes after appearance (cannot be damaged, cannot be affected by negative or positive effects, cannot be diverted, etc.);
    • Slightly increased P. Atk.;
    • Slightly increased Attack Range;
    • On average, the overall survival rate increased by one and a half times.

 Каждый последующий босс в цепочке будет появляться только после смерти предыдущего. Это нововведение создаст новую точку противостояния организованных групп и кланов. В последующих стадиях, после поднятия максимального уровня, боссы из списка будут возвращены к стандартным настройкам, а их место займут другие РБ актуального уровня.

  • Club teleport and buff.
  • Skills from Life Stone.
  • Hero Skills.
  • Offline trading.
  • Window limit.
  • Various nice little things.
  • etc_royal_membership_i00.png Club teleport and buffer:
    • Since the start of the season, along with buffer will be available free teleports from a club manager Adventurer's Guide up to level 40.
      • The list of teleports will be revised by the start of the seasonal server;
      • As the server develops, the maximum level for accessing free features will increase.
  • etc_mineral_unique_i03.png Life Stone. Item Skills:
    • Attacking and "debuffing" skills from Life Stones will have 56th magic level and corresponding power.
    • As with last season, these skills will gradually improve as the season progresses.
  • skill0395.png Hero Skills:
    • Heroic Skill Stats:
      • skill1374.pngHeroic Valor
        • Phys./M. Def. +7%, Cancellation Protection 80%.
      • skill0395.pngHeroic Miracle
        • P. Def. +2250, M. Def. +1575, Speed +5, Cancellation Protection 80%.
      • skill0396.pngHeroic Berserker
        • Standard specifications.
    • skill1375.pngHeroic Grandeur and skill1376.png Heroic Dread are not available from the start and will appear in the game later.

  • action018.png Offline trading
    • At the start of Season 5, the following offline trading restrictions will be in place:
      • Duration: 1 day (24 hours/1440 minutes);
      • Offline Traders limit on each server: up to 3500 traders, where 3501 knocks out 1 (the oldest) from the game.
  • etc_painting_i00.png Game window limit
    • 2+1. Two windows are available by default, the third is available if any of the two already running ones has Premium. 
  • The time it takes for NPCs to appear for summoner professions has been reduced by 8 times (15 sec instead of 2 minutes). 
  • image.png Now characters can pass through NPCs/Monsters without getting stuck, just like players pass through other players. At the same time, you can target monsters without any inconvenience. This innovation will get rid of annoying getting stuck, especially in tight locations and epic boss zones.





You will need to use our image.png Updater to ensure the update displays correctly. We strongly recommend that you use the Fast Check feature as we regularly release various minor and major updates. 


❤️, E-Global & Averia


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