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Все публикации пользователя jacksonmo

  1. jacksonmo

    Open Beta date.

    Thats not really what I had in mind, xD. I'm sure everyone would like another 3 days on the 18th / 19th / 20th to test with their groups. Opening a CBT would mean that only individuals can test things, not groups. Is there a specific reason you couldnt open the beta from next weekend till the following weekend?
  2. jacksonmo

    Open Beta date.

    @Apache Ant @Trolya @Rylai
  3. jacksonmo

    Open Beta date.

    Hi, Seeing as though this is essentially a completely different server to your normal Autumn Gracia Final servers, wondering if perhaps a slightly extended beta phase is possible. This server has new skills, instances, classes have been altered (some buffed, and others nerfed). Essentially nothing about this server is the same.. and on previous OBT's it has taken > 3 days to implement a +/- lvl npc so people can properly test things, further limiting peoples ability to be time efficient when they gather members to test the server. Im wondering if it is possible to open beta on 18th or 19th (Friday or Saturday) instead of the 21st. And could you please ensure the +1 / -1 function on the OBT npc works from the beginning? XD Thanks.
  4. jacksonmo

    International CP looking for Players

    Bump. Looking for SWS or WC player. 12h +
  5. jacksonmo

    International CP looking for Players

    Bump. Looking for BD, SWS or WC players. Minimum 12h playtime. Also looking for 10th and drivers.
  6. jacksonmo

    International CP looking for Players

    Bump.. Looking for BD / SWS main players and 10th players.
  7. jacksonmo

    International CP looking for Players

    :))) yes, but enchantress also worst pve'r world :D
  8. Hi, We have been playing together for about 3 years, some of us even more. Primarily EU, but will take some NA timezone players too. Atm, we have about 7 main players and 4-5 drivers. We will be playing Melle pt. Looking for 2-3 more main players (preferably bd/sws or ee / bp, but we can move ppl around if it works better). Minimum 8 hours playtime, but most of us will be playing 12 - 16h. Few vids from last server:
  9. ОБТ Shop будет поправлен позже.
  10. jacksonmo


    Beta has been online for 1 week, and this npc still is not working..
  11. jacksonmo

    I found a Mistake! - Bug report.

    Added to Fix list Answer was already given in this topic before.
  12. jacksonmo


    Beta has been open for 6 days, and you havent fixed the 1 thing that enables people to test things...
  13. jacksonmo

    I found a Mistake! - Bug report.

    Getting this message over and over..
  14. jacksonmo

    I found a Mistake! - Bug report.

    @Trolya Can you confirm lvl up npc has been fixed? Npc giving +1 exp, not +1 lvl. No one wants to go exp from 60 to 61 to try pailaka.. Added to Fix list We tried, but unfortunately it cannot be done at this moment. We will try to fix it asap :(
  15. jacksonmo


    Ok, and what about the Beta Npc Helper? You can only make a char lvl 10, 20, 30, 40 etc, the + 1 / - 1 lvl option is not working, can you fix please?
  16. jacksonmo


    @Rylai @Papanda When will you add the starter packs to donate shop on beta? And can you fix Test Server Helper NPC "Level up", it does not work properly. When you try to de lvl + / - 1 lvl, it gives u 1 xp, not 1 lvl..
  17. jacksonmo


    Ah... Im talking about starter kits from Donate Shop.. I want to test exp, with starter kits / exp rune from lvl 1-60 + etc, but cant if they dont add the starter packs..
  18. jacksonmo


    Is there a chance you can add the Starter sets on the beta? Its kind of hard to test exp / lvling etc when you dont have the starter packs / exp runes etc etc.
  19. jacksonmo


    Get rekt 80 v 150. Quit server. Flame. SaShitro
  20. jacksonmo


    LoL.. Why are u flaming people? Your pt was garbage.. You needed 27 ppl to fight Ex's 9. Dont speak, ape. League got destroyed until you quit and they made a zerg with RoA + League..
  21. jacksonmo


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