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Все публикации пользователя jacksonmo

  1. jacksonmo

    How about Gracia Final w/o Kamaels?

    Go play interlude fag. Lol
  2. jacksonmo

    DEAD server from russ ppl

    Would have been 1st if we took the gvg seriously xD. We entered a troll setup just to take the teleport book / scroll reward.. If we had a serious setup, even mirror setup with safero, we would dumpster him. xD
  3. jacksonmo

    Gracia Final x7 - October, 2018

    Who the fuck makes multiple characters on 1 game account tho.. xD
  4. jacksonmo

    MY opinion.

    Woah. Spam bot.
  5. jacksonmo

    MY opinion.

    I dont call 1 or 2 pts more zerging. I call 50 ppl more zerging.
  6. jacksonmo

    MY opinion.

    I dont call 1 or 2 pts more zerging. I call 50 ppl more zerging.
  7. jacksonmo

    MY opinion.

    I dont think blackrock stayed any longer than xside, or cs or smite etc. and they certainly didnt win any pvp with same numbers.. I think everyone is on the same page, admins took WAAY too long to add these new features, they didnt even reply to the 10 + threads asking about it. All clans would continue to play if there was a reason to, win or lose, and for that I kind of agree with you hush, blackrock / future and some of those clans do hang around longer than others, regardless of the standings. Who knows, rumour is admins adding some stuff in next few days, and making static timers for a few epics to encourage some pvp in prime time. But it could be too little too late.
  8. jacksonmo

    Open beta test Interlude Final X25 - 23 July!

    If by full grade u mean d grade c grade and b grade, yes they are available at launch. A and S are obtained normally via craft etc.
  9. CC pt recruiting 2-3 Actives. (8 + h per day) We have characters, or you can bring your own. Clan: Smite Looking for ppl to play: BD WL WC If you have another class that you would like to play, we can arrange it. If you bring your own char, you must have A grade armour, and TT jewels. Pm here, or in game "Destiny/B/thatboyhustle
  10. jacksonmo

    Lf donate list

    Can you guys add the donation packs to the beta? Opens in 2 days and we still cant test how server will be on launch....
  11. jacksonmo

    Lf donate list

    Any news on the donate list? :) I wana test launch-like conditions (how it will be at launch) but cant do that without an up to date donation list, that is also implemented in game.
  12. jacksonmo

    Few Fixes

    also, wolfs dont need to be fenrir to be able to use awakening buff, will they be able to use it on launch? because atm its not working. I kind of agree about the top gear thing, but the awakening would be a nice buff. Its one or the other imo, either allow top wepons, and dont activiate awakening, or activate awakening and dont add top wepons.
  13. jacksonmo

    Few Fixes

    Does this mean, you will add the 330 p atk wepons to the pet manager?, and other mid range pet items, armour jewels etc.
  14. jacksonmo

    Few Fixes

  15. jacksonmo

    Few Fixes

    Not sure if anyone has already posted about daggers, but they are not working properly. Daggers: All stabs hit harder than backstab.. Backstab is the weakest stab atm, might need fixing. Dagger mastery does not proc when using skills, only when auto attacking. Wolves: There is only low lvl wolf gear and there is no option to upgrade wolf gear at pet manager None of the skills on wolfs are working (Awakening, Mawl etc)
  16. Tbh, no one cares what your opinion is.. Fuking F tier albianian group. Rofl
  17. jacksonmo

    The truth behind irealle and pvp

    Limbo is the biggest fuking script out there. Jmc too. Get real
  18. jacksonmo

    The truth behind irealle and pvp

    Nigga... Your the biggest scripter out there, difference is you cant get banned, cuz the gms are your mum and dad or some shit. You without scripts.. horrible..
  19. jacksonmo

    WTS MA / Drac - WTB Maj Pieces / Recipes

    bump, edited
  20. jacksonmo

    WTB Majestic Robe / Light Set / Fire Stones

    Im selling / trading Ic dude xD
  21. jacksonmo

    WTS MA / Drac - WTB Maj Pieces / Recipes

    bump. Also wtb Fire stones
  22. Wanting to buy a Full Robe and / or light set. WTB Fire stones Buying for Family Coins / S grade parts (IC / MA)
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