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Все публикации пользователя Papanda

  1. Добрый день, Мысль хорошая, возможно нечто подобное можно обдумать более детально и реализовать. Нужно отметить, что для того, что бы реализовать продление и\или заточку - нужно будет затратить значительное кол-во времени. В данном случае я думаю, что изменить м.деф олимпийской бижутерии до ТТ будет более логично. Спасибо за ваше предложение!
  2. Papanda

    Interlude Final x25 - 03 August!

    So do u think if I would act like I'm more human and would not answer you properly in a official way - it would any better? :) We are the administration of the private project and I beleive you would like to have rather person in charge either troling guy. The thing with mana and party setup is one of the best thing on x20-30 midrate servers, where you can have a lot of opportunities and options to show yourself :)
  3. Papanda

    Interlude Final x25 - 03 August!

    Hello JohanM88! And we are glad to read your posts and thank you for you opinion, as always. It's really important for us, that our players are also involving into the conception, balance and game as well. In such way there is a future in our very old and classy game. So thank you for that, we are appreciate it. Regarding your all your ideas and suggestions. Let's take a look step by step. 1. The buff duration. - Well, I agree, that it's more like pvp conception instead of mid-rate, however if we will look deeper - it's doesn't really matter. I mean that "pvp-players" will receive cancel, being killed or get into noize field, so 2h for that wouldn't work that much. So who will enjoy such bonus? Solo and slow-play players, that don't rush level or equipment. They will have a chance to farm better, to avoid that gap between them and pro\pvp-players. This is the idea that we considered while making such call. 2. We believe that it's going to be huge filter and failure threshold for solo or relax players. I don't think it's good idea NOT to consider them as a part of our community. In other case they will just leave or even wouldn't start, because it's would be to hard for them. 3. Boxes (peace and ourside-the-town zones). - This is sounds really good and I agree that it would be nice to do such thing. However I don't think there is any engine mechanic that will allow to set such settings or engine is able to be updated to have any. I need to check on that. 4. At this moment we are re-working the conception of enchantment system, that will gives the simple and understandable bonus for sets even on earlier stages, for example full +4 set. It such way we are going to make enchantment scrolls desirable for every player, which mean that having ++++ set\item just like that wouldn't be that easy, because everyone will keep it for themselves. 5. We are constantly working on balance and class\skill changing. Keeping interlude like it is - will cause a decreasing of players and game session (server lifetime). We want to make a better Interlude without changing it's basis. Help us our be posting such posts\threads and we will make it happen together! Once again thank you for your time and ideas. We are really appreciate it. ;)
  4. Papanda

    gl hf . server was nice

    Hello, First of all - we never delete posts, even if they will not really show us from good view. It's only need to have one of 2 things: pure emotions (without offending persends) or constructive discussion. I beleive you have both. Regarding the bots - unfortunitely it's a problem of every server and we are not a exception. Anyone who played on our Evolution GF x3 will say, that there wasn't bot at that serve, because we managed to create good protection system, and unfortunitely we didn't managed to make the same for this server intime. We are working daily to make it happend asap. It's true. Regarding donations. Donation should help players to have some advantages over the players without it, this is how it works. You may not agree with it, but you know it's a true, the only matter how hard can it be. TOP D/C equipment is not that advantage that could mark server as "Pay To Win", and I beleive you can also agree with that. And if we will not consider Premium Account - it's pretty much all that worth to donate on the server. We don't have that huge and unbalance donate shop. The price is growing because we decide (almost year ago) that we will allow players to re-new Premium Account with ingame coins (instead of only 1 way - donation in CP), so you can, for example, farm adena or sell something and purchase yourself a PA. As it 1 month from the server opening (and PA need to be renewed) - a lot of players start to buy coins from the sellers ingame, that's why the price goes up, it's nothing to do with the patch. Also, I would love to know what do you think regarding our updates. Do you like the way server is going? All gameplay changes that we making? We are really glad you are playing here and we hope you will reconsider your call to leave it, because it's only the beginning ;) Thank you,
  5. Papanda

    Dwarf Skills --> sugestions

    Hello guys! Regarding the changes. I can make some kind of spoiler of the classes that will have different changes: And now... Beware: SPOILER! [spoiler=Spoiler] To tell you the truth - the new patch is going to be announced soon and dwarfs going to have useful buffs and changes ;) Stay tuned! ;)
  6. Papanda

    Кровь из глаз

    Добрый день, Это изменение погоды из хроник выше будет удалено. Спасибо,
  7. Papanda

    OBT - Interlude Final x7 - 10 April! (Today)

    The end of the OBT is going to be in 24 hours before Grand Opening
  8. Papanda

    client download+patch ?

    Hello, I'm sorry for delay. Files are going to be available in 20-30 mins approximately. Thanks,
  9. Papanda

    S.M.E.T.A.N.A. милипак

    Добро пожаловать! Как обычно рады вас видеть :)
  10. Hello guys! I appreciate the atmosphere in this thread. It makes us feel, that our work is also appreciated. Thank you for that! Regarding the changes. I can't tell you much, we need to wait until official announcement. However I can say some. Not all of the skill and mechanics going to be added from GF. It's still Interlude (why would we called it Interlude if it's not, right? ;) ) The server is based on Interlude mechanic and it's gamestream playstyle etc, but with some balance changes for some classes. For example: let's be realistic, daggers are pretty useless on Interlude low-rate server. But there are a lot of people that would love to play those classes. That's why we add just few changes (add some skills etc) to make it more interesting and playable. Is this going to change big-war? No. Is this going to ruin class balances? No, hell no. Is this going to add more fun on some solo\daily pvp? Yes, that is the point. Same for pets - not any top parties are feeling leak of mana during exp. Is solo or random parties have same situation? No, they need to sit to regen some mana and in the end the differences between top parties and middle is huge. Making pets we can assure that random\middle parties still has a chance to be more on the edge (if they want so). Same for solo players: solo BD, warc, sws, etc will have a chance to spend some time farming solo instead of leaving game if he can't find party at this moment. All of those changes are made to make game more interesting for different classes and give them an opportunity to enjoy the game even if they are not top parties with 24\7 primetime. Something like that :) However I still ask you to wait until announcement and test server. You will like it, you will see ;) Thanks,
  11. Господа, Всем добрый день! Мы в целом готовы анонсировать наши нововведения и изменения, которые, по нашему мнению, приведут только к улучшениям и не будут менять глобальный баланс и игровой поток хроник Интерлюд. Однако поймите нас правильно - выкладывать его сейчас не давая сразу возможности его "пощупать" на тестовом сервере - опасно. Предварительные (но, скорее всего, совершенно реальные) даты ЗБТ - 3.04, ОБТ - 10.04. Детальный анонс сейчас в разработке (в плане его публикации, а не составления концепции) и будет опубликован в ближайшее время (я так думаю). А пока, не большой блиц: 1. Дестры будет не столько порезаны, но сбалансированы (речь идет о актуализации других классов, что сделает дестроеров менее ультимативными, но не повлияет на глобальный баланс). Логика в одном предложении: 9 игроков онлайн не должны быть хуже, чем 1+3 окна. 2. Пэтов мы действительно планируем, однако просим вас проверить их прежде чем решать заранее, что их вводить не нужно. Они были прилично переработаны (начиная от урона, заканчивая коллизией). 3. Стадии ОБТ - хотел бы я сказать, что получится именно так плавно по стадиям, но вероятно будет некий симбиоз. 4. Некоторые скилы действительно будут переработаны для актуальности класса, но не изменения глобальных балансов. Таким образом да, у агра будет более щадящая механика работы (для класса, который им обладает). 5. Мы всегда пытаемся учесть мнения и нужны всех прослоек игроков: соло, мини-пак, фул пак, мид вар, биг вар, с праймом в 20 часов и в 2. Сделать это идеально не получится никогда, но мы стараемся. Важно понимать, что мнение игрока 60го уровня на 2м месяце сервера для нас тоже очень важно, не стоит нас оценивать через призму влияния только бигвара на политику сервера и его изменений. Спасибо за вопросы!
  12. Papanda

    [Server Description] Gracia Epilogue - Servers merging!

    Уважаемый MyBluntInUrFace, Спасибо за честное мнение, хотя переходить на личные оскорбления и говорить о газовых камерах, которые использовались для геноцида многих народов - немного перебор, вы не находите? Я думаю даже при всех недостатках и недочетах мы явно этого не заслужили. Теперь что касается самой проблемы. Мы никогда не перекладывали ответственность на кого-то. Наоборот, мы всегда признаем свои ошибки и пытаемся компенсировать их в том или ином виде (будет это "ништяки" или что либо другое). По поводу сроков - к сожалению это не мое решение или мнение. Это фактические возможности и оценка технической команды. Процесс объеденения серверов начался уже очень давно, однако мы столкнулись с рядом коллизий, которые не могли учесть до того, как приступили к нему. Именно по этому произошла ситуация, когда мне давали конкретные сроки, а я, в свою очередь кормил вас завтраками. Это было сделано совершенно не намеренно, а, как я уже сказал, в силу обстоятельств. Однако еще раз акцентирую ваше внимание - вина полностью на нас и ваше недовольство (хоть по моим ощущениям чуть более агрессивное, что мы того заслуживаем) - вполне оправданно и я прошу прощения за это. Объединение уже закончилось (кроме патча для наших китайских игроков), анонс будет дан сегодня, а объединение произойдет завтра. Some information for your english-speaking community regarding what I've said to dear MyBluntInUrFace. I are always appreaciate to honest oppinion, even if it a bit too harsh. Your active position is always want us to push to the limmits. Regarding the situation with merging. We are never shift responsibility on any else ot make situation in a way that we are nothing to do with it. In opposite we always make an apology with some competitions. The issues with date was because of unpredictable situation that we've faced only during the mergin (that we can't find before). That's why when I've told you that the merging is going to be on "Monday" (for example) - I was assured by technical team that it is correct. But once some collisions was appears - we've been forced to move the date and we are sorry for that. We truly are. At this moment we've done all things to merge server (except the patch for our Chinese players, which we going to make during the merged server), announce going to be today and the merging is going to be tomorrow. Once again sorry for delay and thank you for your patience and loyalty to the project. We are very appreciate it.
  13. Papanda

    [Server Description] Gracia Epilogue - Servers merging!

    Trust me, it's not because we don't want to. Its much complicated that you think it is. However we going to make in done in day or two, hopefully. Thank you for you patience.
  14. Papanda

    [Server Description] Gracia Epilogue - Servers merging!

    Yes, it's information regarding merged :) Tomorrow we are going to make a final announce regarding merging, but most likely it's going to be on Monday! Get ready ;)
  15. Да, это PTS. Все изменения и доработки были внесены в исходный код игры, по этому страшный демон не вылезет из текстур (если это не задумано геймплеем) :)
  16. Papanda

    [Server Description] Gracia Epilogue - Servers merging!

    It should be on next Monday, but let's wait for official announce ;)
  17. Чуть более чем полностью с Вами согласен :) Другие классы не будут страдать из-за нерфа дестроеров, по этому подобные изменения будут приняты и введены только если не повлияют на остальные классы и игру группы.
  18. Добрый день! В данный момент мы обсуждаем подобные изменения (возможно не эти цифры, другие уровни, возможно вообще будет чисто классика интерлюда). Дело в том, что по нашим наблюдениям, дестроеры портят игровой процесс, что очень не нравится игрокам (речь идет о безальтернативной необходимостью качать(ся) через дестром). Все подобные изменения необходимы для возвращения интерлюда в первоначальный баланс (который добились на хроник выше), где дестроер - не ультимативный класс. Это не сделает его бесполезным и никак не повлияет на игру партий через другие классы. Однако еще раз замечу, что подобные вещи еще на стадии обсуждений :) Спасибо,
  19. Приветствую! Отличные гайды! Если вам нужна какое-то содействие или помощь в создании новых интересных гайдов - дайте мне знать :) Спасибо,
  20. Papanda

    Happy Women's Day + Event!

    Dear players! We want to celebrate the first days of the Spring and International Women's Day! We have prepared special unique event just for you! On March 8, after the morning restart, you will be able to get Lost Bead from all the monsters in the game world, as well as from the monsters in the quest area. Exchange them for useful rewards in the festive store "Spring Has Come (Lost Beads)" from the NPC Pathfinder Worker, as well as from the quest NPC Maryse (details below). Detailed event description: Main event period: from 8 to 22 March event items Lost Bead will drop from monsters. Exchange of event items will be also available from NPC Pathfinder Worker and NPC Maryse. Final event period: from 22 to 28 March only exchange of event items from NPC Pathfinder Worker will be available. Change of the periods of the event will be carried out with server restart. Information about restarts is announced in this topic, as well as inside the game world. Be sure to update your game files via updater! Lost Bead will be deleted at the end of the event. All characters can take part in the event (1-85 levels). Also, all the characters will receive as a gift the transformation staff "8 March Women Transformation - Valhalla-Age" with the morning restart on March 8. This is a shadow item that transforms you for a while into a girl, and also it has some useful bonuses You can take part in the event in two ways: 1. Kill any monsters in the game world of 61-85 levels. Lost Bead will drop out of them with a 10% chance; 2. Hunt the rabbits in special instance zone. You can visit special instance zone via NPC Maryse which appears at Giran Square each day from 15:00-20:00 and 20:00-21:00 (gmt +3); Instance zone duration - 20 min (which means that last entrance can be made at 20:30). After the event your character will be transferred back to the town. NPC Maryse can send from 1 to 50 players 1 time every 5 mins; After you will be transfered into instance zone you will find Maria (best friend of Maryse). She will hide you by transforming your character into rabbit and buff you with Wind Walk lv. 2. To find the "Lost Bead" you need to scout the area with skill "Rabbit Magic Eye". But you should be careful - some rabbits can become really angry! Exchange Lost Bead and receive the following rewards: Family Box with Life Stones - 3 Lost Bead + 1 Family Coin Enchantmented Family Box - 5 Lost Bead + 1 Family Coin Giant Codex - 15 Lost Bead + 1 Family Coin (or 42 Lost Bead) 300 Knight's Epaulette - 5 Lost Bead + 1 Family Coin (or 25 Lost Bead) Attribute stones (Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Divinity, Darkness) - 7 Lost Bead + 1 Family Coin (or 28 Lost Bead). Attribute stones can not be exchanged, dropped, sold. Soul Crystal level 12 (Red, Green, Blue) - 30 Lost Bead + 3 Family Coin (or 125 Lost Bead) Soul Crystal level 13 (Red, Green, Blue) - 85 Lost Bead + 7 Family Coin (or 290 Lost Bead) P.S. Dear Ladies! I would like to congratulate you for the International Women's Day on behalf of our team! Let all your dreams come true, our beloved and charming girls. :uuuuu:
  21. Papanda

    Happy Holidays + event!

    Dear friends! 2017 year going to its end and we want to say that this year has been very good after all. No matter how controversial it was - we've made it and became even better! [spoiler=Start of the year - end of the year] The whole E-Global Team season’s greetings with all good wishes for the Marry Christmas and New Year. We want to wish you to enjoy next year as much as you can - in your everyday life as well as in our lovely gameworld of Lineage 2! Happy New 2018 Year! And ofcourse we prepared the an awesome event and gifts for you! Welcome - Saving Santa! Event start - 30th December Event end - 16 January Santa's Helpers throughout Aden and Elmore are begging for your assistance. It seems that Santa Claus has been imprisoned by the jealous and fanatical Thomas D. Turkey. Outraged by the treatment that he and his brethren have endured over the centuries, Thomas is holding Santa hostage in an undisclosed location to show the world that turkeys mean business. It is up to the citizens of this fair land to help free Santa. The fate of this and all future holidays depend on you. You must find Thomas and defeat him in a "turkey style" battle. Only then will Santa be free from turkey tyranny. Help Santa's Helpers. Help Santa. And help save the holidays for us all. Details: Event Description: Happy Holidays! with :heart:, E-Global team
  22. Papanda

    Daily achievement

    Hello SOiL, Thanks for your thread. However this is all because your dont have updated client, so you need to full check: if you don't have new files in client - it will show the daily reward (for beeing 1h in game) as a last buff that you have on character, however its not correct (no effect). This buff increases your incoming exp by 30%. So we highly recommend you to update your client via updater (by pressing full check). Thanks!
  23. Dear friends! You've mist Grand Opening and now don't know what you going to do? Don't worry, we have some good news! Specia for you we have prepared new event on Gracia Final x3 - Bonus Start, which will take place starting from September 30, at 17:00 (CEST). It's a good chance to start on the new Evolution server or re-start with a new character! Useful information: Create Account; Files; Server description. We have created best comfort conditions to start on our server special for you: Starter packages, which will help you in development of your character. Items will be added to 1st character on the new account. More details below; Re-worked rewards for Achievements for level 20, 40 adn 52. Such rewards will help you in exping; New 5th daily quest has been added. You will receive special coins that you can spend in special store for useful items; Adena reward has been increased до to x2 for all quests, exept 3rd class transfer. It will help you to get yourself 1, 2 professtion or C-Grade equipment; Amount of boxes has been increased to 5, every PA will give you an extra box, but not more thatn 9. 50% discount in your Control Panel on "Unique Family’s Ancestral Treasure" package. Starter gifts: *items will be added on 1st character on new account. Premium Account. +50% Exp/Sp/Adena/Drop/Spoil for 12h. Family NG equipment - Package of NG-Grade equipment that will fit your class (for 30 days). Can be opened only before 1st class transfer. Family D-Grade equipment - Package of D-Grade equipment that will fit your class (for 30 days). Can be opened only after 1st class transfer. Soulshots NG (x3000); Spiritshots NG (x2000); Soulshot D-grade (x3000); Blessed SpiritShot D-grade (x2000); Greater Healing Potion (x50); Lucky Four-leaf Clover (for 1-61 Levels) - You can receive accessory that you will restore your vitality. Test your luck. Can not be traded, droped etc. Meanwhile we also recommend to read following threads to find out all features of the server: Newbie helper - Changes Cyclic macros - Information and FAQ [.achiv] Unique Achievement system [Pathfinder Worker] Personal Daily Quests - Gracia Final x3 Dear friends, we are very appreciate for your vote of confidence and support. All current players will be also provided with some bonus: Rune of Experience Points 30% 5-hour limited period Rune will be added to characters inventory once that will log in. You can receive it in duration of September 30 to October 1, until 23:00 (CEST). A bit of interesting statistics: Grand Opening - September 10. Average online 4 500 players. On weekend: ~5 000. Registered accounts - 25 050. Online is mostly of uniqe players. % of boxes and traders is not that big. There are not players with 3rd party software. We watch very closely on this matter. There are players from all over the world playing on our server, such as: almost all europe, north and south America and even Asia (especially China). Average level of players: 54, top level - 83. Players with 3rd profession - 723, with sub-class - 166, Noblesses - 28. Most server's online is solo players, small groups and clans. Clans: 1 lvl - 73, 2 lvl - 9, 3 lvl - 80, 4 lvl - 21, 5 lvl - 48, 6 lvl - 15, 7 lvl - 5, 8 lvl - 1. Alliance - 35. 3 most common professions: Bounty Hunter, Blade Dancer and Warcryer. Race statistics: Kamaels 6.89%, Orcs 11.26%, Humans 19.76%, Dark Elfs 15.78%, Elfs в 14.35%, Dwarfs 16.17%. Once you start on our server - you can find any company that you would like and useful system of "party looking" will help you with this. Bonus start - it's like grand opening, but even better! Come and check by yourself or come with your friends. We hope you will enjoy an awesome world of E-Volution Gracia Final x3.
  24. Нашли, локализировали, устранили. Мы ТВ не хотели, но ТВ хотело нас.
  25. Papanda


    Уважаемые игроки, Проблема известна и будет решена со следующим рестартом сервера. Тему закрываю, так как ее ценность (в оповещении о проблеме с геодатой) была озвучена и принята во внимание. Любое тиражирование этой ситуации будет воспринято не как попытки решить создавшуюся ситуацию, а как попытки усугубить сложившуюся ситуацию. Система тикетов работает исправно и все вопросы или замечания можно высказать там и получить персональный ответ. Данную тему и все подобные я закрываю.
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