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Все публикации пользователя LEX1

  1. LEX1


    We are glad to help you! Don't hesitate to contact us if you'll have any other questions.
  2. LEX1


    Hello, G0dric91 You could use 5 game windows at the one HWID.
  3. Hello Any question about ban/unban of your character you could ask only on ticket in your control panel (http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/support-team.35/)
  4. LEX1


    Как я знаю, основная нагрузка на ПК в Ла2 ложится на процессор. Тогда и делайте акцент на нём Правда, я бы советовал собирать ПК самому, так куда лучше чем уже готовые варианты(в основном).
  5. LEX1


    А для каких конкретно целей улучшаете железо? Сам сидел практически на этом варианте "Процессор Intel Core i5-4460 Материнская плата MSI B85M-P33 V2 Видеокарта MSI GeForce GTX 960 GAMING 2G" По карте точно советовал бы брать 960 на 4 гб, разница по цене небольшая, но для некоторых игр/шопа полезная. Ну и 4 гб, наверное, маловато будет
  6. LEX1


    Hello Please, provide your nickname to me in PM.
  7. LEX1

    Craft Rate Success 20% max

    Hello We have a standart craft chance on our server, like on original interlude chronicles. It's just a question of random.
  8. LEX1

    3rd class buffs at Modern Buff Book ??

    Hello, Simple Unfortunately, 3rd class buffs will not be introduced because of server concept. You could read this thread http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/interlude-mid-rate-x25-is-back-january-7.11568/ - for more information.
  9. LEX1

    Summoner and E-book

    Hello, grscorpion Unfortunately, Baffs and songs for pets will not be introduced because of server concept. You could read this thread http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/interlude-mid-rate-x25-is-back-january-7.11568/ - for more information.
  10. LEX1

    Any News..?

    Hello We do not plan to merge IL and GF servers in the near future.
  11. LEX1

    Craft %

    Hello, Farq We have a standart craft chance on our server, like on original interlude chronicles. It's just a question of random.
  12. LEX1

    Offline Shop

    Hello Besides this, your character need to have 50k of adena to set up offline shop.
  13. LEX1

    Can u change CL?

    Hello, Abis Yes, we could transfer your CL to another game character. Just make a ticket in your control panel(http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/support-team.35/) with all nicknames and clan name
  14. LEX1

    E-BOOK buffs for pets for summoners

    Hello, Kirk Unfortunately, Baffs and songs for pets will not be introduced because of server concept. You could read this thread http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/interlude-mid-rate-x25-is-back-january-7.11568/ - for more information.
  15. LEX1

    CP - Donate

    Thank you, we will check your information
  16. Hello Your character need to be 30 level to sit on the trade. just PM me if I could help with something else :)
  17. Проблему исправили, всем приятной игры :)
  18. Здравствуйте Небольшие неполадки с прокси. Технический отдел уже занимается восстановлением, просим прощение за неудобства.
  19. LEX1

    gift box rune

    Hello Gift boxes were always traidable. But only a high levels haracters were able to get them.
  20. Здравствуйте Мы перепроверим проклятое оружие, если есть проблема - исправим.
  21. LEX1

    ban this blocking guy

    Hello, merovvains You could always use /target command to avoid this situation :)
  22. LEX1

    Summon Buffs Dance and songs

    Hello, Adorias Unfortunately, Baffs and songs will not be introduced because of server concept
  23. LEX1


    Hello, esdr Cursed weapon will be able after nearest restart :)
  24. LEX1


    We will set up a proxy servers today, so you will choose the best connection quality for your region. This will help with lags
  25. LEX1

    i cant use bonus code from event

    Hello Please make a ticket in your control panel (http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/support-team.35/) we will check it
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