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Все публикации пользователя LEX1

  1. LEX1

    Cardi 80 LF english speaking, or PL Const PT

    Topic closed
  2. LEX1


    server(game) time
  3. LEX1

    Hero Bot and noob Arh !! Tickets done

    The best option - to send the video to our technical support(via tickets). We couldn't ban them on forum.
  4. LEX1


    Hello The best option to exchange and buy seeds is 20.06(game time) Use the /time command in game to determine the game time. If you got other question - just PM me ;)
  5. LEX1


    Hello The nectar event is finished, we exposed a specific date in the event thread. However, expect new interesting activity soon :)
  6. LEX1

    Hero Bot and noob Arh !! Tickets done

    We thank you for the video, which helps to our bothunters. But these issues are always going through support, not on forum
  7. LEX1

    Hero Bot and noob Arh !! Tickets done

    Did you wrote the ticket in control panel? o_O
  8. LEX1

    RB Gordon

    всегда пожалуйста, удачно зафармить ;)
  9. LEX1


    Hello, Tabarnack I admit, I did not play for warlord :D But could provide some russians guides/videos about dreadnought in Olympiad. if you're interested, just PM me ;)
  10. LEX1

    RB Gordon

    Здрвствуйте Raid Boss Gordon HP 400000 P. Atk 9000 P. Def 5000 Время респа - 12+8 Карту нарисовать не могу, но думаю данного видео будет вполне достаточно )
  11. По просьбам игроков было принято решение - увеличить количество окон увеличено до 6. Всем приятной игры :) update - личные обсуждение оставьте для ЛК;) Тема закрыта
  12. LEX1

    Varka Rb's

    Hello Shadith and Mos respawn time 12+8 hours. Just PM me - if I could help you with something else :)
  13. LEX1


    Yes, I understand, but to be honest, we removed NPC according to the date of the forum. About this thread, our administration decided to make some change on the site about important events with: - Game Announcement; - The timer on the site; - Messages in the CP. I hope this will help to avoid misunderstandings in the future :)
  14. LEX1


    And he was. What is the main problem?
  15. LEX1


    Hello Please read this thread http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/haloween-is-here-en.9456/ NPC should be until 10.11.2016
  16. LEX1


    На счёт количества окон - решение уже было принято.
  17. LEX1


    Здравствуйте! Да, существует данная ошибка, с ближайшим рестартом вход будет доступен с 27 персонажей. Пожалуйста воздержитесь от подобной форме подачи вопроса на будущее;)
  18. LEX1

    Missing Nectar

    Hello Unfortunately this event ended. NPC for exchange items will be available until tomorrow.
  19. LEX1

    Hero Bot and noob Arh !! Tickets done

    You have exposed in the topic, the answer that you got from our support (who speaks on behalf of the Administration)
  20. LEX1

    Hero Bot and noob Arh !! Tickets done

    These players have been checked by our specialists and sent to prison. Also. I want to remind you about our project rules. II. User’s obligations 2.2. prohibited: r) Publishing logs of private conversation with Administration
  21. LEX1

    Which patch

    Hello Please follow the instruction below: - delete "System" folder - delete "SysTexstures" folder - disable your antivirus and/or brandmauer/firewall - make a full check by using updater “L2e-global.exe” in the Lineage 2 root folder
  22. LEX1

    Is server down?

    Everything should work stably now If it won't help - let me know in PM
  23. LEX1

    Is server down?

    Guys, do not worry. We know about the problem and try to solve asap No, this is just for example.
  24. LEX1

    Is server down?

    Hello. Please could you provide your IP me in PM. We will fix it Asap
  25. LEX1

    LEAGUE BOT , iROX heroe ghost sentinel

    We will check this characters. But I say this to you for the future. Topic will be closed - to avoid negative between players Update - character sent to prison. Please, next time - make conversation in tickets ;)
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