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Все публикации пользователя LEX1

  1. LEX1

    TW nobless

    Hello You will need to collect 70 badges to become a nooble for next TW. Please contact us if you still need any help ;)
  2. LEX1

    Bot is allowed here?

    bots/screepts not allowed for everyone, because it contradicts the rules of the project.
  3. LEX1

    Bot is allowed here?

    Make a ticket about bots next time please. We couldn't ban for bot on forum
  4. LEX1


    Yes, buff on the cake goes for all who approached it. it's not a secret. Is's not individually for one person. It works for an hour, so it couldn't just dissapear.
  5. LEX1

    Nobles with 50 items only?

    In order to avoid flooding and negative - topic closed. If you still have any questions - just PM me :)
  6. LEX1

    Nobles with 50 items only?

    I'm sorry, made a mistake. Next TW it will cost 70 badges. We do not change the rules, it's just an event
  7. LEX1

    Nobles with 50 items only?

    This is a common event, nothing more.
  8. LEX1

    Nobles with 50 items only?

    It does not create severe problems with balance right, isn't it?) Nooble will cost 100 next month
  9. Спасибо за обращение. На данный момент действует ивент "Бонус старт". На днях будут опубликованы пара ивентов. просто ожидайте анонсов ;)
  10. Данные персонажи были забанены и отправлены в тюрьму. В следующий раз - оперативно пишите тикет Закрыто
  11. Здравствуйте Прежде чем говорить так про администрацию, Вы писали тикет в личном кабинете с жалобой на бота? "перейти по URL" Мы не баним их на форуме, это делают наши специалисты.;)
  12. LEX1


    Hello Yes, clans with 5lvl and above could participate in siege
  13. LEX1


    I could only advise you create a ticket in control panel like here "перейти по URL" with screenshots
  14. LEX1


    Hello I really do not see any problems with it. Could you provide more screenshots or video. Bosses adjusted according to the official chronicles
  15. LEX1


    Hello It's normal for lineage game to atack enemy with ctrl. on which servers you've played before?:eek:
  16. LEX1

    Territory War Badges -Reward

    Hello 1. All char from 40+ but the quest counted only from 61lvl killed characters 2. No, you need to make quest and kill others players to obtain badges 3. Yes
  17. Я поговорю с нашим техническим отделом по поводу возможности перевода интерфейса :)
  18. LEX1

    PvP - scripts! - Punishment

    Please communicate without flooding.
  19. LEX1


    As I already said. Make a ticket about this, we couldn't ban bots on forum Closed
  20. LEX1


    About what kind of protection are you talking about? Thay were banned like other players. Did you wrote tickets about this? Can you give a number? We couldn't ban characters on forum, so please ("перейти по URL")
  21. LEX1

    Implement GE/H5 mail system - YES/NO ?

    We will let you know
  22. LEX1

    Urgent! Bug found.

    Hello This problem transferred to our specialist. We will answer asap ;)
  23. LEX1

    thousands of shops!!

    Hello We got a limit for offline traders and on line as stable, so it couldn't be any new lags
  24. LEX1


    We got limit on offline shops as it has been said
  25. LEX1


    We do not cover anyone :huh: Rules are the same for all Please provide a number of ticket in PM
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