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Все публикации пользователя LEX1

  1. LEX1


    Hello, Anisoropos http://dl2.joxi.net/drive/2016/11/23/0014/3139/961603/03/82df61cf63.jpg - here you could see real Gracia Final unique on-line. On onterlude x7 we got 200-300 unique players. I would also like to specify that we will open new interlude x25 server on January 7 th. So it all depends entirely on your preferences :) If I could help with something else - just PM me.
  2. LEX1

    Christmas event?

    Hello, Juggernutts We will start a new Christmas game events on December 24th. So just wait some time ;)
  3. LEX1

    How many unique online these days ?

    Hello, Abis We already got this thread here - http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/real-players.10804/ :)
  4. LEX1

    Hero Bot and noob Arh !! Tickets done

    I'll just leave here the rules to which you agreed when you start playing d) Use 3rd party software for analyzing information about server’s work, any gaming imitation software such as in-game bot, any clickers (even official mouse software, for e.g. Logitech) etc. or other programs for interfering to the game process. e) Play at the same party with player who uses 3rd party software. Before sending the character to prison, our specialist makes video. If you have any evidence of how fraps or screenshots that your character was sent to jail falsely, please provide it in the ticket Topic closed
  5. LEX1


    Сегодняшний рестарт был необходим для важных корректировок по некоторым локациям. Нам жаль, что это привело к неудобствам.
  6. LEX1

    Hero Bot and noob Arh !! Tickets done

    Did they make a ticket about this situation? Could you provide a number of it?
  7. LEX1

    Clan halls

    Hello I will talk about this question with our team. Please wait for reply :)
  8. LEX1


    Hello, Kevin Unfortunately sex change feature is not available due to technical reasons Just PM me if I could help with something else.
  9. Hello, kapi :) We do not plan to add this items to donation shop Quest should be available today)
  10. Данные итемы не будут вводиться в донат шоп. Было принято решение увеличить лимит уровня для близнецов с 75-82 на 75-85. Так же хотим напомнить, что группы от 18 человек могут фармить данные вещи с кахимэнуса
  11. LEX1

    Clan quest lvl 4 BUG!!!

    Hello, BloodyMary Could you make a ticket in your control panel (http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/support-team.35/) with some screenshots and stage where you exacly stuck. We haven't found any problems with this quest.
  12. LEX1


    Hello, l3assHunteR We got two data centers that located in USA and three in Europe. If I could help with something else - just PM me :)
  13. LEX1

    What is permaban?

    Hello dear community If we are talking about FLESH - he will be unbanned tomorrow in evening with deleting olimpycs points. My quote belonged to another offender SWS that got permaban. If you got any question or suggestions about it - I will be glad to hear it in PM :)
  14. LEX1

    Servitor Battle

    Hello, Ev1LDuck You'll get an answer in the ticket about this question.
  15. Вы правы, мы пересмотрим способ выдачи Виталити шапок :)
  16. Здравствуйте, KoHqpeTka Действительно, не все аксессуары и вещи из Е-казино передаются между персонажами. Так было изначально задумано Администрацией проекта. Так же хочу уточнить, что мы можем пойти на встречу и перенести некоторые аксессуары на других ваших персонажей. Для этого отправьте нам дополнительную информацию в тикете (http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/support-team.35/) 1) Полное название аксессуара (на англ.) 2) Бонус-код, с помощью активации которого вы получили аксессуар 3) Дата активации кода через ЛК 4) Аккаунт, на котором находится персонаж
  17. LEX1

    help please

    We could help you with prefixes, if you got all all necessary information about your account. Just make a ticket in your CP(http://l2e-global.com/forum/threads/support-team.35/)
  18. Доступ в личный кабинет был восстановлен. Пожалуйста отпишите нам - всё ли в порядке.
  19. LEX1

    Olympic fight with singer?

    He got permaban already I think topic should be closed
  20. LEX1

    Olympic fight with singer?

    Hello Thank for you appeal. Character will be punished :) If I could help with something else - PM me
  21. LEX1

    Black Friday - top sale night

    Hello, kapi Do not worry. Soon you will find all important information, before the start of Event ;)
  22. LEX1

    Happy weekend + 50% Bonus exp/sp

    Hello, Puls0 Most likely invasion will be on Friday before a sellout :)
  23. LEX1

    real Players

    Forum is silent because everyone is busy for playing lineage But we can change it with you :)
  24. LEX1

    real Players

    Hello Maybe online has a little decreased, but it corresponds to the statistics that you see on main page
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