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Все публикации пользователя Awe

  1. Awe

    Давайте знакомиться, Awe

    У меня? :oops::oops: Не исключено с;
  2. Awe

    Давайте знакомиться, Awe

    Ну сек, что уж
  3. Awe

    Давайте знакомиться, Awe

    Не пали, его посадят :ninja:
  4. Awe

    Давайте знакомиться, Awe

    Я зайчик Я твой ребенок ахахаха смешно :D
  5. Awe

    Давайте знакомиться, Awe

    Не соответствуем формату, тих :D
  6. Awe

    Давайте знакомиться, Awe

    Вообще с англ - благоговение, но я выбирала от выражения "Aaawwww" типа умиление :D
  7. Awe

    Давайте знакомиться, Awe

    Aaawwww, спасибо :rolleyes:
  8. Awe

    Давайте знакомиться, Awe

    Сначала злой пони называет, потом единорогов скидывает:cautious::D
  9. Awe

    Contest "I want foxes" and new pets on Averia.ws!

    The contest is over! All our participants (gopik and mynde3d) get new fascinating foxes and 300 Avers :inlove: Thank you for your participation! We love you :inlove:
  10. Awe

    Contest "I want foxes" and new pets on Averia.ws!

    I suppose, we will choose winners from International section separately :rolleyes:
  11. Awe

    Screenshot contest "The scariest monster"

    The contest is over.
  12. Awe

    Contest "I want foxes" and new pets on Averia.ws!

    The contest will last till 18/05/2015. Also we changed new pets' bonuses and award, winners will get 300 Avers! Do not miss the opportunity to win!
  13. Вы можете зайти к боссу и через shift+click посмотреть шанс дропа свитка.
  14. Добрый вечер! При заходе на персонажа он автоматически встает с торговли.
  15. Вот такого мне еще никто не говорил :D
  16. Откат у самой трансформации - 4 часа. Это у той, которую учить через книгу
  17. Dear Averians! As everyone knows, we love to please you with new innovations, which have been made to adorn your favorite game :inlove: This week our wonderful developers made new pets, small nice foxes, which not only help any class in the fight, but also decorate your character. Let's look at our new cuties :inlove: [spoiler=Sea fox, analogue of Fairy for mages + buff Gift Of Seraphim] [spoiler=Desert fox, analogue of turtle for warriors + buff Blessing Of Queen] Foxes are analogous to those pets, which are written in spoilers, except for additional buffs. Also foxes have 20 percent higher stats than fairy or turtle has. If you play warrior, Yellow fox will be ideal for you, but if your calling is casting skills, take Blue :inlove: We liked foxes so much, that had long thought how to present them to you, dear players. We start contest "I want a Fox on Averia.ws" You must make 1-2 photos, where we will see You and inscription "I want a Fox on Averia.ws!" It will be perfect, if in photos there will be your real pet :rolleyes: We have made an example of how should your work should look like (the inscription is in Russian, but, I think, you will understand the main idea :oops:) [spoiler=Awe] [spoiler=automatic] Photo requirements: 1. Photos must be of good quality. 2. Averia.ws inscription must be in your photo (not made in graphic editor). 3. You may use graphic editor to change colors/contrast/brightness. 4. You may not use third-party graphic in photo. Rules: 1. It is prohibited to insult other contestants. 2. Contestants must have game character on one of the Averia.ws servers. Prizes: The authors of the 5 best works will get any Fox for choice + 300 Avers! Foxes are unique, they are not on sale yet. All participants will get 15 Avers on forum account. Contest will run till 18/05/2015. You must post your works in this thread. Good luck, my friends!
  18. Awe

    Plans for 2015!

    We decided to make small announcement so that you can stay up to date and competitors know when they shouldn't open their servers :sneaky: Plans for servers in 2015: July, 2015 (beginning) - High Five x50 ← Do not forget to tell your friends! October, 2015 (beginning) - High Five (low-rate) Advertising campaign: For the next High Five in July we are planning to allocate about half a million, because even with good reputation and big audience we will not rely only on our name, we are interested in gathering big audience of solo-players and not depending directly on sides on server. Of course, start will not dispense with League, Enemydown, ShadowsBad and other big clans, we are trying to vary both PvP in locations and Olympiad / Sieges / Events. What are we doing now? We are developing interesting services, events, as well as working with the section of technical support, doing small corrections of monster AI in order to start in July really the best High Five project, which will be perfect in everything! :thumbsup:
  19. Hello everyone! We have prepared for you new screenshot contest! I think, everything is clear by name of the thread! Remember and find monsters, which make your blood run cold, in the world of L2! Contest rules: Screenshot must be done on our server It's prohibited to use any graphic editors (collages are allowed) Every player of every our server can take part in this contest Your work must correspond to the given theme of the contest A work must be posted in this thread, hidden under the spoiler Under your work you must write your game nickname and server You may post maximum of 2 works there. For flood we will give warning points :sneaky: The winners will get accessory for choice (cost 300 avers) and 15 avers on the forum account! Contest will last from 30/04/2015 to 14/05/2015.
  20. Awe

    Давайте знакомиться, Awe

    О, привет) Самара -- одна большая деревня, кстати :D
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