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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем LEX1

  1. Hello,[uSER=57088] madafaka[/uSER]


    First of all please make sure that:

    - you downloaded the game files from one of our portals: E-Global - worldwide Lineage 2 project. Off-like sources - Interlude, Gracia Final, High Five, Classic. or Valhalla Age - New Interlude. Grand Opening March 31. Lineage 2 Interlude x10, High Five, Classic, Freya, Gracia Final

    - you haven't installed any third-party software (e.g. patches)


    If the mentioned above was done correctly, then you need to make a full check in the such way:


    - put the game folder to the antivirus and firewall exclusions

    - download updater and install it to the root folder of the game client - MEGA

    - delete System folder from the game client

    - run the updater "InterludeFinal.exe" and make a full check


    Write to us about the results

  2. Hello,[uSER=57082] Magdalen[/uSER]



    The Banish Seraph skill works properly (according to the official Lineage 2 platform).

    The chance of the "Banish Seraph" skill depends on the skill's level, also it's chance depends on the difference in the levels between npc and your character. If the npc's level will exceed your character's level more than 2 levels, then a chance of the skill passing will be lower.

  3. Ok, I've seen that this was an issue on previous releases too but, are you guys for real ? No autoloot ? Or even worse, pay to get "family coins" to buy autoloot ? I mean, come on, this is a basic function on every single mid-rate server.... What's next ? Quests for 1st 2nd 3rd profession ?


    Don't tell me that I'm overreacting, for us who don't use bots, picking up every drop on every mob it's just a torture.

    You have done a great job on the server, but this is just unbearable. I wonder what the rest of the players think.... We are talking about a x25 (midrate) server after all...

    Hello,[uSER=57023] mparmpas5656[/uSER]


    I advise you to read this topic, as it was on an early IF x7 server, the autolot is available in a separate form and does not require any family coins :)

    [Auto-loot] Agathion-Helper

  4. Hello


    First of all please make sure that:

    - you downloaded the game files from one of our portals: E-Global - worldwide Lineage 2 project. Off-like sources - Interlude, Gracia Final, High Five, Classic.

    - you haven't installed any third-party software (e.g. patches)


    If the mentioned above was done correctly, then you need to make a full check in the such way:


    - put the game folder to the antivirus and firewall exclusions

    - download updater and install it to the root folder of the game client

    - delete System folder from the game client

    - run the updater "InterludeFinal.exe" and make a full check


    Write to us about the results

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