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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем LEX1

  1. Hi... this is my first private server I have joined. I use to love L2 back in Chronicles and specifically Interlude :) and that is why I am here.


    I created character today and he started in Giran (Human Mystic)? Is that normal? Can I start at TI like in old game on 3rd august ?


    Thanks for reading



    Starting places for all races remain standard, as it was originally in the game, do not worry about it :)

    • Do you mean the no grade we get right now or completely retail like?
    • The XP rate and adena rate are not in balance...when you hit lvl 20 you get around 50k adena with which you cannot buy anything if the price of D grade from standard NPC's is retail like (~2kk for full D top grade, ofcourse top grade is not needed but still). Maybe change the adena drop rate from 70% (seen on the monster description window) to 100%? Also, what do you mean by dynamic rate, the amount? (Interlude Final x25 - 03 August!)
    • Can you add the NPC's that sell mana pots and other stuff which would be there when server launches?
    • Will Chant of Life be fixed? As mentioned it takes a buff slot.
    • When will you put up the donation list?

    - No grade that you get right now

    - Dynamic rates means that the rates can vary depending on the level, as it was on last interlude-final

    - We already have mana potion from NPC

    - Submitted for testing

    - Soon

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