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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем LEX1

  1. There is BOT partys and solo boting characters in the midle of dragon valley! how about that ? They atack mobs near the party only they do not atack higher lvl mobs, if i target a mob they switch target , and the are full d grade party on auto asist macro ....



    Thank you. Our bot-hunter will check this characters. But please, write a ticket with nicknames in the support next time.

    1.There is a loop macro feature.

    2.Who cares about bots these days?

    1. yes, but there is a difference between macros and 3rd software

    2. We cares, as well as players want a stable and good game without bots

  2. Hello


    Pailaka works correctly. We tested it many times, with different characters, different classes. Including passed it today several times. There are no mistakes in it, the final NPC always appears, if the quest is passed correctly - http://prntscr.com/ja5rvg

    The only explanation for the fact that you do not have a final npc that you did not talk to all of the NPCs (Temple Inspector), or missed one of the bosses and didn't make a fullcheck

  3. Помогите решить проблему создал себе гнома не отображет список телепортов у все ГК,перезахожу любым героем все работает.а на гноме не отображеться список ни в начальной деревни ни в другой телепортнулся ТП в гиран там тоже не раббит

    Пожалуйста используйте форум по назначению, уже есть множество тем с данной проблемой

    Просто смените язык в GM shop на английский :)

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