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Сообщения, опубликованные пользователем LEX1

  1. seriously now u delete my comment? i wasnt offensive i asked if u gonna add a major update that gonna keep the server alive , server is dieng like that update skills on summoners or more lifestones and xp rate will not help , everyone is full geared even the ppl who was behind in the past ppl now just OE weapons and farming Lifestones thats job for 2-3 ppl per CP , there is no pvp expect epics how long u think that story will go for? and cuz i asked if u gonna make a major update u focus to delete my comment than give me a answer wtf?



    About which specific comments are we talking about? We did not delete anything.

  2. I agree, this passive approach costed you server. I understand that I am supposed to help so the server runs smooth, but this server is so fucking polluted with bots, that i would just spend the little time I have reporting bots. Bots are LITERALLY EVERYWHERE.



    Thank you for every report, thereby to this position - it's easier to deal with such a problem for our bot-hunters. Unfortunately, full protection from bots is impossible without system protection.

    gms are autistic they not gonna log in game for 15 fucking minutes to just run through locations but instead will come here to forum and say shit like 'please provide us with the screenshot or video so we can take the action' yeah, sure thing bro I will log everyday abandon my exp/pvp whatever activites I have to do/help my clanmates with and do fucking powerpoint presentation about bots on your botland server so you can just type the fucking nickname and then /ban without moving your fat lazy fingers.


    We do not ask for screenshots or videos if you really do not have time for this, only a couple of nicknames, so that we can check and punish the full party.

  3. What's the point in trying to pull fog if you can't even vamp properly because you guys fucking ruined the destros by making 3 target limit. Why not make 6 a limit? Why 3?


    Ruining farming classes 1 step at a time.


    Either change it back to default or increase it from 3 to 6 because this is horseshit.


    Titans are broken AF and are completely useless unless for raiding. Other than that they serve no purpose.




    The server was originally conceived as a unique project, where some classes would not have such a substantial dominance to farm or pvp. This is how we balanced the game and clarified it in the concept itself

  4. it took me 20-50 tries to create account . my friends too. ur system doesnt send prop since server started . + put some "How to connect" in website . friends joined few days ago and asked me how do they join, well it took me 20 min to findout . wthell

    As far as I see from your last post, you are playing on our project not the first time. We have the simplest procedure for registering on the site https://l2e-global.com/reg . Please describe the issue you are experiencing with registration.

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